Coifi, incontinentlie made this answer; that Suerlie the religion which they had hitherto followed was nothing worth.
Notwithstanding, in this his innocent death, his offense was punished, wherein he had suerlie transgressed the lawes of the church.
But the king himselfe vttered his mind, and said, that whatsoeuer other men thought of the matter, he suerlie was of the like mind with the bishops, & would be loth to run in danger of Anselms cursse.
And no maruell: for suerlie (as it should seeme by report of Thomas de la More) the lords wrested him too much, and beyond the bounds of reason, causing him to receiue to be about him whome it pleased them to appoint.
Further matter at this present I impart not vnto you, sauing that with warrant you maie depart suerlie and safelie into your countrie, where I trust sooner to visit you, than you shall haue cause to bid me welcome.
And they shall be conuersant and merchandizen freelie and suerlie togither, paieng the custome due and accustomed.
Thus the Frenchmen being ordered vnder their standards and banners, made a great shew: for suerlie they were esteemed in number six times as manie or more, than was the whole companie of the Englishmen, with wagoners, pages and all.
Now were the Dolphin and the duke of Burgognie growen to a certeine agreement, by mediation of cardinals sent from the pope, so that the Englishmen suerlie thought that they would leauie a power, and come downe to rescue Chierburg.
The king of England kept on his iournie till he came to the bridge of saint Marence, where he found aboue thirtie thousand Frenchmen, and there pitched his field, looking suerlie to be fought withall.
And suerlie the same spred abroad their blossoms so freshlie, that the fruit was knit before the growth by anie timelie prouision could be hindered.
But suerlie the hearts of the Britains were wonderfullie changed, and in no wise would consent to haue anie warre with the Frenchmen, if anie reasonable peace might be concluded.
Albons, wassuerlie great, and manie deuises they had to haue saued those that were executed.
For such was his towardnesse, or rather perfection in princelie gouernement, that if he had liued and atteined to the crowne, euerie man iudged that he would suerlie haue exceeded the glorious renowme of all his ancestors.
But whosoeuer was glad or sorie for the trouble of the said earle, suerlie the queene mother tooke it most heauilie aboue all other, as she that loued him more (as the fame went) than stood well with hir honour.
So suerlie thought he, that there could be none harme toward him in that councell intended, where Catesbie was.
But suerlie great pitie was it, that he had not had either more truth, or lesse wit.
His death suerlie was greatlie bewailed of king Henrie, openlie protesting that he had lost the worthiest capteine that then liued.
And suerlie he is not worthie of a priuilege which abuseth the same being granted.
In this heat if the earle of Chester and other had not beene at hand, he had suerlie slaine the cheefe iustice euen there with his drawne sword, who was glad to auoid his presence, till his angrie mood was somwhat ouerpassed.
And suerlie these prodigious accidents are not to be omitted as matter of course; for they haue their weight, and shew their truth in the issue.
When the earle knew of the kings returne, he followed him with all hast possible, trusting suerlie to ouertake him, and to giue him battell.
With that he alighted downe, and slue his horse with his sword, saieng; Let him flee that will, for suerlie I will tarrie with him that will tarrie with me: and kissed the crosse of his sword as it were for a vow to the promise.
If we haue receiued any benefits of him, suerlie they be not so much as we haue deserued, nor so much as we looked for; and yet they be much more than he would we shuld inioy, as ye both well perceiue and know.
And suerlie it soundeth to reason, that the pestilence should fetch awaie so manie thousands, as in iudgement by proportion of fifteene yeares warre one maie gather; and manie more too.
Suerlie how much learning so euer he had in the lawes of the land, litle at all or none (as appeareth) had he in suffering the forces of aduersitie, whom the feare of it did so terrifie, that it droue him to his end.
Suerlie his presence was so much desired of all the people, that almost all men were readie in armour, looking for his arriuall: for they iudged that the verie sunne was taken from the world when hee was absent.
And suerlie the death of this king Charles caused alterations in France.
Suerlie the duke verie well learned in the law ciuill, detesting malefactors, and punishing offenses in seueritie of iustice, gat him hatred of such as feared condigne reward for their wicked dooings.
By which inforcement was the rich citie of Rone deliuered: for suerlie the duke of Summerset and the earle of Shrewesburie had well kept that citie, if they had beene no more vexed with the citizens, than they were with their enimies.
And suerlie the [Sidenote: The English nation practised in wars go commonlie awaie with the victorie.
But at the last, in all this doubtfull case there sprang a new branch out of my head, which suerlie I thought should haue brought forth faire floures; but the sunne was so hot, that they turned to drie weeds.
Semblablie, my coosine the earle of Richmond, his aids and kinsfolks, which be not of little power, will suerlie attempt like a fierce greihound, either to bite or to pearse me on the other side.
For suerlie this rule is infallible, that as ill men dailie couet to destroie the good; so God appointeth the good men to confound the ill.
And if the said two linages of Yorke and Lancaster, which so long haue striued for the imperiall diadem, should ioine in one against me, then were I suerlie mated, and the game gotten.
Suerlie these be examples of more vehemencie, than mans toong can expresse, to feare and astonish such euill persons, as will not liue one houre vacant from dooing and exercising crueltie, mischiefe, or outragious liuing.
Those that I haue brought vp my selfe, those that I had weent would most suerlie serue me, euen those faile me, and at my commandement will doo nothing for me.
For suerlie he knew that to be the daie, in the which it should be decided and determined whether he should peaceablie obteine and inioy his kingdome during his life, or else vtterlie forgo and be depriued of the same.
Suerlie the inconstancie of this woman were much to be maruelled at, if all women had beene found constant; but let men speake, yet women of the verie bond of nature will follow their owne sex.
And yet not content with this preie, which no doubt was of no small valour and moment, he laid on the peoples necks a great tax and tallage, and suerlie necessitie to that actin maner him compelled.
Euerie one giue but one sure stripe, & suerlie the iournie is ours.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suerlie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.