He was a handsome, well shap't man: very good company, and of a very readie and pleasant smooth witt.
Full readie had he his apothecaries To send him drugg and electuaries.
He was incomparably readie at repartyng, and his witt most sparkling when most sett-upon and provoked.
He returned into England an extraordinary accomplished gentleman, grew famous at court for his readie sparkling witt which was envyed, and he was (Sir William sayd) the bull that was bayted.
The like did king John, so that with stout stomachs and eger minds, they stood there in the field readie to trie the matter with dint of sword vpon sound of the warning-blast giuen by the trumpets.
This doone, with all conuenient speed he came downe to Calice, where he found 680 ships well appointed and trimmed, which Eustace surnamed the moonke had gathered and prepared there readie against his comming.
The barons which vnderstood the kings diligence herein, and coniecturing thereof his whole intent, made readie also their power, appointing for their generall one Robert Fitz Walter, a man both excellent in counsell, and valiant in warre.
Ferdinando the earle of Flanders hauing an armie of men readie by land, was lodged the same time not far off from the coast and therefore hearing what had chanced, came the next day, and ioined with the Englishmen.
He had also prouided a nauie of ships farre stronger than the French kings, readie to fight with them by sea, if the case had so required.
Take then this your companion by the hand Who hath a storie readie for your eare: I shall attend your leisure, but make haste The vaporous night approaches Mar.
What would you more I say but tell the truth alway: We vsde our matters so this day we caried him away, Vnto a port in Spaine, which sure is call'd the Groine, Whereas we for French lading plaine receiued readie coine.
Neuerthelesse I wan them to goe all with me, except three which I set on land, and with all diligence I was readie to set foorth about eight of the clocke at night, being a faire moone shine night, and went out.
Which we will take in most thankful part, and your highnes shal find vs in the like or a greater matter most readie to gratifie you, whom we wish most heartily well to fare.
William, who at that time was readie to make a iournie against the Britains, and tooke earle Harold with him to haue his companie in armes in that iournie, that he might haue the better triall of his valiancie.
Normans, and withall they imbattelled their footmen in a new order, so that their horssemen shifted themselues on the wings, readie to rescue the footmen if their arraie should happen to be disturbed.
The stuffe that they haue readie spunne is about fiue thousand waight, and they say that they trust to haue by that time they come downe yarne ynough to make 20.
And wee had giuen many rewards before, which you shal perceiue by other, and so we gaue the messengers a reward with thanks: and the ninth day we were sent to make vs readie to speak, with the Emperour on the morow.
He had a very readie witt, and would make verses on the roade, where he was the best company in the world.
He hath writt an excellent treatise of musique, in English, which is writt both doctis et indoctis, and readiefor the presse.
The horssemen that got foorth left their horsses behind them readie brideled and sadled, which the Frenchmen vpon entring the towne in the morning tooke, after they had slaine the most part of the footmen.
King Edward went ouer into France vpon the fiue and twentith of Maie, passing through Picardie vnto Amiens, and there the French king, to doo him honor, was readie to receiue him.
The Poictouins had written to him that he needed not bring ouer with him any great armie of men, but rather plentie of monie to reteine such as he should find there readie to serue him at his comming.
Now king Henrie hauing receiued these letters, interteined them that brought this message verie courteouslie, and promising them to send ouer aid with all expedition, he caused his nauie to be madereadie for that voiage.
By meanes of this proclamation, nothing was taken by the kings officers within the citie and liberties of the same, except readie paiment were made in hand, which vse continued not long.
Who being verie ryche in readie money and possessions, continued their life without gouernement at their owne pleasures, and without brydle or stay they began to consume their goodes.
Alas, how many times am I vanquished with the sharpe tormentes of sorowe, readie to take my leaue and last farewell of you, being arriued to the extreme panges of death.
Wherefore I purpose, for recompence of the pleasure, which you shall doe for mee, to giue so much readie money to marie her honourablie, as you shall thincke sufficient.
Gyges seyng that by no meanes, hee could auoyde the vayne requeste of the king, was readie at the tyme appoynted.
So restinge Readie to (per)forme the same and accordinge to my Bounden dutie to do her hignes anie service to my vttermoste.
And that my said lord of Winchester haue to my said lord of Glocester true and sad loue and affection, doo and bereadie to doo him such seruice as apperteineth of honestie to my said lord of Winchester and his estate to doo.
For he could not perceiue any manner of goodnesse or of aduantage that might haue growne to him thereof, but rather great perill and charge; and hereof my said lord of Winchester isreadie to make proofe, in time and place conuenient.
And for himselfe and all his adherents he vndertooke, that they were and would remaine, during life, his most faithfull liege people, readie in all points to serue him, as his trustie and obedient subiects.
If it therefore please the king to deliuer that bad man into our hands, we are readie without trouble or breach of peace, to returne into our countrie.
But if anie other waie might be deuised for their suerties, wherevnto they might safelie trust (he said) they were readie to come to his grace, and to sue for his fauour.
The poore people were so glad of this pardon, and so readie to receiue it, that without bidding farewell to their capteine, they withdrew themselues the same night euerie man towards his home.
Then they are better then we, who for a litle matter of profite are readie to draw back, and it is more apparente brethern looke too it, that make profite your maine end; repente of this, els goe not least you be like Jonas to Tarshis.
In which contentions they yet stick, and are not fit nor readie to intermedle in any bussines; and what issue things will come to we are not yet certaine.
First, that where the king that now is, was readie to arraigne an appeale against the duke of Norfolke, he dooing what perteined to his dutie in that behalfe, was yet banished afterwards without anie reasonable cause.
The duke likewise cast downe his hood, readie by battell to cleare his innocencie.
The shiriffe was as readie to giue battell as the earle to receiue it, and so with a standard of S.
Then how much more ought I to suffer death, to ease your grace of that gréefe which you haue of me, being your naturall sonne and liege man: and to that end I haue this daie made my selfe readie by confession and receiuing of the sacrament.
In yougthe also they be, readie scoffers, priuie mockers, and euer ouer light and mery.
The Bishop of Winchester Steph: Gardiner had a quicke head, and a readie tong, and yet was not the best writer in England.
But found a friend whose dearest blood and life Shal be as readie as thine owne for thee; In place of wife such friend thou hast of mee.
For the more earnestly and faithfully ye serue your prince in this battell, which you are readie to fight against periured persons, the more shall your reward be at the hands of God and him.
The Scots were as readie to encounter with them, so that the battell began to be verie hot, and euen at the first out flew the arrows, and then the footmen ioined, who fought most fiercelie on both sides.
Now yer he had all made an end of his words, the batels were readie to ioine, they met with great noise of trumpets and other instruments, and the fight began with a verie sore and cruell slaughter.
When the earle had made an end, all the armie (lifting vp their hands to Gods) abiured all intention to flée, and so made themselues readie to set forward.
Sidenote: The ordering of the kings armie readie to giue battell.
After him marcheth the earle of Albemarle, a man of singular constancie in euill, verie readie to attempt and loth to giue ouer a mischeefe: [Sidenote: The earle of Albermerles wife.
Without the palace there is a chamber, wherein the drinkes are layd, and there are servants readie there to poure it out, when they heare the angell sounding the trumpet.
Whereas I was procuring the same certaine dayes, and for that they were many the which I should carrie, it was not possible by any meanes that they should be made readie against the departure of the fleete.
Who builds his hope in ayre of your good Lookes, Liues like a drunken Sayler on a Mast, Readie with euery Nod to tumble downe, Into the fatall Bowels of the Deepe Lou.
I cannot speake: if my heart bee not readie to burst- Well (sweete Iacke) haue a care of thy selfe Falst.
If not, wee readie are to trye our fortunes, To the last man Hast.
Which being done, and the Prisoner at the Barre readie to receiue her Tryall: M.
The boy is vanisht, and I can see nothing in his stead But a white horse readie sadled and bridled.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "readie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.