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Example sentences for "trauelled"

Lexicographically close words:
trauailing; trauayle; traueiled; trauel; trauell; traueller; trauellers; trauelling; trauels; trauma
  1. From Satagam I trauelled by the countrey of the king of Tippara or porto Grande, with whom the Mogores or Mogen haue almost continuall warres.

  2. For after the time of our departing from Caen, we haue trauelled through the countrie with great perill & danger of our people, but yet alwaies had of vittels plentie, thanks be to God therefore.

  3. But the prince in no wise cold be brought to any such vnreasonable conditions, and so the cardinall could not make them freends, although he trauelled earnestlie betwixt them all that daie.

  4. This duke of Gelderland named Reginald had married the ladie Isabell sister of king Edward, and therefore in fauour of the king his brother in law, trauelled most earnestlie to procure him all the freends within the empire that he could make.

  5. So doth the Ocean Sea runne round about the worlde: speaking onely of Europe, Afrike and Asia, as then Asia was trauelled and knowen.

  6. Foure famous wayes there be spoken of to those fruitfull and wealthie Islands, which wee doe vsually call Moluccaes, continually haunted for gaine, and dayly trauelled for riches therein growing.

  7. There was no more honorable wars in christendome then towards, wherefore after I had learned to be halfe an houre in bidding a man boniure in germane sunonimas, I trauelled along the cuntrie towards England as fast as I could.

  8. Tell mee who is most trauelled in histories, what good Poet is or euer was there, who hath not had a little spice of wantonnes in dayes?

  9. With him we trauelled along, hauing purchast his acquaintance a little before.

  10. The daie was verie hot, and hauing in his armie aboue three thousand footmen, he trauelled with them and the residue thirtie miles and more.

  11. For thereby I might haue had great light for the estate of this present discourse: but as then I had no mind to haue trauelled in this matter; neuerthelesse, if hereafter it come againe to light I would wish it were reserued.

  12. The Spaniards depart out of the riuer of Canton, and after they had sailed by sea the space of three leagues, they entred into another mighty riuer, in the which they trauelled four daies.

  13. Who, after that hee had fully certified himselfe of the riches aboue said, and of the great quantitie of good metals that were there, he departed out of this prouince with his companions, and trauelled towardes the northwest.

  14. By the which they trauelled one hundred and twentie leagues.

  15. Moreouer I trauelled with a certaine company of Carauans toward vpper India: and in the way, after many days iourney, I came vnto the citie of the three wise men called Cassan [Marginal Note: Or Cassibin.

  16. I haue trauelled through all the ample dominions of the Emperour of Russia and Moscouia, which extende from the North sea, and the confines of Norway, and Lapland euen to the Mare Caspium.

  17. I haue passed ouer the mountaines of Libanus to Damasco, and trauelled through Samaria, Galile, Philistine or Palestine, vnto Ierusalem, and so through all the Holy land.

  18. I haue trauelled through a great part of Turkie, Syria, and diuers others countries in Asia minor.

  19. These that went for the goods after their departure from the Factors trauelled the same day vntil they came within 10 versts of the Chetera Babbas, where they rested that night.

  20. This very man himselfe hath trauelled to the riuer of Ob, both by land, through the countreys of the Samoeds, and of Sibier, and also by Sea, along the coast of the riuer Pechora Eastward.

  21. In the meane season Christopher Urswike (according to his commission) trauelled betweene the French king and the duke of Britaine in the king of Englands Name to make them friends.

  22. Cortez procéeded forwardes aboute two leagues where the Horses were kylled, although it was almost Sunnesette, and his men wéeried, hauing trauelled farre that day.

  23. From the Port de Spiritu Santo vnto Apalache, they trauelled from East to West, and Northwest.

  24. From Sonsonate I trauelled to Nicoia, which is in the kingdome of Nicaragua, in which port the king buildeth all the shipping that trauell out of the Indies to the Malucos.

  25. For vntill that place hee alwaies trauelled by the Sea coast: and they trauelled farre within the land; and that going toward the West, of necessitie they should come where hee had been.

  26. He auowed at his death that he entred the city at Noon, and then they vncouered his face, and that he trauelled all that day till night thorow the city, and the next day from Sun rising to Sun setting yer he came to the palace of Inga.

  27. Wee trauelled fiue daies, and came to the Prouince of Palisema.

  28. Going from Mexico I directed my voyage somewhat toward the Southwest, to certaine mines, called Tamascaltepec, and so trauelled forward the space of twenty dayes thorow desert places vnhabited, till I came to the valley of S.

  29. For he said, That in a certain place he trauelled many daies, and entred into the land toward the North.

  30. They trauelled three daies, and came to a towne of the territorie of Nilco, called Tianto.

  31. Hee trauelled eight daies, and at his returne hee said, that in all that time he was not able to go aboue 14.

  32. I trauelled three dayes iourney through this valley: the inhabitants whereof made mee exceeding great cheere and intertainement.

  33. From thence we trauelled almost an hundred miles without finding any towne, but euery night we came to fresh water, which was partly running water and sometime raine water.

  34. He trauelled fiue daies, he passed by some smal townes, he came to a towne called Napetuca, the 15.

  35. From thence to Chicaça the Gouernour trauelled fiue daies through a desert.

  36. Beyond the same there was a Riuer, on which he made a bridge of timber, and trauelled two daies through a desert.

  37. He trauelled seuen daies through a desert of many marishes and thicke woods: but it might all be trauelled on horseback, except some lakes which they swamme ouer.

  38. The Gouernour trauelled three daies; and the third day he passed all day through a peopled Countrie: and he came to Mauilla vpon Monday the 18.

  39. After hee had trauelled three daies, there came Indians peaceably, to visit their Lord, and euery day met vs on the way playing vpon flutes: which is a token that they vse, that men may know that they come in peace.

  40. From Toasi, passing through some townes subiect to a Cacique, which was Lord of a prouince called Tallise, hee trauelled fiue daies: He came to Tallise the 18.

  41. And those which went by land which were one hundred and fiftie horsemen, being diuided into two parts, because they would not oppresse the inhabitants, trauelled by S.

  42. Wherevpon she earnestlie trauelled in treatie of a peace betwixt hir brother and king Egelred: which being brought to passe chieflie by hir sute, she was contented to become an hostage for performance thereof (as before is recited.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "trauelled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.