He came to a towne called Tutelpinco, abandoned, and without Maiz: there passed by it a lake, that entered into the riuer, which carried a great streame and force of water.
Ouer againest the ilande of Margarita there is a towne called Cumana, wherein is great store of perle.
At Rio de Hacha there is a towne called Hacha, where is greate store of perle and silver, but no golde; and not farr from thence there is a perle house.
Then there is a towne called Porto de Cavallos, where is store of silver, stones, perles, jewells made and sett with precious stones and perles.
In the Bay of Hondoras is a towne called Hondoras, alias Tres Islas, where is golde and hides and greate store of victualls.
This day we ankered for feare of ouershooting a towne called S.
The 12 day of Ianuary we came to a towne called Samma or Samua, being 8 leagues from Cape Trepointes toward Eastnortheast.
I heard at Argier of seuen Gallies that were at that time cast away at a towne called Formentera: three of them were of Argier, the other foure were the Christians.
It ariseth in Suffolke, out of a lake neere vnto a towne called Stourmeere.
In this also is a towne called Hertie, or Hartie, and all in the Lath of Scraie, notwithstanding that Hartie lieth in the hundred of Feuersham, and Shepey reteineth one especiall Bailie of hir owne.
There is a very great riuer which runneth through the plaine of Iauat, which falleth into the Caspian sea, by a towne called Bachu, neere vnto which towne is a strange thing to behold.
He lieth at a towne called Casbin, which is situate in a goodly fertile valley of 3.
Some three miles above Providence on the same River, is a Towne called Rehobah, and is under the Goverment of New Plymouth, a Towne not dispicable.
We came to an ancor towardes night at a towne called Moro, 30 leages short of Miaco, and stayed the tide; and soe put to sea againe and made 22 leagues till mornyng at son rising.
We went to dyner to a towne called Ishebe,[28] where we were constraned to stay all night because the waters were up, that we could not passe by reason of much rayne which happened.
Towne called Cherchisea, that is to say, fourtie Churches, which in the olde time was a very great City, now full of scattered buildiugs.
And at night we arived at a towne called Cosantes,[156] where we la all night.
And discendyng downe on the other side of that hill, they came to a towne called Theuhixuacan, whiche is a forte and friende to Mutezuma, where our army was receyued and entertayned as in the other towne behinde.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "towne called" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.