In certain regions of the continent small tribes have been annihilated in the course of wars with other Indians or with the whites, and others have been decimated by disease, famine, &c.
This idea, however startling it may at first appear, is quite in accordance, as before stated, with the analogy of changes now going on in certain regions of the globe.
These phenomena are observable on a magnificent scale in certain regions in Switzerland, in precipices often more than 2000 feet in perpendicular height, and there are flexures not inferior in dimensions in the Pyrenees.
However crystalline these rocks may become in certain regions, they never, like granite or trap, send veins into contiguous formations.
A full discussion has led to the interpretation of all the known facts, and to our understanding, for instance, why there exist bright or dark spaces in certain regions of the tube.
It may be, again, that in certain regions of the tube cathode rays are met with diffused by some solid object, without having thereby changed their nature.
We see, by this example, that admirable as is the progress accomplished in certain regions of physics, there still exist many over-neglected regions which remain in painful darkness.
That the more abundant the nutrition of certain regions of the body, the more favorable the opportunities for growth, may be admitted without question.
Goitre is manifestly a family disorder to a large extent in certain regions, most familiarly in Alpine valleys in Switzerland.
The seat of the tumor is of importance mainly on account of the vascular supply of a part and the more spongy or yielding nature of certain regions.
It is met with among Negroes, the Indians of North and South America, the Chukchi, in certain regions of India, etc.
Not only is there direct effect on man, but the disease has been one of the greatest factors in retarding the development of certain regions.
Aside from their importance as carriers of disease, mosquitoes are notorious as pests of man, and the earlier literature on the group is largely devoted to references to their enormous numbers and their blood-thirstiness in certain regions.
Whilst Mexico cannot be called a "sportsman's paradise," there is in certain regions a great profusion of game, from turkeys to crocodiles.
But they have been denuded in certain regions of their timber, principally for fuel, as native coal has been unknown until recently, and is difficult of transport.
These are often made accessible from the interior and adorned with plants and flowers, and even the heavy rain-storms of certain regions do not seem to influence this type of construction or demand the rapid watershed of the gabled roof.
Great areas have already been denuded, and it is stated that this has had some undesirable effect on the rainfall in certain regions.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "certain regions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.