The shoes were punctured by awls driven by machinery, and then as the peg strip was carried to it the machine severed the strip into chisel-edged pegs, and peg-driving mechanism drove them into the holes.
To obviate the bad results of punctures he proposed also to make his tire in sectional compartments, so that if one compartment was punctured the others would still hold good.
Saxon noted for the first time that, besides the punctured wrist, he was disabled with a broken leg.
A punctured tire had interrupted the homeward journey of Steele and Saxon, who had telephoned to beg that the dinner go on, without permitting their tardiness to delay the more punctual.
Thanks to a punctured tire, Marston found a large dust-coated car standing at the roadside when he had covered only half of the journey.
Then a sudden thought came to her; in fact, it had occurred to her when she first discovered the punctured wheel.
I'm afraid, Amy, that I may have punctured your tire yesterday; the road to the chapel was so very stony.
The most prominent part of the tumour in the rectum was punctured with a trocar, and about twelve ounces of liquor amnii, without blood, were drawn off: the reduction followed in about a quarter of an hour.
A large hock caused by a puncturedwound of the joint.
Injuries to the costal pleura by fractured ribs and punctured wounds may cause it to become inflamed.
Showing the point where the wall of flank and rumen are punctured with trocar and cannula in "bloat".
Punctured wounds are many times deeper than the width of the opening or break in the skin or mucous membrane.
The germ enters the body by way of a wound, especially punctured wounds.
Rheumatic inflammation, bad shoeing and punctured wounds in the region of the bursa many cause it.
If fluid collects in sufficient quantity to seriously interfere with the heart action, the sack may be punctured with the trocar and cannula and the fluid withdrawn.
When infected by irritating organisms, open and punctured wounds (Fig.
The X indicates the point where the wall of flank and rumen are punctured with trocar and cannula in "bloat.
Punctured wounds in the regions of the cartilage may cause it to become inflamed and changed to bone.
All punctured wounds should be enlarged so as to permit of treatment and drainage.
In communities, or on premises where tetanus is a common disease, animals that have punctured or open wounds should be given a protective dose of tetanus antitoxin.
As night fell, Ritter got out the punctured copper and busied himself in plugging up the hole.
For instance, the weevils in the punctured squares that fall on the hot ground in July and August and are not shaded, are usually killed at once by the heat or will starve for lack of food, because of the hardening of the square.
At any rate, the results that can be accomplished behoove every farmer to work carefully and painstakingly to destroy all the punctured squares possible before the new broods of weevils are hatched.
Pick up all punctured squares and destroy them for at least one month after the first squares form on the cotton.
Where this is the case, no bottom crop and seldom a middle crop of cotton will be made unless the weevils are picked off and the punctured squares destroyed.
The punctured squares usually fall to the ground in a few days.
Destroy All Punctured Squares:= The weevils that survive the winter are all in the adult stage.
He gathered thepunctured squares seven times at a cost of about $2.
If it were possible to destroy every punctured square and boll, and thereby prevent the appearance of new broods, the weevil pest could be exterminated in one year.
By using a brush on the cultivators to agitate the plants when cultivating the crop, many punctured squares will be knocked off onto the hot ground sooner than they would naturally fall off.
His bare, brawny throat was curiously puncturedwith sundry devices, and a verse from the Psalms.
William of Malmesbury says, that the English, at the time of the Conquest, loaded their arms with gold bracelets, and adorned their skins with punctured designs, i.
The rod was surrounded by a spring that withdrew the blade after it punctured the cervix.
The surface is worn and five holes are punctured in the hinge at one end.
It punctured the side close to the stern, fortunately above the water line, and the wood was not entirely broken away.
After having thus spoken, the Cougar drew his knife from its sheath, and slightly punctured the chest of the partisan, just over the heart.
He then punctured in the same way the chest of the young chief, and caused his blood to flow into the coui.
The snout is furnished with two horn-like appendages; tooth-like features are formed by setting in pellets of clay, and the gills are indicated by a punctured excrescence at the side of the mouth.
Leverage's temporary resentment departed much as the gas escapes from a pin-punctured balloon.
Trembling with indignation, Maynard suddenly collapsed like a punctured balloon and relapsed dejectedly into his recumbent attitude.
Selwyn placed some new lumps of coal on the fire, the flames licking them eagerly as the sharp crackle of escaping gases punctured the sleep-laden air.
There was a large quantity of rude pottery, some showing linear or punctured ornamentation.
One thin spindle-whorl 2 inches in diameter had a few punctured dots on its surface, intended as an ornamentation.
One handle had the form of a cross punctured on it, having one arm prolonged into a long stem running downwards, just like a modern Christian cross.
Among these were a small earthenware dish or cover ornamented with four prominences and a few rows of punctured dots (No.
He was dead; my leaden, steel-tipped pellet had punctured the double surface of his Erentz-fabric, penetrated his chest.
Bell's scraping had been to change the punctured holes of the bullet into cone shaped bores.
I may here observe that certain radiating and often punctured lines, mentioned and figured by Mr. Hancock, which help to render the thin plate of shell over the peduncle conspicuous (fig.
The parietes are not very thick, with the inner surface smooth, but with punctures placed in rows for the entrance of the tubuli: the laminae of shell alternate with layers of yellow finelypunctured membrane.
Colour dirty white, often slightly tinted yellow from the investing membrane, and from thin layers of punctured membrane alternating with the laminae of shell.
The inside of the shell is beautifully coloured rich violet; it is punctured with small holes as so often is the case with C.
The upper corroded part of the shell usually exhibits a cancellated and finely punctured surface.
Punctured wounds are caused by bayonets, arrows, or other pointed instruments.
Punctured fractures are frequently fatal from infective complications--meningitis, sinus thrombosis, and cerebral abscess.
Even in the case of a small punctured wound caused by a pointed fragment coming through the skin it is never wise to assume that the wound is not infected.
Fracture of the anterior fossa# may result from a blow on the forehead, nose, or face; or from a punctured wound of the orbit or of the nasal cavity.
The treatment of punctured wounds consists in enlarging the wounds in the soft parts, trephining the skull, and removing any foreign body that may be in it, purifying the track, and establishing drainage.
When the globe is burst by a blow with a blunt object, the sclerotic usually gives way, and as the rupture takes place from within outward, there is less risk of infection than in punctured wounds.
Punctured wounds may be inflicted on the vault by stabs with a knife or dagger, or by other sharp objects, such as the spike of a railing.
Infection of the cellular tissue of the orbit by pyogenic bacteria is specially liable to follow punctured wounds and compound fractures, if a foreign body has lodged in the orbital cavity.
Punctured fractures# are of necessity compound, and on account of the risks of infection are to be looked upon as serious injuries.
We have known of a case of a man who died of meningitis resulting from a punctured fracture of the vault caused by the spoke of an umbrella, the fracture having escaped recognition until the meningeal symptoms developed.
A punctured tire is a wounded tire, and needs the aid of a bicycle doctor.
The bicycle-tape, and the mastic, and the dozen other devices for mending punctured tires are all very well in their way, but they are not absolutely reliable.
Very naturally, flowers which depend on insect agency for fertilization rarely produce seed when puncturedif they are not also entered in the normal way.
Mr. Jack adds a list of sixteen plants whose flowers he has seen punctured by the carpenter bee and seventeen others whose flowers were punctured by the humble bee.
The mule turned and ran back to the valley, where Warner fell off dead, punctured by five arrows.
The depot-building was of brick, and had been punctured with loop-holes.
Perhaps some of my readers may have practised the same method of mending a punctured football.
Their faces are puncturedwith many marks, like the Indians, having six or eight punctured lines, more or less according to their fancies, in which they seem to take great delight.
It would be necessary to find the hole in the punctured tube and stop it up with cement.
Then Gerald removed the punctured tire, pulled out the inner tube, and proceeded to put the new one in its place.
When punctured in this way the ear withers and dries up without maturing.
The skin has to bepunctured and the sack of eggs removed,--not a pleasant operation, especially when there are forty or fifty at one time.
Then Colonel Ashley thrust the improvised spear through the wires of the cage and lightly punctured the rat, which gave a protesting squeak.
That may have occurred just after her hand was punctured by the needle of the watch," said the detective, "and before the poison had time to work.
But what is to have prevented her from having been punctured by the watch just before she received those hurts?
This set in motion the death-dealing mechanism, and her hand may have been punctured with the poison.
There were two wounds you know--a fracture of the skull just back of the right ear, and a stab wound in the left side which punctured the heart.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "punctured" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.