The tiger is striated or striped, while the black on the jaguar is in beautiful eye-like rosettes.
These two divisions are the striated marbles, which includes the veined and serpentine marbles, and the conglomerate, which includes most of the onyxes and marbles which show but little veining.
As stated before this arbitrary division is sometimes misleading, as a striated marble will show up in chunky formation if sawed in a certain way, and again considerable veining will show in a conglomerate if sawed at the right angle.
Degeneration of striatedmuscle Fibres from the auricular muscle of a man aged 87 years.
The latter replaces the myoplasm, the specific striatedsubstance of muscles, by a process which must be regarded as parallel with phagocytosis.
Of these the first group is represented in the vertebrate by the muscles which move the eye, the second group by the striated constrictor and adductor muscles and the muscles for the lower lip.
In the muscular group, Biedermann, who has made a special study of the physiology of striated muscle, says that among invertebrates the striated muscle of the arthropod group resembles most closely that of the vertebrate.
The respiratory muscles of Ammocoetes are three in number, and have been described by Nestler and Miss Alcock as the adductor muscle, the striated constrictor muscle, and the tubular constrictor muscle (Fig.
Further, anatomists divide the striated muscles of the body into two great natural groups, characterized by a difference of origin and largely by a difference of appearance.
This segmentation may receive the name of visceral or splanchnic in contradistinction to somatic, since all the muscles without exception belong to the visceral group of striated muscles.
Such a structure is characteristic of various forms of striated muscle found in various invertebrates, such as the muscle-fibre of mollusca.
The striated muscles, as a rule, are attached to the mechanical devices found in the skeleton, and bring about the voluntary, movements.
In the formation of the non-striated muscles, the cells are attached to one another by a kind of muscle cement to form thin sheets or slender bundles.
An examination of one of the striated muscles shows the individual fibers to lie parallel in small bundles, each bundle being surrounded by a thin layer of connective tissue.
They are cross-striped like the striated cells, and are nearly as wide, but are rather short (Fig.
The striated muscle cells, having many nuclei, are said to be multi-nucleated.
Cross section of small artery magnified, showing (1) the layer of non-striated cells.
The non-striated muscles surround the parts on which they act, and produce involuntary movements.
The cells of the non-striated muscles differ from those of the striated muscles in being decidedly spindle-shaped and in having but a single well-defined nucleus (Fig.
The striated muscular tissue far exceeds the others in amount and forms all those muscles that can be felt from the surface of the body.
On account of the striations of these cells the muscles which they form are called striated muscles.
The cells of the heart combine the structure and properties of the striated and the non-striated muscle cells, and form an intermediate type between the two.
They do not change the position of parts of the body, as do the striated muscles, but they alter the size and shape of the parts which they surround.
Compare the striated and non-striated muscles with reference to structure, location, and method of work.
While they do not contract so quickly, nor with such great force as the striated muscles, their work is more closely related to the vital processes.
In the forest previous to my arrival at Ouske, I picked up a striated stone, from a small cleft in the rock, which had the appearance of imperfect cinnabar.
A grey Gnat, withstriated wings, a blackish body, and black legs surrounded with white rings.
Its wings are whitish, appearing striatednear the veins by the refraction of the sun's rays.
This line has a very strong wall or striated muscle that can and does dilate and contract to suit for breathing, and quantities of food that may be stored for a time in stomach and bowels for use.
These are called the colours of striated surfaces.
With splendid success he applied the undulatory theory to the explanation of the colours of thin plates, and to those of striated surfaces.
Striated muscle fibre (of the Rabbit), ruptured to show sarcolemma.
And the striated muscles of the limbs perform, endless involuntary acts.
The {1360}three wings arise by a broad, triangular, striated base from the upper half of the abdomen, below the lumbar stricture.
Mouth constricted, half as broad as the thorax, with a broad, smooth, striated peristome.
They are always articulate, and divided by numerous transverse parallel septa into hollow compartments or alveoles; the transversely striated appearance of the feet is brought about by these septa.
Striated green bulbuls go about in flocks which keep to the tops of trees.
I regret to have to state that Oates has saddled the latter with the name "Sykes's striated swallow"; he was apparently seduced by the sibilant alliteration!
These white streaks give the bird the striated appearance from which it obtains its name.
Striated rock-surfaces are therefore by no means so commonly exposed as in regions like the Lowlands of Scotland.
As a matter of personal observation, I can assure Mr. Mackintosh that flat striated surfaces are by no means uncommonly associated in one and the same region with roches moutonnees.
What wonder now that the Cheviot area should exhibit so many flowing outlines, that the hills should be so smoothed and rounded and fluted, that the low-grounds should be cumbered with such heaps of clay and striated stones?
It is for this reason that in the mountainous regions of northern Europe the striated and smoothed rock-surfaces invariably look up the valleys, while the broken and unworn rock-ledges face in the opposite direction.
The general course followed by the ice-sheet underneath which this boulder-clay was formed has been well ascertained, partly by the evidence of the clay and its contents, and partly by that of roches moutonnees and striated rocks.
Even in Corsica we encounter the same evidence of glaciation--striated rock-surfaces and moraines--which point to the former descent of considerable glaciers from Monte Rotondo.
The angles are very seldom truncated, the faces are striated longitudinally.
The surface is striated longitudinally with excessively fine riblets.
It is pure white without, and is finely striated with growth-lines; bright orange within, especially about the pallial line and muscle-scars.
The shells are small, thin, and globosely depressed, with smooth or transversely striated whorls.
There is a fragile V-shaped cardinal tooth, which is generally broken away in forcing open the valves; the lateral teeth are long and thin, and striated on their receiving surfaces.
The sides of this cut are finely striated with parallel grooves, which are not exactly straight, but bent slightly downwards in the middle.
The removal of a mass of clay, sand, and gravel exposed a distinctly striated surface of hardened Bunter Sandstone.
The multitude of travelled blocks and striated rocks in the one region, and the absence of such appearances in the other, were too obvious to be overlooked.
If, as in West Greenland, the land is slowly sinking, a large extent of the bottom of the ocean will consist of rock polished and striated by land-ice, and then overspread by mud and boulders detached from melting bergs.
Polished and striated surfaces on the sides or in the contents of the vein also attest the reality of these movements.
Another curious phenomenon bearing on this subject was styled by the late Hugh Miller the "striated pavements" of the boulder clay.
The outer surface of the axis is striated longitudinally, and in some places marked with impressions of tortuous fibres, apparently those of the inner bark.
Its outer surface, which readily separates from that of the outer cylinder, is striated longitudinally.
It almost invariably presents a regularly striated or irregularly wrinkled appearance, depending upon the vertical woody wedges, or the positions of the medullary rays or vascular bundles.
It will be observed that I regard the striated and ribbed stems not as internal axes, but as representing the outer surface of the plants.
Its striated pillar was similar to that of the Atwater machine, and both featured the same claw feet and urn-like top.
Like the others, it has a striated pillar and claw feet.
Under the microscope, striated muscular fibres could be detected, and the author thinks that they belonged to the muscles of a fish.
Stauros wide, striated at the margins; axial area very narrow; striae radiate, about 26 (?
In many forms in {94}these three species the lateral areas are more or lessstriated or punctate.
Valve with a hyaline excentric space from which proceed, usually in six directions, rows of polygonal markings decreasing toward the narrow, coarsely striated border, the rows appearing convex toward the centre.
Like the group Bacillaria, but usually with very delicate striated valves; keel in valve view usually bordered with two parallel lines.
Processes, usually three, quite robust and inserted at from one-fourth to one-fifth the length of the radius from the border which is striated on the inner side.