And he tempteth believers themselves to poor, diminutive, unworthy thoughts of the goodness and mercifulness of God, and to continual apprehensions of his wrath and terrors.
Nor is it every thing in God that is hated: none hateth hismercifulness and goodness as such.
Now, then, when our fathers put their hands on the son of a poor woman, God deprived us of his mercifulnessand support and lo!
Having handed the image to Saint Andrew, she said: "Yes, may the mercifulness and the overwhelming help of Him who was born of me be with thee everywhere where thou choosest to go.
By the almighty mercifulness of God I am destined to live not much longer, for I hope to-day already to be able to unite myself with my dear husband, while thee I ask to take the place of this dear orphan's parents.
Verily, I beseech the Threshold of Mercifulness to kindle the lamp of light within thy heart, so that thy breast may thereby be dilated and thy soul rejoiced.
One must live in accord with the exhortations and advices of the Blessed Perfection and behave with such deeds and actions as to become conducive to the illumination of the world and the manifestion of mercifulness among the nations.
The Light of Eternity dawned, the Everlasting Glory unveiled her countenance and the Reality of the Mercifulness became manifest.
Nothing can exceed themercifulness of this language!
The amazing mercifulness of God, and the awfulness of supposing that many around us will be lost eternally, he has handled fully and with characteristic rhetoric.
And not their mercifulness only, but all their good impulses overpower their logic.
And so with men, with or without their will, their mercifulness overpowers their logic.
But the humility and lowliness of heart, the mercifulness and peace-seeking which Christ inculcated were essentially powers of self-restraint, not negative but positive attitudes to life.
It is a desperate enterprise, and would be both rash and indelicate if the mercifulnessof it did not demand the sacrifice.
But nothing is said of instruction in the righteousness, the purity, the mercifulness which the law of God required.
Your celestial mercifulness only renders the crime more atrocious.
He will rule the world by mercifulness when we forgive each other, but not before.
They regarded humility and mercifulness as the greatest virtues.
The saint and the heroic kings died, but their souls lived still in the hearts of their people, in the white churches they built among the green mountains, in their deeds of mercifulness and repentance.
There must be a hand of helpfulness stretched out, and a gush of pity and mercifulness in the heart, if we are to do what our Master has done for us all, and what our Master requires us to do for one another.
Mercifulness is the active side of the passive meekness.
One is, let us Christian people learn the fruits of God's mercy, and be sure of this, that our own mercifulness in regard to men is an accurate measure of the amount of the divine mercy which we have received.
Before I go further, I would point out the connection between this incumbent duty of mercifulness and the preceding virtue of meekness.
The mercifulness of my text is, first and foremost, a certain habitual way of looking at and feeling towards men, especially to men in suffering and need, and most especially to men who have proved themselves bad and blameworthy.
That is no forgiveness, and that is no mercifulness It is not enough to stand still, unresisting.
Let me ask you to look at what I have already in part referred to--the place in this series which Mercifulness holds.
That is to say, the true, lasting, reliable, conqueringmercifulness has a double source.
Mercifulness does not mean rash trust in its objects.
It is ever a blunder to be unforgiving, and mercifulness is always expedient.