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Example sentences for "evidence against"

  • One of them was to find a sufficient cause for driving Horikawa to conceal himself when there was no evidence against him of the crime.

  • Though he recognized the weight of evidence against her, he could not believe her guilty.

  • You've got a rope round your neck right this minute--and you go around high and mighty trying to throw suspicion on men that there's no evidence against.

  • The service which the metaphysicians rendered to the church by their development of the doctrine of transubstantiation (Blanco White's Evidence against Catholicism, pp.

  • They could not be evidence against him, and if they displeased him he could at any time have them hanged.

  • All of which he confessed, and there being no evidence against him, the Chief Justice gave his confession in writing to the jury, who found him guilty.

  • Any person who prosecuted, or appeared as evidence against a member of the club, should be marked down for vengeance.

  • Thee very hour approached, and Worcester had not obeyed his father's peremptory summons to come up to town and attend as evidence against me.

  • The brother of my wife had been one of the party at Nice at the time of the crime, and, though there was not the least evidence against him, the police had allowed it to be known that they looked upon him as the guilty person.

  • I concluded that the fellow with the black beard who stole them from Valentin, in order to prevent their use as evidence against him, turned them over to Francois for a definite purpose.

  • Jane Wenham was now imprisoned by the justice of the peace, who collected with all speed the evidence against her.

  • In the case of the six released there was no very large body of evidence against them to be considered, or perhaps no strong popular current to be stemmed.

  • But, "because there was no matter of invocation given in evidence against hir, .

  • That was the last thing, and he was going to get the books to be used as evidence against Dorsey.

  • Was there any danger of Munn turning state's evidence against himself?

  • And there is not the slightest scintilla of evidence against him, not the slightest.

  • He also petitioned the Zalmedina to investigate the methods by which Almenara and Medrano had gathered evidence against him, and the testimony thus obtained as to bribes, promises and threats had large influence on public opinion.

  • He took up the various publications that had been put in evidence against him, and claimed his legal right to read them all through.

  • I can also swear I never saw it; yet it is used as evidence against me.

  • I have used the words open and honourable resistance, in order that I might refer to one of the articles brought in evidence against me, in which the writer suggests such things as flinging burning hoops on the soldiery.

  • The crown had a plethora of evidence against them, acquired during the months and years when they appeared to be all but totally ignorant of the existence of the conspiracy.

  • And yet legally there was not a jot of evidence against him.

  • Now, it will be remembered that Sir John, in his last interview with Lady Bellamy, had declared that there was no tittle of evidence against him, and that it would be impossible to implicate him in the exposure that must overtake her.

  • There is not, now that George Caresfoot is dead, one tittle of evidence against me except your own, and who will believe you?

  • Only don't forget that anything you say may be used in evidence against you.

  • You know I shall have to take anything you say down in writing, and it may be used as evidence against you.

  • It is my duty to warn you that anything you say may be taken down in writing and used as evidence against you.

  • Then it is my duty to warn you that anything you say may be used in evidence against you.

  • Woodward did not wait for the accumulation of evidence against him.

  • Sometimes one of this gang is arrested, but as he has transferred the plunder to his confederates, who have escaped, there is no evidence against him.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "evidence against" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    base hospital; books published; browned flour; described under; different distances; evidence against; evidence that; fair amount; felt obliged; first glimpse; fresh fish; future rewards and punishments; individual things; mamma will; more power; not long; skim well; small bush; small majority; social questions; times greater; turned from; well treated