With regard to the scale of punishments, notwithstanding some humanitarian principles in the legislation, they were very severe, and corporal punishment played amongst them a disagreeably prominent part.
The chief result of his studies was the acquisition of many ill-digested general principles, and certain vague, generous, humanitarian aspirations.
Governments are not easily converted to Utopian schemes of that idyllic type, and it is not surprising that even a Government with liberal humanitarianaspirations like that of Alexander II.
By expansion and purification love, at first sexual, is gradually transformed into purely humanitarian love, i.
Primitive men were so destitute of all humanitarian sentiment that they not only killed one another and practiced mutual slavery, but also martyred, tortured and even devoured one another.
By altruist, we understand a man animated by powerful moral sentiments which preside over social humanitarian volitions.
Here, civil law and penal law should combine and take energetic humanitarian measures to put a stop to this sad abuse.
A very important question from the humanitarian and hygienic point of view is that of venereal disease.
A vague general humanitarian sentiment, a hothouse flower which is still feeble, has already commenced to grow on this natural basis.
But in his time, as in that of Jesus Christ, civilization was already far advanced and influenced by the wide humanitarian ideas, more ancient still, of the Assyrians and the Buddhists.
This humanitarian work would benefit not only the patients, but society in general, by diminishing the number of venereal infections.
The country receives substantial amounts of reconstruction assistance and humanitarian aid from the international community.
Tajikistan thus depends on aid from Russia and Uzbekistan and on international humanitarian assistance for much of its basic subsistence needs.
For the first three six-month phases of the program, Iraq was allowed to export $2 billion worth of oil in exchange for food, medicine, and other humanitarian goods.
The newly freed former colonies were wary of the nations that had formerly owned them and often for good reasons, always remembering that governments are not motivated by humanitarian reasons.
However, in spite of speeches of politicians to the contrary, governments are not motivated by humanitarian purposes.
Only don't let it have anything humanitarianabout it.
His documentaries have earned him 78 humanitarian awards.
Furthermore, he is a humanitarian and makes a virtue of mercy, defending the existence of the weak who do not amount to anything.
Our Slav Czar, in a humanitarian dream, favored the Utopian idea of universal peace, organizing the Conference of The Hague.
His son Rene, a pupil of the Ecole Centrale regarded his father as "a rare old sport," laughing a little at his romantic and humanitarian republicanism.
The indwelling Christ makes the church superior to and more permanent than all humanitarian organizations; they die, but because Christ lives, the church lives also.
He wanted to develop other areas more from the humanitarianview than the profit motive.
The open town of Lemberg was evacuated by us without a battle for strategical and humanitarian reasons.
It is true that they have since then posted up reassuring phrases as to the humanitarian sentiments of the German Army for the moment.
It is to the humanitarian spirit, the clearer reason, of our age.
Then there are Ethical and kindred societies which hold "services" of a humanitarian character, and are to many people a substitute for the Christian Churches.
But the humanitarian ethic is essentially social, and this passion of sympathy is its chief root.
I have already mentioned, and have fully described elsewhere, how humanitarian sentiments were generally diffused throughout the old Græco-Roman world.
It was born of the secular humanitarian spirit of modern times.
There is only one civilisation in Europe that has attempted to substitute a humanitarian for a religious training of conduct; one nation that is plainly and overwhelmingly non-Christian.
The mixture of futile Christian phraseology and genuine humanitarian interests in some of these movements has been hitherto a grave disadvantage.
Here, at least, the way of the humanitarian is plain.
A physiological basis for this view seems to lie outside the resources of savage observation, but prohibition of intercourse just after childbirth may have a humanitarian basis.
As the flush of his humanitarian enthusiasm passed away, and he thought of his personal relations to Jane, a misgiving, a scruple began to make itself heard within him.
I will marry the woman I honestly desire, and together we will carry out this humanitarian project so long as it be possible.
Scawthorne began a detailed inquiry into thehumanitarian projects of which Joseph had given but a rude and contemptuous explanation.
World Market" by a practical and economic plan, scientifically studied out, places you at once among the very rare few unselfish humanitarian benefactors, and reveals so clearly your profound international sympathies.
Therefore Governments and foreign financiers should not hesitate in giving your plans their most careful consideration and support, and come to your assistance in the realisation of your grand humanitarian project.
The elements that make Europe upon the whole the most humanitarian civilisation are precisely the elements that make it upon the whole the strongest.
Now Christmas is attacked also on the humanitarian ground.
The guns upon Coleskop not only dominated all the smaller kopjes for a range of 9000 yards, but completely commanded the town of Colesberg, which could not however, for humanitarian and political reasons, be shelled.
Increased simplified acquisition threshold for procurements in support of humanitarianor peacekeeping operations or contingency operations.
He continued: "Would you mind telling me the humanitarian notions that made you willing to bury yourself in this godless place?
But at last she answered: "I believe my grandfather is responsible for the humanitarian notions.
The letter mentioned was written to some humanitarian society.
Mr. Bland further points out: "The problem presented is one with which neitherhumanitarian nor religious zeal can ever cope, so long as we fail to recognize and attack the fundamental cause of these calamities.
Neither humanitarian schemes, international charities nor philanthropies can prevent widespread disaster to a people which habitually breeds up to and beyond the maximum limits of its food supply.
It was first the outgrowth of humanitarian and altruistic idealism, perhaps not devoid of a strain of sentimentalism, of an idealism that was aroused by a desperate picture of human misery intensified by the industrial revolution.
It is better that he refrain from active participation in politics, social or humanitarian work.