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Example sentences for "grizzlies"

Lexicographically close words:
gritted; gritting; gritty; grizly; grizzled; grizzling; grizzly; groan; groane; groaned
  1. At this, the grizzlies all set up a dreadful howl; but he took his daughter on his shoulder and, turning to all the grizzlies, bade them hold their tongues, get down on their hands and knees and so remain till he returned.

  2. I have inquired for grizzlies in zoological gardens all over the world, but never found one before.

  3. As far as his color is concerned, grizzlies are of all colors; there is almost as much variety in that regard among bears as among dogs.

  4. All the bear tracks led up toward the Hot Springs Canyon, indicating that the grizzlies had begun their annual migration to the Alamo, Frazier and Pine mountains, where large bands of sheep are herded through the summer.

  5. Fortunately, however, grizzlies are not now plentiful about the mountain.

  6. A large cinnamon bear had walked into one camp about ten miles distant and killed two sheep in daylight, but the grizzlies had not begun to eat mutton.

  7. But when he saw the children, and learned how the grizzlies that he had created had betrayed him into the creation of a new race, he was very wroth, and frowned on the old mother Grizzly till she died on the spot.

  8. At this time, there was a family of grizzlies living close up to the snows.

  9. The Grizzlies of the Bad Lands did not do this: they used to stand on their dignity and growl like a thunder-storm, and so gave the hunters a chance to play their deadly lightning; and lightning is worse than thunder any day.

  10. Altogether these Bitter-root Grizzlies have solved very well the problem of life, in spite of white men, and are therefore increasing in their own wild mountains.

  11. He never climbed now: his claws were too long, and his arms, though growing big and strong, were losing that suppleness of wrist that makes cub Grizzlies and all Blackbears great climbers.

  12. Illustration] The Roachbacks, as the Bitter-root Grizzlies are called, are a cunning and desperate race.

  13. When the dogs had cleared the way outside, they went into the house and killed all the grizzlies and rattlesnakes there; the house was full of them.

  14. A great crowd of water grizzlies came out of the ocean and went away to the mountains.

  15. There is no doubt as to the nature of the water grizzlies who rise out of the ocean and go to the mountains at the approach of Tuina.

  16. In those countries, the grizzly species will hold forth long after all killable grizzlies have vanished from the United States.

  17. Idaho grizzlies new laws needed in slaughter of starving elk in state game preserve.

  18. This has seemed clear to me ever since two of my friends killed (in the spring of 1912) six grizzlies in one week!

  19. California, grizzlies new laws needed in Academy of Sciences National monuments of State Game Preserve University of.

  20. Bryan Williams says that at present it would be impossible to impose a bag limit of one per year on the grizzlies of British Columbia; and Mr. Williams is a sincere game-protector.

  21. Even in that country, which abounded with game, the boys were at a loss how to pass the time, for the grizzlies had interfered with their arrangements considerably.

  22. Numerous fresh tracks of grizzlies were noticed all around, but we did not have the good luck to see any of the animals themselves.

  23. Currant bushes laden with fruit abounded and there were tracks of grizzlies to be seen.

  24. The Roachbacks, as the Bitter-root Grizzlies are called, are a cunning and desperate race.

  25. I have heard of several other instances of grizzlies making unprovoked attacks on men, which were so well substantiated that I could not question the truth of the reports.

  26. Color of the southwestern grizzlies is variable, ranging from yellowish brown to nearly black, but has a characteristic grizzled effect caused by the white-tipped hairs scattered through the fur.

  27. As they grow older, this ability leaves them with the growing of the long claws, and adult grizzlies are supposed to be unable to climb.

  28. Grizzlies have been known to charge without other provocation than trespass on what they consider their territory.

  29. On other occasions I have seen grizzlies surprised, when, though not cornered, they thought they were and instantly commenced a fierce and effective fight.

  30. Two pet grizzlies that I raised always showed marked curiosity.

  31. All grizzlies are fond of fish and in some sections they become successful fishermen.

  32. I have examined a number of grizzlies that were killed while hibernating, and in every instance the stomach and intestines were entirely empty and clean.

  33. Though a few have been killed that weighed a thousand pounds or a trifle more, the majority of grizzlies weigh less than seven hundred pounds.

  34. The color of the grizzly has been and still is the source of much confusion among hunters and others who think all grizzlies are grayish.

  35. Two grizzlies of a like shade are not common, unless they are aged ones that have become grizzled and whitish.

  36. Grizzlies are born about midwinter, while the mother is in the hibernating-cave.

  37. Grizzlies are poor climbers anyway, and this fellow must have been handicapped by that injured hind leg.

  38. Well, if you protect grizzlies and hunt sportsmen, surely it's not surprising.

  39. Thar was three grizzlies sort of adopted a party by the name of Capen Adams, and camped and traveled with him most familiar.

  40. So the Grizzlies built a tepee for Little Daughter and her children.

  41. That is why grizzlies walk on four feet and look downward.

  42. Now Grizzlies stood in line to welcome Old Man Above.

  43. Father shot three grizzlies there one afternoon," was Tom's remark.

  44. Only weighed about three hundred, but you know what grizzlies is.

  45. There ain't nothing but Grizzlies and Cinnamons over there.

  46. The man up the creek had the nerve to pretend that his favorite pastime was fighting Grizzlies with a butcher knife, and anybody acquainted with bears ought to size up that sort of a man easy enough, said Old Bill.

  47. The main point of the man's tale was that he had found a den inhabited by two Grizzlies of great size and fierce aspect.

  48. I assisted in killing, in 1850, the first Grizzlies that were brought into the town of Sonora.

  49. It was so easy that he insisted upon going right through the Tehachepi range and killing all the Grizzlies infesting the mountains.

  50. And there have been hunters willing to declare that some grizzlies can carry off as much lead, and still live right along, as would wind up the earthly career of a dozen lions or tigers.

  51. Then grizzlies must be lacking in a musical education, that's all I can say," Felix observed.

  52. He died before Baboon found his fortune, else they might have set up together, and behind their bull-dogs and grizzlies growled at the world a day or two with perfect satisfaction.

  53. Perhaps they were glad to get away from the grizzlies up there, and were shouting with delight.

  54. Sandy keeps the dogs chained, but I let the grizzlies go free.

  55. I guess he'll want to sleep now right away till spring, like our grizzlies do in the fall.

  56. In my dreams back on the farm, my only fear had been lest all the grizzlies be killed before I reached the Rockies; barring such dire calamity, I had never had a doubt of my prowess.

  57. The City of Denver sent a representative to see me, for they wanted some grizzlies to show eastern tourists.

  58. Experience with men has made the few surviving grizzlies of the Rockies crafty, and they are instinctively wary.

  59. My impression had been formed chiefly from tales of Lewis and Clark's expedition; when they made their memorable trip across the continent, grizzlies were not afraid of men because the arrows of the Indians were ineffective against them.

  60. It required about an hour's lively tussle to get the two young grizzlies stowed safely in the sack.

  61. I have watched other grizzlies under similar conditions, and they have all shown the same shrewd, cool, craftiness.

  62. I kept wondering how fast a bear could run; I halted frequently beside trees, for I remembered my father's saying grizzlies did not climb, so I planned to shin up the tallest tree in the woods should one come in sight.

  63. Perhaps no man has lived who knew grizzlies better than Adams.

  64. But, Uncle Dick, those bears must have been a different species from grizzlies nowadays.

  65. Gass records sixteen grizzlies met with between the Yellowstone and the Great Falls of the Missouri.

  66. The great Kadiak bears which you boys saw were grizzlies of a different habitat.

  67. How many of the great fighting grizzlies they met in that strip of the river, I wouldn't like to say, but in almost every instance it meant a fight, until half the crew would no longer go after a grizzly, they were so scared of them.

  68. He just isn't satisfied with jack rabbits where there used to be grizzlies and bighorns.

  69. Oh, they had merry times in those days, when grizzlies were regular fellows!

  70. Alexander Henry the younger tells us of grizzlies in northern Minnesota in early days.

  71. But Lewis and Clark didn't really kill any grizzlies until they got above the Yellowstone--and then they certainly got among them.

  72. There were so many dead buffalo, below the falls, where they washed ashore, that the grizzlies came in flocks, and didn't want to be disturbed or driven away from their grub.

  73. But don't grizzlies have to fight to kill anything as big as a moose?

  74. You hear a lot o' stories about grizzlies bein' terrible fighters, and they sure can fight when they're cornered, or when old mother bear thinks her cubs are in danger.

  75. Ansley, who was a keen and daring sportsman, and wished to add a fight with grizzlies to his répertoire of hunting adventures.

  76. Nights with the Grizzlies In this paper I propose to give an account of some experience with the grizzly bear in the summer and fall of 1885.

  77. Nights with the Grizzlies has appeared in the Forest and Stream, and is reprinted by permission of the Forest and Stream Publishing Co.

  78. Most of them are Blackbears, but there are always a few Grizzlies about.

  79. But he had fled in fear at my yell; and this behaviour exactly shows the attitude of the Grizzlies in the West to-day.

  80. Stories of grizzlies and black bear had grown passe; even the more rare accounts of wild horses spotted in some secluded valley failed to stir his old-time interest.

  81. She had heard him speak, the night before, of signs of grizzlies around the shank of the mountain, and wondered if he had started on a lone hunt for them.

  82. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grizzlies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.