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Example sentences for "grizzled"

Lexicographically close words:
gritstone; gritted; gritting; gritty; grizly; grizzlies; grizzling; grizzly; groan; groane
  1. He had close-cropped gray hair and a clipped, grizzled moustache.

  2. I don't think she's a safe topic for susceptible young chaps like you and me," the grizzled old Scotchman concluded with a chuckle.

  3. He wore a grizzled military moustache, but his hair was singularly black for a man of his years.

  4. His hair, which had grizzled hour by hour during his privations, was now of a silvery white.

  5. He was a one-eyed man, with a fringe of grizzled beard and a face which was fat, but which looked as if it had once been fatter, for it was marked with many folds and creases.

  6. Belmont, in the depths of his grizzled moustache.

  7. Norna next undid the fillet which bound her grizzled hair, and shaking her head wildly, caused it to fall in dishevelled abundance over her face and around her shoulders, so as almost entirely to hide her features.

  8. Time had grizzled her raven locks and added wrinkles to her wild features, but her height remained erect, and her activity was unimpaired.

  9. He is an old, grizzled man dressed in dungaree pants, a sweater, and a woolen cap with ear-flaps.

  10. Their grizzled old leader will see to that.

  11. It was indeed as the stokers said, and a strong friendship and mutual regard had sprung up between the grizzled old engineer and the enthusiastic wireless operator.

  12. In the one they entered, a gaunt man with grizzled hair lay upon a rickety bed.

  13. The grizzled North Countryman watched him closely as he set a plane, which is a delicate operation, and he raised no objections when Vane made use of his work-bench.

  14. He had escaped fire and smoke, or he would not have been here on Arkansa with his old grizzled Nez-perce steed.

  15. She even persuaded old Ambrosio, the grizzled civil chief of the pueblo, to entrust to her care his most precious treasure, his lovely and charming daughter, Miss Barbara Koitza.

  16. So all about India, in the most remote places, as in the most public, you find some knot of grizzled servitors in nominal charge of an old lady who is more or less curtained and hid away in a bullock-cart.

  17. I'll say it's something else," the grizzled Chief Engineer agreed.

  18. There the grizzled four-striper touched the golden meteor lightly, then drove his piercing gaze deep into the unflinching eyes of the younger man.

  19. Cleveland remained silent, pondering this startling news, but the grizzled Captain, veteran of the Fourth Jovian War that he was, was not convinced.

  20. No ray of light, no star to twinkle hope; always these weeping clouds of grizzled pallor!

  21. Some folks are apt to lose 'em whether they are tired or not," said the smith, with a shake of his grizzled head.

  22. But grizzled Antoine knew the half of a continent, and the manners of trading and killing of the tribes thereof.

  23. One ever memorable morning, early in the crisp autumn, a grizzled man strode up the trail, and Polly Ann dropped the ear of corn she was husking and stood still, her bosom heaving.

  24. At his own panel of instruments, a small man with grizzled black hair around a bald crown, and a grizzled beard, chewed nervously at the stump of a dead cigar and listened intently.

  25. The man with the grizzled beard put his face into the fur around the eyepiece of the telescopic-'visor and twisted a dial.

  26. The man with the grizzled beard began talking rapidly into his hand-phone, then hung it up.

  27. Glancing aside, she saw that it was an oldish man, with grizzled whiskers and rather a stern visage.

  28. How had this stiff, stern fellow with the grizzled beard won such a wife?

  29. Monica noticed, with a painful conflict of emotions, that his hair had begun to lose its uniform colour, and to show streaks that matched with his grizzled beard.

  30. Speculating again about his age, Monica concluded that he must be two or three and forty, in spite of the fact that his grizzled beard argued for a higher figure.

  31. Widdowson plucked at his grizzled beard and fingered his watch-chain.

  32. Seven feet he must have been in height; over the huge shoulders, the barreled chest and the bloated abdomen hung a purple cloak glittering with gems; through the thick and grizzled hair passed a flashing circlet of jewels.

  33. Revenge flashed from beneath Thomas Newcome's grizzled eyebrows, and glanced in the direction where Clive sat.

  34. As for Clive, he was in these matters much older than the grizzled old warrior his father.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grizzled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    ashen; chalky; dappled; dingy; dismal; dreary; dull; dusty; frosted; frosty; glaucous; gray; grey; grizzled; grizzly; hoar; hoary; leaden; livid; marble; milky; pearl; pearly; sad; silver; silvery; smoky; snowy; sober; somber; steely; taupe; white