It is due to posterity that procreation be brought under the control of reason and conscience.
The chaster one of the pair has no desire that this sacred vestibule to the great arcana of procreation shall be immediately and roughly invaded.
They claim that a life of total chastity increases the physical and mental vigor; and there will result a procreation on the mental and spiritual planes, instead of on the physical ones.
But here again, the law should only intervene at the request of the person injured, and to take certain measures to prevent the procreation of abortions, without interfering with sexual connection.
It would also be desirable to prevent the procreation of syphilitic infants, for instance, by the use of preventatives (vide Chapter XIV).
Questions of heredity, procreationand education will be dealt with calmly and freely.
Therefore it is only the procreation of children, which should be legally prohibited, and sexual connection only when the healthy conjoint agrees to its suppression, or when the interests of the afflicted one necessitate it.
The fatal error which causes the procreation of children to depend on pecuniary reasons and interests is a social misfortune.
We will examine the circumstances which, apart from the procreation of children, may attribute legal importance to the sexual relations of two persons.
To avoid injurious consanguinity, it is sufficient, in my opinion, to prohibit the procreation of children between direct and collateral relations, especially between parents and children and between brothers and sisters.
Woman matures earlier than man, both mentally and sexually; her personality becomes more rapidly adult than his; she ages more quickly and loses her faculty of procreation sooner than man.
Is the man less guilty than the woman in procreation apart from marriage, if we can use the term guilt in such cases?
When it is only a question of avoiding the procreation of tainted children, it would be sufficient to instruct reasonable people in the methods of avoiding conception (vide Chapter XIV).
I shall return to this point in connection with another subject, but I may remark here that it is not the continuation of marriage nor that of sexual connection which injures society, but only the procreation of children.
Again, the mother has a number of pains, cares and dangers to undergo in the course of the procreation and education of children, which the father escapes.
It is the duty of the State to relieve large families, to facilitate the procreation of healthy children, and to impose more work and taxes (for instance, artificial families) on sterile individuals.
The Holy Ghost as the agent in divine conception, or the procreation of other Gods.
Marriage, simply as marriage, is not the means "for the procreationof children," but for the humanization of the offspring procreated.
Augustus, his successor, to check the debauchery of the Roman youth, laid heavy taxes upon such as continued unmarried after a certain age, and encouraged with great rewards, the procreation of lawful children.
On the one hand there is the desire to breed the individual to a high degree of efficiency by eugenic selection, favouring good stocks and making the procreation of bad stocks more difficult.
It is possible to have children without marriage, and marriage does not ensure the procreation of children.
The first result of reform at this point was that procreationbecame a deliberate act.
Moreover, while unions not for the end of procreation were in the City of the Sun left to the judgment of the individuals alone concerned, it was not so with unions for the end of procreation.
It surpasses every other because its use, which is the procreation of the human race, and thus of heaven, surpasses all other uses.
The first and second exist in all acts whose result is the righteous acquisition of wealth; the first and third exist in the procreation of children in lawful wedlock; the second and third in ordinary acts of worldly men.
The procreation of offspring, however, becomes impossible in any other mode of life (than domesticity).
All of them have, by gifts, sacrifices and procreation of issue, proceeded to heaven.
The procreation in such a case is even more difficult for fancy to realise than the conception.
First, to lay it down that we do not commix for the sake of pleasure, but of the procreation of children.
For the powers, the organs, and desires for coition have not been given by God to man for the sake of pleasure, but for the procreation of the race.
Add to this, that at the time of procreation the idea of the male organs, and of the female features, are often both excited at the same time, by contact, or by vision.
But the manner of accomplishing this cannot be unfolded with sufficient delicacy for the public eye; but may be worth the attention of those, who are seriously interested in the procreation of a male or female child.
He had, therefore, need of a female, or wife, because the instinct of procreation was implanted in his nature by God the Creator, himself.
Desire occupies the principal place and in contempt for procreation it becomes purely bestial; whereas God has instituted matrimony as an aid to feeble nature and chiefly for the purpose of procreation.
The objection is here raised that Noah had already reached an age no longer fit for procreation in view of the fact that the Bible records no instance of children being born to him afterwards, and therefore this promise was valueless.
I reply, he does not condemn the fact of procreation as such, but the abuse of it, resulting from original sin.
The heathen, who know nothing of God's Word, ascribe the increase of mankind partly to nature and partly to chance, in view of the fact that those who are evidently most fit for procreation often remain without offspring.
And in addition to this the infantile sexual components of exhibitionism find satisfaction, for whose gratification the covering of the procreation mystery is made of glass.
It can be shown that secrets of procreation seem partly to underlie this also.
This symbol is compared to the “Egyptian stone,” and the dragon, which bites its tail; consequently the procreation symbol is compared to an eternity or cycle symbol.
In practice there was a fission, and procreation becomes an independent problem for alchemists.
The idea that man himself at procreation or at birth is assembled from separate parts, has found expression not only in the typical widespread sexual theories of children, but in countless stories (e.
Anagogically it is concerned with the bestowing of a power or (to retain the procreation metaphor) the impregnation with such a power.
A very interesting variant of the infantile theories of procreation of the living in dung is found in the book, “De Homunculis et Monstris” (Vol.
It is easy to show the possibility that many a duffer was led toward the production of the homunculus by erroneous interpretation of the procreation symbolism occurring in the alchemistic writings.
Impregnation by food is also an infantileprocreation theory.
They take the main part in the procreation of dreams, produce in some cases hysterical symptoms, compulsion ideas and acts, anxiety neuroses, etc.
Among the facts stated by Becker, there are two that deserve further notice: first, the declaration that the chief object of marriage was the procreation of children in lawful wedlock; and second, the seclusion of women to insure this result.
All alike placed the wife in the hand of her husband, and recognized as the chief end of marriage the procreation of children in lawful wedlock (liberorum querendorum causa).
The procreation of the unfit must be faced and grappled with.
We have therefore at our hand, a simple, safe, and certain method of stopping procreation by the sterilization of women by tubo-ligature.
The gratification of the sexual instinct, and procreation were the same thing in the mind of Malthus.
They have learned that marriage andprocreation are not necessarily inseperable and they practice what they know.
They marry early, and procreation is unrestrained except by the hardships of life.
All persons of fair education and good intelligence know what those conditions are, and if they procreate regardless of their absence, that procreation is an evil, and prevention by restraint is the contrary virtue.
Therefore, it seems to me an obviously lesser evil to remove all excuse for procreation by placing within reach the artificial means of prevention.
This leads us to a consideration as to how far those practices between man and woman are moral in which procreation cannot result.
All sex abnormalities are rigidly punished, whereas the procreation of children outside wedlock is not a legal offence.
Eugenic bureaus, by collecting data concerning family histories and by emphasizing the importance of family stock, would naturally promote marriages among persons of good stock and thereby increase procreation of a desirable kind.
Hence comes the union of male and female, which we call marriage; hence the procreation and rearing of children, for this is a law by the knowledge of which we see even the lower animals are distinguished.
Both forms of adoption agree in this point, that persons incapable of procreation by natural impotence are permitted to adopt, whereas castrated persons are not allowed to do so.
For most persons form marriage connexions without due regard to what is best for the procreationof children.