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Example sentences for "little thought"

  • Yes," answered the old man, after a little thought.

  • He became very popular with the masters as well as with his companions--even Mrs Pike acknowledged that she little thought when he first came that he would turn out so well.

  • I cannot help that," answered Digby, after a little thought.

  • I little thought where we would meet again.

  • The last time your hand rested on my arm, Miss Vernon, I little thought I should so soon discover what you would not reveal.

  • This is quite easy if you use just a little thought.

  • It is not a difficult puzzle, but requires just a little thought.

  • This puzzle is quite easy if you first of all give it a little thought.

  • Yet, neither to the Father nor to the Mother, was ever made known the name of the slayers; for this might not be; as all shall see with a little thought.

  • I travelled from province to province a long time; and when I least expected, met him this day, but I little thought to find him so incensed against me.

  • I leave you to reflect on what you have to do, if you have ever so little thought.

  • I am at a loss to tell you whether I was dead or alive that moment; for I little thought of escaping such imminent danger.

  • I began life keeping store," he added, "but I little thought I should end it so.

  • A little thought ought to convince us that the liberation of the individual could not be revoked, that it had forever destroyed the power of authority to carry conviction.

  • I little thought, fool that I was, that he would get this pox.

  • I little thought," he added dreamily, "when I renounced the ministry in so much sorrow that one day I should have a church of my own.

  • I little thought, while enjoying my Christmas revels in the elegant home of my firm friends, the Reverend Lionel Delamere and his amiable lady, to find a stranger had taken my place in the affections of my dearest, my still dearest Matilda!

  • I told you, Mr Blore, that you would find Arabic useful, though I little thought at the time how much service its acquirement would render you," he exclaimed as he shook me by the hand.

  • I little thought at the moment how truly I spoke; for scarcely had the carpenter uttered the words when the mutineers rose in a body, and, drawing their knives, made a desperate rush at us.

  • Pelle had had so much to do with the affairs of others, and had given so little thought to his own, that it was delightful, for once in a way, to be able to rest and think of himself.

  • Of late he had given no little thought to the subject of marrying again.

  • So he could stretch his limbs and give a little thought to his own affairs.

  • As the accomplished attache uttered this with a soft arch smile, as though it were an infantine jest, he little thought what a large amount of self-control he called into action in his cousin's mind.

  • I little thought it would be my Johnnie's font,' said Violet, softly.

  • Highly as I esteemed Violet, I little thought to hear this!

  • Your sweet Helen is exactly like my precious little Anna, whom I little thought I was never to see again!

  • After a little thought, he commenced singing a very beautiful and plaintive one, and certainly much better than he had sung the night before; for he now was sober.

  • Well, I little thought that I should have such a comfort sent me after all my sufferings.

  • I; and then after a little thought I said, "You don't mean Nero, mother?

  • Little thought he so foully by seeming friends to die.

  • LXII Sindolt and Hunolt and noble Gernot too In the fierce encounter many a champion slew, Who, ere they felt their puissance, little thought to quail; Many a noble lady then had cause to wail.

  • I thanked you yesterday, when I first saw you, for your noble behaviour; I little thought that I should have again, in so short a time, to express my thanks.

  • You have great strength and courage; I little thought what a lion I had chained up," replied she.

  • I little thought to see our dear young lady so wedded.

  • I little thought that he of the English graft upon a French stock would have carried such brawling into the house of my ancient friend.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "little thought" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    falling bodies; little annoyed; little birds; little butter; little cinnamon; little creek; little difficult; little else; little excitement; little gentleman; little half; little horn; little lady; little older; little over; little pale; little pieces; little plant; little princess; little proud; little salt; little ship; little sisters; little too; little wine; little woman