Yes," answered the old man, after a little thought.
He became very popular with the masters as well as with his companions--even Mrs Pike acknowledged that she little thought when he first came that he would turn out so well.
It is not a difficult puzzle, but requires just a little thought.
This puzzle is quite easy if you first of all give it a little thought.
Yet, neither to the Father nor to the Mother, was ever made known the name of the slayers; for this might not be; as all shall see with a little thought.
I travelled from province to province a long time; and when I least expected, met him this day, but I little thought to find him so incensed against me.
I leave you to reflect on what you have to do, if you have ever so little thought.
I am at a loss to tell you whether I was dead or alive that moment; for I little thought of escaping such imminent danger.
I began life keeping store," he added, "but I little thought I should end it so.
A little thought ought to convince us that the liberation of the individual could not be revoked, that it had forever destroyed the power of authority to carry conviction.
I little thought, fool that I was, that he would get this pox.
I little thought," he added dreamily, "when I renounced the ministry in so much sorrow that one day I should have a church of my own.
I little thought, while enjoying my Christmas revels in the elegant home of my firm friends, the Reverend Lionel Delamere and his amiable lady, to find a stranger had taken my place in the affections of my dearest, my still dearest Matilda!
I told you, Mr Blore, that you would find Arabic useful, though I little thought at the time how much service its acquirement would render you," he exclaimed as he shook me by the hand.
I little thoughtat the moment how truly I spoke; for scarcely had the carpenter uttered the words when the mutineers rose in a body, and, drawing their knives, made a desperate rush at us.
Pelle had had so much to do with the affairs of others, and had given so little thought to his own, that it was delightful, for once in a way, to be able to rest and think of himself.
Of late he had given no little thought to the subject of marrying again.
So he could stretch his limbs and give a little thought to his own affairs.
As the accomplished attache uttered this with a soft arch smile, as though it were an infantine jest, he little thoughtwhat a large amount of self-control he called into action in his cousin's mind.
I little thought it would be my Johnnie's font,' said Violet, softly.
Your sweet Helen is exactly like my precious little Anna, whom I little thought I was never to see again!
After a little thought, he commenced singing a very beautiful and plaintive one, and certainly much better than he had sung the night before; for he now was sober.
Well, I little thought that I should have such a comfort sent me after all my sufferings.
I; and then after a little thought I said, "You don't mean Nero, mother?
Little thought he so foully by seeming friends to die.
LXII Sindolt and Hunolt and noble Gernot too In the fierce encounter many a champion slew, Who, ere they felt their puissance, little thought to quail; Many a noble lady then had cause to wail.
I thanked you yesterday, when I first saw you, for your noble behaviour; I little thought that I should have again, in so short a time, to express my thanks.
You have great strength and courage; I little thought what a lion I had chained up," replied she.
I little thought that he of the English graft upon a French stock would have carried such brawling into the house of my ancient friend.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "little thought" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.