In January 2003, it declared its withdrawal from the international Non-Proliferation Treaty.
In the smaller arteries there is more or less uniform thickening of the tunica intima from proliferation of the endothelium and increase in the connective tissue in the elastic lamina--a form of obliterative endarteritis.
Within twelve hours the cells of the rete Malpighii close to the cut edge begin to sprout on to the surface of the wound, and by their proliferation gradually cover the granulations with a thin pink pellicle.
The cancer cells are derived by proliferation from already existing epithelium, and they invade the sub-epithelial connective tissue in the form of simple or branching columns.
The sections showproliferation of endothelial cells, the formation of numerous giant cells quite unlike those of tuberculosis and a progressive fibrosis.
The introduction of a colony of micro-organisms is quickly followed by an accumulation of wandering cells, and proliferation of connective-tissue cells in the tissues at the site of infection.
Wyss describes the cutaneous nodules as formed by a great proliferation of round cells (like pus-cells) in the upper layer of the corium just beneath the papillary layer.
In the case of the agminated glands this proliferation may be limited to the follicles or it may extend to the intercellular tissue, and even to the adjacent mucous membrane.
Parenchymatous Nephritis, Proliferationof Nuclei, Hyaline Degeneration of Arterioles, the Glomerulo-Nephritis of Klebs.
In addition to the microscopic appearances of the muscles already described, Hayem[49] has observed in his examinations of the heart a cellular infiltration of the connective tissue and a proliferation of the muscle nuclei.
In the skin such infiltrations also frequently terminate in induration, while ulceration and abscess tend to appear when the proliferation of glander-cells is most abundant (farcy-buds).
The external fibrous layers were at points abundantly interspersed with, and even replaced by, groups of embryonic cells, the active proliferation of which meant the destruction of the perivascular fibrous layer.
Desquamation is attributable to the exaggerated proliferation of the epidermis and the loosening of its attachment by the inflammation.
These changes consist inproliferation and subsequent degeneration of the lymphoid cells of the marrow, with multiplication of the nuclei in the walls of the minute vessels and fatty degeneration of their coats.
In certain cases of nasal glanders at the earliest stage there is merely an increased proliferation of the mucous corpuscles, which become more granular or purulent.
Under the microscope the medullary infiltration upon which the enlargement of the glands depends is found to be due to proliferation of the cellular elements.
Thus it is that, where the constant motion of the blood and the animal living cells are not present (as in the anterior chamber of the eye or in the humor vitreous) a rapid proliferation and accumulation of bacteria can take place.
Analogous changes have also been observed in the salivary glands and pancreas, except that, according to Hoffmann, a cellular proliferation precedes the degenerative process.
The region of proliferationmarks the anal side of the ectoderm, and the layer of nuclei forms the perivitelline membrane.
From one part of the periphery of the ectoderm proliferation of cells takes place and gives rise to a layer of scattered nuclei over the whole surface of the yolk.
Plainly, there is no case here of a progressive diminution of cell-proliferation with age.
Many of the organs of the animal exhibited serious invasions by macrophags but the testes were extremely active, the cells being in free proliferation and producing abundant spermatozoa (Fig.
The hairs and the nails, which are epidermic outgrowths, continue to grow throughout life, their growth being due to the proliferation of their constituent cells.
He thinks in particular that the proliferation of the cells of the skin, to replace those which are worn off from the surface, becomes less active with age.
We have no means of deciding whether the ordinary wear and tear of the tissues is made good by means of gemmules, or merely by the proliferation of pre-existing cells.
Through long ages, through the earliest Palæozoic time, it was no more than a proliferation of such swimming and creeping things in the water.
The reaction is in the nature of a distinct active hyperemic state and it is sufficient to cause the proliferation of connective tissue.
We will continue to help shape the forces of change, to anticipate emerging problems of nuclear proliferation and conventional arms sales, and to use our great strength parts of the world before they erupt and spread.
Nuclear proliferation would raise the spectre of the use of nuclear explosives in crucial, unstable regions of the world endangering not only our security and that of our Allies, but that of the whole world.
American leadership has helped to stimulate new international efforts to stem the proliferation of nuclear weapons and to shape a comprehensive treaty governing the use of oceans.
Non-proliferation is not and can not be a unilateral U.
We are also working vigorously to halt the proliferation of nuclear weapons among the nations of the world which do not now have them and to reduce the deadly global traffic in conventional arms sales.
We continue to give high priority to our non-proliferation goals in the area in the context of our broad global and regional priorities.
We have been proceeding on a number of fronts: --First, we have been seeking to encourage nations to accede to the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
The international non-proliferation effort requires the support of suppliers as well as importers of nuclear technology and materials.
While differences remain, the INFCE effort provides a broader international basis for national decisions which must balance energy needs with non-proliferation concerns.
The continuous proliferation of new religious denominations, soon to be as many as there are people who constitute the networks of human interaction in today's pragmatic context, reflects also the ability of the church to adapt.
A proliferation of tools allowed for increased productivity in those remote times of the inception of language.
Osseous Fishes, Echinaster fallax, Eucope polystyla, there are a large number of nearly equal germinal spots which appear to result from the division or endogenous proliferation of the original spot.
Weismann (it appears to me without sufficient ground) to be derived from a proliferation of the cells of the neurilemma.
New oscula are formed by a kind of proliferation that renders the structure still more complex than it is when only one exhalent aperture is present.
Cornil et Ranvier[118] insist that even in slight cases of rheumatic arthritis the diarthrodial cartilage constantly suffers changes arising from nutritive irritation andproliferation of the cartilage-cells.
This irritation induces abnormal proliferation of epithelium, upon which the spores of the cryptogam then germinate.
These appearances and processes may be summed up as hyperaemia, increased cell-proliferation into circumscribed portions of the mucous structures, with distension of the epithelium (dropsical degeneration?
According to some observers, it is to the proliferation of the proper gland-cells that the new formations owe their origin; according to others, to the hyperplasia of the cells lining the ducts.
It may increase in size to that of a cocoanut or larger, and may remain simple, but usually is compounded by proliferation in the production of daughter cysts.
In cases which are not carcinomatous the diminution in the actual calibre of the tube is usually due to submucous proliferation of connective tissue and to thickening of the mucous membrane.
Early on the seventh day the embryonic area becomes pyriform, and at its posterior and narrower end a primitive streak makes its appearance, which is due to a proliferation of rounded cells from the epiblast.
The mesoblast derived from the proliferationof the epiblast soon joins the mesoblast already present; though in many sections it seems possible to trace a separation between the two parts (fig.
This figure shews that the median portion of the blastoderm has become very much thickened (thus producing the opacity of the primitive streak), and that this thickening is caused by a proliferation of rounded cells from the epiblast.
B) there was a layer of mesoblast with a considerable lateral extension, while in the median line there was a distinct mesoblastic proliferation of epiblast cells.
A proliferation of the connective tissue-cells in the vicinity of the tympanic cavity causes in Mammalia the complete or nearly complete obliteration of the cavity during foetal life.
In the Joint Statement, the DPRK committed to "abandoning all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programs and returning, at an early date, to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and to IAEA safeguards.
Cohnheim); (3) they are epithelial cells with a latent power of unlimited proliferation which becomes active on their being dislocated from the normal association (M.
This extraordinary growth is due to the continued proliferation of cancerous cells when transplanted.
In some cases the inner layer is formed not by invagination but by proliferation or by delamination.
In the seas there had been no such advance but a great proliferation of new forms of life.
The media is thinned beneath the marked intimal proliferation so that the artery exhibits translucent areas when held to the light.
In the early stages of the disease before the artery or arteries have had time to become strengthened by proliferation of the connective tissue, there is the danger of aneurysm.
In the arterioles three kinds of changes occur: a muscular hypertrophy; a fibrosis of all the coats; or a marked proliferation of the intimal endothelium.
There is marked proliferation of connective tissue in cortex and medulla.
Papillomas consist of villouslike projections, resulting from a proliferation of the outer layer (epithelium) of the skin or mucous membrane.
The primitive streak beginning in the cell-proliferation known as the "node of Hensen.
The secreting epithelium and that lining the ducts of the adult gland is formed by budding and proliferation of the intestinal epithelium.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "proliferation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.