I made him a bed and pulled the overhanging straw thinly around him, so as effectually to conceal him from any chance passer-by; I took off my canteen and haversack and placed them within his reach.
A road leads towards it through the Hobby, a wood overhanging the sea, which Kingsley describes as 'a forest wall five hundred feet high, of almost semi-tropic luxuriance.
They may be heard pounding their cider and threshing their wheat far within the recesses of their "house" on Sheepstor--a cavern formed by overhanging blocks of granite.
Thus, instead of presenting to the ice a vertical face, which would immediately arrest the ship and possibly cause considerable damage on account of the sudden stress of the blow, a sloping, overhanging bow is adopted.
On April 16 the last penguin was seen on a ledgeoverhanging an icy cove to the east.
In it lay broken fragments of the overhanging cliff.
Several were rather remarkable; one for its exquisite series of stratification lines, another for its facade in stucco, and a third for its overhanging cornice fringed with slender icicles.
Overhanging the water was a cavern hollowed out of a bridge of ice thrown from the glacier to the western limit of the rock outcrop.
It was no fault of the rope-attachments for they were securely made and so we were left to conclude that a great mass of ice had broken away from the overhanging shelf and carried everything before it.
It could not be lifted vertically as its bow was caught in a V-shaped cornice formed by an overhanging mass of snow.
A long, delicate aquiline nose had a good deal to do with his profile, as had also a pair of overhanging eyebrows.
Everybody, even the Cherub, whose spirits seldom failed her, was depressed, and the idea of an overhanging doom had grown.
Greek Tragedy affects the reader with the same sense of overhanging doom.
She climbed higher still, on to an overhanging point, that she might look down upon the wide world.
At last her deaf guide halted by a low cabin built of stone, with a wide overhanging roof, a strong door of rough wood, and little slits instead of windows.
Not a tree is near it; it is perched upon a wild crag overhanging the angry sea, and the winds roar, and the gulls and eagles scream, and the waves thunder round it!
At last, before a tall overhanging house, there was an immense press, and a frightful din of shouts and imprecations, filling both the new-comers with infectious eagerness.
A long dark green canoe had shot out from under an overhanging ledge of rock.
The girl was fortunate in being able to find cover in the overhanging foliage, behind which she took refuge.
Harriet quickly got the rowboat and began pushing her way down through the overhanging foliage that smote her in the face with every move of the oar.
Luckily for them they fell into the branches of one of these overhanging trees, while the horse and car went plunging into the water.
Noisy little chipmunks sit up and nibble nervously at dainties they have found, and flirt their tails and gossip, and scold the carping bluejays that peer down from overhanging branches.
Jack had to promise that he would be very careful of overhanging branches.
White cymes of spicy basil are mingled with the purple loosestrife and back of these the fleabanes lift daisy-like heads among the hazeloverhanging the wire fence.
With the showy, straw-colored cyperus it flourishes under the friendly shade of the overhanging cord-grasses whose flowering stalks already have shot up beyond the reach of a man.
The shop where Malcolm proposed they should eat their luncheon had an upper window overhanging Piccadilly.
Inspector Aylesbury cleared his throat, but Wessex, puffing at his pipe, made no remark whatever until we were all come to the hut overhanging the little ravine.
Thus for much of the way they had the shade from the trees and from the overhanging bluffs.
Mr. Kit-ze had no more than started to obey when a small flat boat came out from the overhanging bank and made toward them.
There are overhanging trees, a quiet river bed, and not many people who will come to gaze.
There was indeed much to make the trip delightful, for the beauties of the spring were all around them, in the sky, in the water, in the green knolls overhanging the river.
Suddenly, from the midst of some overhanging vines near which they were passing, there came a loud hail.
They are curious, too, and by judicious screeping I succeeded in calling the bird of the accompanying illustration down within five feet upon the overhanging limb of an apple tree.
The leaves of the fragrant cottonwoods glance and shimmer under the ardent sun; while the wavelets of the lake, tired of their morning romp, are sighing sleepily in the root-laced chambers of the overhanging shore.
Robinson, of Chelan, secured a fledgeling Oriole which he rescued from the water of the lake where it had evidently just fallen from an overhanging nest.
If the traveller intrusts himself to the care of a local guide he will certainly be carried to the little chapel of Saint Michael overhanging the town.
For several days the fourteen soldiers and their four half-dead companions camped under the overhanging cliff, where they were safe from missiles from above, hourly expecting an onslaught from the savages.
It was shaped like a great overhanging hood, out of which, crudely suggested by the configuration of the rock, peered a diabolical face, weather-worn to the smoothness of polished marble.
And the horse sped along under the overhanging woods.
Racoare rode silently under the overhanging woods with their sparse foliage; he seemed like a phantom in the blue light.
The wind was fortunate, blowing steadily across the flat from the river, and they were surely invisible against the background of the overhanging bluff.
Moreover if the two of them should succeed in stealing forth from the shelter of the coach, should skulk unseen amid the dense blackness of the overhanging bluff, eluding the watchers, what would it profit in the end?
He glanced nervously at the loopholes in the flanking towers and upward at the machicolated battlement overhanging him, as if any crumbling peep-hole might harbour gleaming eyes.
There," he cried, "is Juliette on that wall overhanging the river.