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Example sentences for "fated"

Lexicographically close words:
fatalities; fatality; fatall; fatally; fate; fateful; fates; fatha; fathah; father
  1. He saw the uselessness, and even the danger, of distracting the attention of the workmen, and the ill-fated scholar was permitted to pass away without a word of regret or a comment on his fate.

  2. We appear fated to pass the night in it, for, so far from seeing any signs of this land-breeze of which Baptiste has so confidently spoken, the air seems to have gone to sleep as well as the crew.

  3. The vacillation of this ill-fated monarch towards his advisers, says Michelet, was much influenced by a fixed idea that Charles I.

  4. Nor you, mistress, Ever a friend whose thoughts more truly labour To recompense your love: doubt not but heaven Hath brought me up to be your daughter's dower, As it hath fated her to be my motive And helper to a husband.

  5. Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie, Which we ascribe to heaven: the fated sky Gives us free scope; only doth backward pull Our slow designs when we ourselves are dull.

  6. Mv heart bleeds to think of the sufferings which my beloved Mary is again fated to endure; but regrets are only aggravations of calamity.

  7. Should he be spared, he will still roam in the wilderness, and I may again be fated to encounter him.

  8. He rolled upon the ground, uttering doleful shrieks, and throwing his limbs into those contortions which bespeak the keenest agonies to which ill-fated man is subject.

  9. O how wonderful is the decree of fate, that we are fated to bear in this world in the course of time!

  10. I am now ill-fated to become a prey to young men, and the subject of fighting among them, like a piece of flesh among ravenous vultures.

  11. Here she dwelt for the five succeeding years, watching the growth and education of her boy, and enjoying more happiness than she had known since her ill-fated marriage.

  12. He heard that Tyrrel had favoured the escape of the ill-fated young prince to Germany.

  13. The ill-fated prince was delivered into Henry's hands under a promise that his life should be spared.

  14. He was an ardent sportsman, and this was fated to be his last day's sport.

  15. Middleham, as the scene of the ill-fated young King's happy married life.

  16. Immediately afterward, the vessel broke up, and the remainder of the ill-fated crew perished before our eyes.

  17. More than sixteen hundred years after an eruption of Vesuvius had buried Pompeii in ashes, explorers laid bare the ruins of the ill-fated city.

  18. But it was fated never more to cast anchor in that port.

  19. Well, I see that I'm fated not to capture you, so I'll bid you good day.

  20. Since it is fated that we go to the wars together," said he, "'tis fitting that thou shouldst be properly attired and armed.

  21. Silently, and fully anticipating a fresh trap, the troop advanced, the successor to the ill-fated horse walking cautiously as if instinctively aware of its perilous mission.

  22. It is not fated that our bones bleach on the banks of this river, mes enfans," he exclaimed.

  23. Then Raymond, with two of his fellow-archers, entered the ill-fated house of the Lady Scarsdale, and removed the bodies of the three Genoese.

  24. Shuddering at the thought of their narrow escape, Raymond and his father rose, and with averted faces, left behind them the bodies of the ill-fated men, and pursued their journey.

  25. At the Leipzig Disputation there also appeared a man fated to become of supreme importance in the carrying out of the Reformation.

  26. The Demiurge soon repented of his ill-fated performance, and prayed the supreme God to send his Son as redeemer.

  27. This was the interesting and ill-fated woman, since renowned as "Swift's Stella.

  28. The small English house of lime and stone on this island was still standing in good condition, and there was also a trench where they had built their ill-fated boat.

  29. Nor did these feelings, in conjunction with the natural effect of the gloom and physical discomforts of their situation, long fail of a characteristic manifestation among the contrasted bands of that fated army.

  30. He then made his way up the coast to Atacama, and thence to Cuzco, at which city he joined the conquerors just at the period of the capture of the ill-fated Inca Atahuallpa.

  31. The field strewn with many thousand corpses, informed him sufficiently that a new disaster had befallen the fated army.

  32. Thus much was the brave Bouille hitherto fated to do.

  33. Eleven of these ill-fated Deputies, among whom we may count, as twelfth, Friend Riouffe the Man of Letters, do an original thing.

  34. Flimsier mortal was seldom fated to do as weighty a mischief; to have a life as despicable-envied, an exit as frightful.

  35. History; where nevertheless he has been fated to do a notable thing.

  36. The poor Seven Hundred and Forty-five, sent together by the active citizens of France, are what they could be; do what is fated them.

  37. He had come to believe that he was never fated to die at the hands of the red foe of the pioneers; and this made him the more rash.

  38. Kanka stepped over to where the fated men were sitting.

  39. If unkind heaven Our armies rout, still let my choicest part Survive in thee; if fated is my flight, Still leave me that whereto I fain would flee.

  40. Reflected from their arms, th' opposing sun Filled all the slope with radiance as they marched In ordered ranks to that ill-fated fight, And stood arranged for battle.

  41. Tyrrhenus high Upon the bulwarks of his ship was struck By leaden bolt from Balearic sling Of Lygdamus; straight through his temples passed The fated missile; and in streams of blood Forced from their seats his trembling eyeballs fell.

  42. Not yet hath he surpassed The height of power and deserved a death Noble at Brutus' hands -- then let him live, Thy fated victim!

  43. First shall the battle onset sound again, Again shall flow upon thy fated earth A crimson torrent.

  44. When in this fated land the chiefs had placed Their several camps, foreboding of the end Now fast approaching, all men's thoughts were turned Upon the final issue of the war.

  45. Meanwhile all nations of the earth were moved To share in Magnus' fortunes and the war, And in his fated ruin.

  46. Here fated Telon also steered his ship: No pilot's hand upon an angry sea More deftly ruled a vessel.

  47. Yet the circle of passion was not to surround my fated steps for ever.

  48. But it was fated I should not sleep that night, for at the very keyhole of my chamber, as it seemed, a demoniac laugh was uttered.

  49. When he met her, I saw that he could hardly bear, for downright agony, to look into her face, for he was stricken with the conviction that she was fated to die.

  50. Both of them had smelt powder before, and Macdonough had been one of the first on the deck of the ill-fated "Philadelphia.

  51. But the British captain was determined not to fight, and Lawrence was thus denied the opportunity he afterwards had with the ill-fated "Chesapeake.

  52. The ill-fated Cabalist was sent to jail on the charge of careless handling of fire during his pyrotechnic experiments (1711).

  53. The miracle-worker subjected the demons to a regular cross-examination, demanding an explanation why they refused to abandon the ill-fated house.

  54. And thither a savant's superior mind was fated to come after passing on the road the many Socialist sects which one and all bore the stigma of tyranny.

  55. There was no end to that drove of toilers, that army of various callings, that human flesh fated to manual labour, upon which Paris preys in order that she may live in luxury and enjoyment.

  56. It was this conviction which now returned to him as he again cast eyes upon that want and grief stricken district which seemed fated to everlasting destitution.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    approaching; bound; card; certain; coming; condemn; destined; determined; devoted; doomed; emergent; extrapolated; fatal; fated; fateful; forthcoming; future; futuristic; hereafter; imminent; indefeasible; ineluctable; inescapable; inevitable; inexorable; inflexible; irresistible; irrevocable; later; marked; nearing; necessary; planned; plotted; predetermined; predicted; probable; projected; prophesied; prospective; relentless; sure; ultimate; unavoidable; uncontrollable; unyielding; written