You shall yet see, Mamselle," he had prophesied with a fullness of belief that made Grace resolve to keep on writing to the address Jean had given her for a year at least, whether or not she received a line in return.
Yes, the spirit of youth will remain with them as long as they live," prophesied Grace wisely, "because they will always be interested in things.
The place smelt of leather and cobbler's wax; but, as Mr. Bowden had prophesied in the past, these harmless odours vanished when the meal began.
Ermes Bentivoglio sent an assassin after Cocle, because the unlucky metopOscopist had unwillingly prophesied to him that he would die an exile in battle.
Nor did he escape the cudgels and the daggers of his enemies, although they failed to have the effect which Berni prophesied him in a famous sonnet.
A prominent New York journal prophesied the fall of Richmond within three months, saying: "We spit upon a longer-deferred justice.
Of course, I recognized the unusualness of Sam's gifts, but he was eccentric and seemed to lack industry; it is not likely that I should have prophesied fame for him then.
The lecture plan was the idea of Frank Fuller, who as acting Governor of Utah had known Mark Twain on the Comstock, and prophesied favorably of his future career.
OVER THE HILLS AND FAR AWAY When Madame Caprell prophesied that Orion Clemens would hold office under government, she must have seen with true clairvoyant vision.
Ministers and other sober-minded citizens freely prophesied sudden and violent ends for them, and considered them hardly worth praying for.
Artemus Ward was in the height of his fame, and he encouraged his new-found brother-humorist and prophesied great things of him.
It is asserted that the Messiah prophesied in their books of worship has come, and that there will be a revolution in the religious world.
We know it by His star--the star that was prophesied as heralding His coming.
Others prophesied that the doom of the Union was cast.
Yes, captain, our Sybil hasprophesied your arrival here, and your visit to our palace.
And in those isles, they prophesied the Incarnation of Lord Jesu Christ, how he should be born of a maiden, three thousand year or more or our Lord was born of the Virgin Mary.
I have heard what the prophets said who prophesied lies in My name.
He had prophesied the drought, and it had withered and scorched up the erring, afflicted land.
In Seder Olam they are called "prophets who prophesied in Egypt.
But the prophecy of Micaiah came true, and the unanimous four hundred had prophesied lies.
Like Amos, he lived in Judah, butprophesied also against a king of Israel.
I prophesied that they would see signs in the heavens very soon, such as were spoken of by Jesus Christ in the New Testament; and that when they should begin to see them they might know for themselves that His coming was nigh at hand.
Of these, he prophesied to those few who loved her and who came to see her uncle from time to time.
Renan prophesied that St. Paul and Protestantism were coming to the end of their reign.
For a time the situation seemed inextricable and one cardinal prophesied the impending downfall of the papacy.
On a Latin city such as Florence was, Savonarola at first made little or no impression; too often the friars had prophesied evil for no cause, wandering through every little city in Italy denouncing the Signori.
It is really the decadence, certainly prophesied in the later work of Andrea del Sarto, that we come to in the work of that pupil of his, who was influenced by what he could understand of the work of Michelangelo.
It may be argued on the other hand that Prometheus foreknew the advent of Herakles, and prophesied of him to Io in the second drama of the trilogy.
All the prophets prophesied so, saying, Go up to Ramoth Gilead, and prosper; for Yahweh will deliver it into the hand of the king.
Of Jonah we have only, the prophecy concerning the Ninevites, though he also prophesied to the children of Israel, as we learn in 2 Kings xiv:25.
He not only prophesied at that time, but furthermore wrote the history of that king (see 2 Chron.
Jeremiah's arrest was that he had prophesied the destruction of the city to Zedekiah who consulted him.
Ezekiel prophesied that Zedekiah should not see Babylon, whereas the book we now have not only contains no such statement, but contrariwise asserts in chap.
The prophet Ezekiel, one of those transported in Jehoiachin’s time, also prophesied the conquest of Egypt by the Chaldeans.
Ineffectual efforts have been made so that these figures should correspond to the seventy years of captivity prophesied by Jeremiah, which only represents a round and undetermined number in the mind of the prophet.
The Prophets prophesied in a far-off land, many, many hundred years ago.
They prophesied to a small nation that dwelt in a small country and established a petty kingdom.
Micaiah, however, when urged to speak the truth, prophesied the defeat and death of Ahab.
At the annual meetings its leading members boasted in grossly exaggerated terms of what had been accomplished and recklessly prophesied of what would yet be achieved.
Divine revelations, prophesied the overthrow of the Austrian dynasty in A.
She would never have done anything," said Madame Morin, "if she had not left America and come to France; and if my niece does not go to Paris nobody can say that the horoscope has prophesied falsely.
Madame Morin seemed struck as by a miracle, and, far from thinking the fact prophesied too improbable, remarked that her niece was much more worthy of becoming her sovereign's wife or mistress than the bigoted Maintenon had been.
Now it so happened that after Balaam had prophesied of this Star, the more it was sought for the more its fame increased through the land of Ind and Chaldee, and all the people desired to see it.
So they ordained twelve of the wisest and greatest clerks of astronomy that were in all that country about, and gave them great hire to keep watch upon this hill of Vaws for the Star that was prophesied of Balaam.
Thomas, then five years old, happened to overhear a gentleman telling his father that it was prophesied duke Richard of Gloucester would be king.
Just such a leader as he--even to the gray eyes and the horseshoe on his forehead--had been prophesied for this time of the world.
Her father had said that nearly all experts prophesied annihilation for Stanton and his men.
Farming folk prophesied a cold January, while the neighbourhood negroes held that the unusual warmth proceeded from the comet which blazed this year in the skies.