Poor Cicely never dared to retire without first having a thorough examination to assure herself that no lurking rodent was lying hidden behind the wardrobe, or in any other obscure corner.
Cicely's spirit quailed at the prospect of once more encountering the unknown horrors that might be lurking in that dark attic.
Nobody knew what dangers might be lurking there, ready to assail him in rear the moment he left the security of his fortified place.
Don't you see she's lurking over yonder, looking up at the stars and waiting for him by the compass?
The Matabele might even now be lurking about the kraal--for the bodies were hardly cold.
The lurking priests had great advantages from the attractive nature of their faith, and some, no doubt, from its persecution.
Next day the army marched two leagues through a perpetual succession of fields of Indian corn, interspersed with straggling houses, and were frequently vexed by lurking Indians who shot off their arrows and then ran away.
It investigates the curled dead leaves caught up among the branches, and devours such small creatures as it finds lurking in their folds.
They probe the crowded flower clusters, perhaps seeking small insects lurking there rather than nectar.
Just run your hand along the length of the tapestry; and if they are lurking behind it, you will soon find them.
Yet neither of those facts is proof that the fugitives are not lurking somewhere in the church.
But if they knew how to obliterate their tracks, so did the Indians, and there was nothing visible to indicate the presence of forty foes lurking in the long grass below, or indeed anywhere within the glade.
Look after him, Piet," said the old man as he gave them his hand, and there was the nearest approach to a smile lurking about his mouth.
And presently, as though to dissipate any doubt that might still be lurking in our minds, we distinctly heard, at frequent intervals, the piercing scream of a man in mortal agony!
Every bush I saw I took for a figure lurking by the roadside, while solitary trees I had to pass assumed the form and shape and even movement of an enemy on horseback riding silently down to meet me.
So lonesome a ride in the darkness of night, through a country wild and bleak, with danger lurking perhaps on either side of me, might easily have daunted a bolder heart than mine.
They had not gone a thousand yards when howling was heard in front, and a gray host of Tartars sprang forth from the river, near which they had been lurking till then.
My Tartars must belurking here like wolves in a thicket," thought Kmita.
Never had it seemed so dismal, so empty, and at the same time so full of lurking danger.
It awakened in her the knowledge that she could defend herself, that the courage for which she had prayed that night when on the rock where Randerson had found her, was lurking deep, ready to answer her summons.
And also, lurking deep in her unsophisticated mind was a most feminine impulse to sting Masten to jealousy.
Across the cloth he had watched her--girlish, debonair, and with a secret laughter lurking in her eyes.
Ambushed in this were lurking a number of very pallid and bluish-looking eggs, with a nondescript stuffing bulging out of them.
None of our family were ever important that I ever heard of, though of course one never knows what relatives are lurking about.
Eventually he placed her aboard a liner, and her bonds in the purser's safe; and eventually the liner stole out into the ocean, through such a gantlet of lurking demons as old superstitions peopled it with.
There are no vague hints and suggestions, no lurkingshadows concealing untold horrors.
It would stop at once the lurking suspicion as to their retrograde tendencies in Italy, on which Palmerston taunted them, and by which he kept them out of office for years.
Heaven be praised,' replied I, 'there is no pride left me now, I should detest my own heart if I saw either pride or resentment lurking there.
Nothing could stay their curiosity now, not even the possibility of danger, which as yet was a lurking and mysterious one.
He stands with an air of stupid abstraction, unconscious of the lurking danger.
He approached the place cautiously, fearful that Indians might be lurking about, for a deserted camp is dangerous to return to.
More than once she had mentioned the name of Edith Dexter, always coupling it with that of Maurice, who she evidently believed was lurking with evil purposes around her home; and Dr.
She saw a smile lurking under his heavy lashes, and half ambushed in the corners of his mouth; and, vaguely conscious that she was rendering herself ridiculous, she bit her lip with ill-disguised vexation.
A scarlet wave rolled up from throat to temples, and the lurking yellow gleamed in her eyes, but the bend of her nostril and curve of her lips did not relax.
There was a lurking hope, though, in Chris's breast, that sooner or later he would meet Claude, and come to an explanation.
She shrewdly reasoned that if the man were well disposed towards the owner of The Hut, he would hardly be lurking in the grounds, hidden under a pile of matting.
Who is it that you caught lurking about--that Mallory girl?
His face gleamed white in the candlelight, and in his eyes there was a lurking fierceness that gave her pause.
Yeeld stinging Nettles to mine Enemies; And when they from thy Bosome pluck a Flower, Guard it I prethee with a lurking Adder, Whose double tongue may with a mortall touch Throw death vpon thy Soueraignes Enemies.
We doubt not of a faire and luckie Warre, Since God so graciously hath brought to light This dangerous Treason, lurkingin our way, To hinder our beginnings.