It is not here connected with the trigger as in other locks; but is attached by a double-jointed piece to a lever b, which turns upon a fulcrum pin in its centre.
If by accident the key which works the safety be touched, nothing happens, because the trigger is not drawn; and the trigger touched alone can produce no effect, because it is locked.
There is a steel punch c, in the magazine, whose under end stands above the pan, ready to ignite the priming when struck upon the top by the cock d, whenever the trigger is drawn.
The pressure must be applied to the trigger and the key at the same instant, otherwise the lock will not work.
When the lever or trigger t is drawn forward, as in fig.
But as he brought the weapon to his shoulder and his finger pressed the trigger the formidable creature crouching along the limb, sprang full at the luckless Herr Muller.
Jeffries ominously, as he flourished a revolver about, "I'm dreadful nervous, and if you make a noise I might pull the trigger by accident.
The man in the trap deemed it highly improper for the bear to intrude at that time, and quickly decided the etiquette of the case by kicking the trigger and letting the door fall with a dull thud plump upon the old grizzly's nose.
Gerald pulled the triggerof his blunderbuss, aimed into the very centre of the boat.
Hundreds of thousands of boys have laughed until their sides ached over the weird and wonderful adventures of Jerry Todd, Poppy Ott, Trigger Berg and their friends.
His finger touched the trigger and in another moment one would have been slain, when a hand was laid gently upon his shoulder.
Ye kin pull ther trigger 'bout as fast as any Kentuckian as ever fit with me, lessen hit was Rube Willers.
The history began before the present generation came into being, and old Peter's act in clipping Al Thompson's trigger finger off had opened the wound anew, the old sore bled, and the end of the trouble was not yet.
It was so sudden, however, in that terrible moment, that fright ran through him and he accidentally pulled the trigger of his rifle, but the ball went high into the air.
A string connected the trigger of the gun with the bait, so that when the fox seized the bait he discharged the gun, and thus committed suicide.
The trapper then sets one or more guns in a peculiar manner, having a line 15 or 20 yards long uniting the trigger with a bait, on taking hold of which the fox sets the gun off, and commits suicide.
In this arrangement the gun was separated from the bait by a distance of about 30 yards, and the string which connected the trigger with the bait was concealed throughout nearly its whole distance in the snow.
The trigger is secured at one end to the piece A by a 1×3-in.
When the supports of the beams are not fireproofed the cleats D extend to the bottom of the trigger B, but otherwise one cleat extends lower to secure the cross-strip G.
For larger beams use the spacing blocks H as shown; for smaller beams omit the trigger B and extend A to rest on the flange of the beam, then to remove the form A must be cut preferably near the beam.
Evidently in search of food in the early morning it had hopped on the trigger of the trap and met its fate.
As Mr. Rat, attracted by the savoury odour, approaches and takes the first sniff, the trigger is pulled and there is one living rat less.
As the trigger came back, the hammer would begin to rise and the barrel to turn over, and presently down would drop the hammer, and away would speed the ball.
In the course of ten or fifteen minutes all was ready, and then, while conversation ceased and our pulses beat low with anxious suspense, Ollendorff applied his revolver, pulled the trigger and blew the pile clear out of the county!
Simply drawing the trigger back, cocked and fired the pistol.
Believing that he would press the trigger of his weapon the next moment, Fred Greenwood was transfixed.
Quick as he was, he could not whirl about and bring his gun to a level before the young man would pull the trigger of the Winchester, which was held pointed toward him.
We might as well wind up this business," reflected Fred, as, with his hand on the trigger of his Winchester, he started abruptly in the direction of the stranger.
He was deliberate, and did not press the trigger until sure his aim was accurate to a hair.
Like a flash of light the other trigger was pulled; it also failed!
He then showed the rear rank of the latter how to point their pieces over the shoulders of the men in the front rank at a given signal, but carefully reiterated the order not to touch a trigger until the word "Fire" should be given.
When he pulls the trigger of a question, as when he pulls the trigger of a gun, he must look out for the kick.
My little automatic was discharging as fast as I could tickle the trigger with my fore-finger.
The arrangement is such that at the first alarm of a rush, by pulling a cord the trigger is pulled that ignites the powder, and the very same pull operates a trip- device that lets the rings slide down the steel stays.
The finger on the musket's trigger held a life in pawn, and I might pick and choose and say what life I'd take.
So, when Uncanoola drew forth his tobacco pipe and made the three doomed ones sit with him in the path to smoke the peace-whiff all around, we picked out each his man and smote to slay.
You drive me to it--listen, sir, you drive me to it!
For all my fine-spun theories the manner of the thing that happened was all unlike the forecast.
Seeing we came to do you a service, Mr. Stair, I think we may set the blunderbuss and the handful of slugs over against the smashed door.
And then, out of the honest English heart of him: "Have you made your peace, Captain?
He pulled the trigger and, at the sharp metallic click with which the hammer descended upon the firing-pin, the brute seized the rabbit between its wide, blunt jaws and bounded away in long leaps.
The girl shouldered the gun and pulled the other trigger as the beast leaped.
Again and again he repeated the blow, until the tough wood splintered and the mechanism of the hammer and triggerwas bent and twisted.
After taking aim, I raise my barrel ever so little, the trigger is pressed; down falls the Raccoon to the ground.
I drew my trigger and the bird fell dead; only one shot had touched it, but that had passed through the lungs.
I, keeping me finger on the trigger of me carbine; for you see, boys, I was not going to be dhruv off me post widout a struggle.
Before the Confederate marksman had a chance to pull his trigger there was the bang of a Springfield rifle a few rods from where Johnson was walking and the watching soldiers saw the Confederate sharp-shooter topple backward.
The Confederates then fired through the loopholes, or placed their rifles on the top log and holding by the trigger and the small of the stock lifted the breach high enough to fire at the attacking forces.
Then the glaring beam of the arc-torch was full in his eyes, and the hypnotic illusion, at this, the trigger of his psyche, was shattered.
You sure their presence won't trigger the thing's mimetic power?
There was a touch of carelessness in his manner of handling the weapon, but his aim was sure and a slight pressure on the triggerwould have meant death.
I'll have my finger on the trigger all the time, so you'd better watch your step.
They did not stay, therefore, to watch his herculean labours; but all three, levelling their guns, pulled trigger simultaneously.
Quick as the thought, I placed my finger to the trigger but before I could level, a voice, with a well-known accent, restrained me.
And no doubt Rube would have done it; but just at the moment of his pullingtrigger the mare's back heaved up in one of its periodic jerks, and the pitahaya fell to the ground.
I do not wonder that you pulled trigger in the second joust.