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Example sentences for "volley"

Lexicographically close words:
volitions; volke; volks; voll; volle; volleyed; volleying; volleys; vollied; vollies
  1. A volley from this body drove them back in confusion, while the cavalry, which had been flying before them, encouraged by the presence of the infantry, rallied upon the steps of the pursuers, and drove them in turn.

  2. Taking deliberate aim, he fired his piece, dropped his man, and drew a volley from those in front of him, not a shot of which took effect.

  3. A scattering volley of shots came from the bushes and the rocks on the opposite side of the Tennessee River and one of the leaders in the team just ahead of him dropped dead in his tracks.

  4. His first thought was that Shorty, having been taken under the General's wing, had come back to triumph over him, and he prepared himself with a volley of abuse to meet that of his visitor.

  5. As he reached the top of the bank a yell and a volley came from the other side of the creek.

  6. The inert mill woke, and a volley of musketry pealed sharp through the Hollow.

  7. A volley of stones smashed every window, but the mill remained mute as a mausoleum.

  8. Thinking they had Allen in a trap, the rustlers pulled their ponies up and were dismounting, when the cowboys' devastating volley took them at point-blank range.

  9. As if in echo to his shot, there came a volley from outside.

  10. The Yankee sharp-shooters crept up in the darkness behind a screen of barberry bushes growing in the panels of a rail fence, and at a volley picked off all the gunners of our battery but three.

  11. As it came within range, a ringing cheer burst forth, and a deadly volley of musketry was poured into the advancing boats.

  12. At that moment there was quite a little volley fired from the edge of the jungle, the major and Gregory discharging four barrels at the Malays, and then with a shout they and the six sailors came running down the sands.

  13. The prau had by this time been rowed to its station, and from the stir on deck it was now evident that the brass swivel-gun was being loaded and preparations made to send a volley of missiles tearing through the stern windows.

  14. The boys threw themselves upon their faces as, from the thickets ahead, a volley of musketry was heard.

  15. Volley after volley were fired, from the musketoons and arquebuses, into the wood.

  16. Reuben had the command of a gun at one side, Tom at the other, and these now loaded and sighted their pieces, so as to pour a volley of case shot into the canoes when they arrived within a quarter of a mile from shore.

  17. Then, from a parapet of rock piled across the ravine came a volley of musketry; and, simultaneously, from the heights of either side great stones came crashing down.

  18. Hastily loading his carronades, he poured a volley into the Golden Hind, and did not surrender his ship until one of his masts had fallen by the board, and he himself was wounded.

  19. Such of the party as did not fall at the first discharge fired a volley at their invisible assailants, and then hurried back to the main body.

  20. The pirates took to flight as soon as they discovered the ship, but not before they had received a volley from the Alceste's people, unfortunately without effect.

  21. The enemy had found out the trick that had been played upon them; and the batteries from the island and harbour opened upon the schooner a volley of no very gentle reproaches.

  22. A volley is fired from a barricade--or a railway crossing the street; it is not clear which.

  23. This time the father ceased to move; it took a third volley to finish the son.

  24. At the first volley fired by the French, who were posted behind a barricade, some of the hostages were killed.

  25. Never before or since has a deadlier volley burst from British infantry.

  26. In a few minutes, however, the rustling of the trees close at hand at length alarmed the French guard; they hastily turned out, fired one irregular volley down the precipice, and fled in panic.

  27. The French stood firm, and held their fire till the assailants were close in shore; then, as the boats rose on the dangerous surf, they poured in a rattling volley from every gun and musket that could be brought to bear.

  28. But two guns loaded with grape, and a sharp volley of musketry from the fort, at once drove them back yelling into the woods.

  29. One close and steady volley of the French sufficed to roll them back from off the crested hill.

  30. The cattleman and one of the cowboys were severely wounded at the first volley and took shelter behind the camp wagon, from which position they fired as long as their ammunition lasted.

  31. At the first volley a bullet struck me a glancing lick just at the lower corner of the left eye and I fell unconscious.

  32. When it was within thirty yards of the bank, the Indians, led by Red Bird, poured a volley of rifle balls into the boat.

  33. The first volley took them when the foremost were about sixty yards off, but it was rather wild, and the men for the most part shot over their heads.

  34. On the moment he gave the order to fire, and the Greeks poured a volley into the rear of the infantry.

  35. Yanni rushed across the camp, and just as he got up to the other gate he heard a volley of musketry from Petrobey's side.

  36. The cook had turned to say something to Rawhide Jones, and, carelessly putting his hand behind him, blistered it against the red-hot top of the stove, whereupon he burst into such a volley of curses as Conniston had never heard.

  37. Again there broke out a volley of abrupt cries, followed by as sudden a silence, as they watched him to see what he meant, what he would do.

  38. Half a dozen frightened darkies were crouching in the further corner, and on these Miss Priscilla turned the muzzle of the rifle, and a sharp volley of oddly-jumbled up sentences went off in tones of keenest irony.

  39. The loaded rifle advanced to the bedside, and a second volley went off.

  40. The latter replied by a loud screech and a deafening volley of musketry, showing that they were present in large numbers, and immediately after charged.

  41. Volley firing was also practiced, by which means an excellent knowledge of the capacity of the musket was acquired, a knowledge that served all the regiments at Newport News in good stead, at a later period in the war.

  42. There seemed to be quite a number of the enemy in the woods, and although our men could only here and there catch a glimpse of them as they skulked behind the trees, yet they fired a volley or two, whereupon the enemy fled.

  43. This was done in a very complete manner, a single volley from our men causing an immediate retrograde movement of the enemy.

  44. The volley that played out along the line towards that terrible crest made the hills ring far and wide.

  45. They'll fire the first volley and we'll let it pass over our heads.

  46. Now the return volley of the rangers was very deadly.

  47. As they listened, the sound of a second volley came, and then the echo of a faint war whoop.

  48. Volley after volley was poured into the seething mass of advancing and receding columns.

  49. The opening in the rear looked temptingly inviting in comparison to the wooded grounds in front, from whence came the volley of bullets.

  50. Every now and then a regular volley would be hurled at us from what we supposed a fresh line of Federals, but it would gradually tone down to the slow, particular, fatal firing of the siege.

  51. This was only answered by a volley and a charge with the bayonet point.

  52. Then a deafening volley rolled out along the whole line.

  53. Here the Virginians lying behind the crest of the hill as the enemy emerged from the woods on the other side, gave them such a volley as to cause a momentary repulse, but only to renew their attack with renewed vigor.

  54. Afterwards, when the soldiers heard a volley fired, the word would go out, "Wheat is having another tiger shot.

  55. Volley after volley of musketry was poured by the Confederate line in front of us upon the enemy.

  56. As we began our advance up the gentle slope, the enemy poured volley after volley into us from its line of battle posted behind the log breastworks.

  57. But the fatal volley that laid the lamented Jenkins low, and unhorsed Longstreet at the Wilderness, gave Doby his last long furlough, felling from his horse dead at the feet of his illustrious chieftain.

  58. Crawford, he says the enemy formed three times to charge, but we gave them a well directed volley each time and sent them into the rear line in our trench.

  59. But the Brigade marched in good order, not a shot being fired, the enemy all the while giving us volley after volley.

  60. They never neared the wall nor did they take more time than to fire a volley or two before they fled the field.

  61. Young Bill exploded into a volley of imprecations addressed to the watchman.

  62. And again the desperate thief broke into a volley of savage imprecations.

  63. But as they leaped over it and reached the open, a snarling curse burst from him followed by a volley of threats and execrations.

  64. When at length a great blue-gray shape could be made out, they set up a shout and poured a volley of shrill questions at the man in the stern.

  65. After this volley we were complimented with a few shots from a battery of six-pound field pieces, which also went wide of their mark--assuming that they were shooting at us.

  66. Attention having been thus called to the spot, a confederate volley was fired into that clump of bushes.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "volley" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    arrow; bang; barb; bark; barrage; blast; bolt; bombardment; broadside; bullet; burst; cannon; cannonade; crack; dart; detonation; discharge; ejection; explosion; fire; flight; fusillade; gun; gunfire; gunshot; hail; pop; quarrel; rain; reed; round; salvo; shaft; shot; spray; storm; tattoo; volley