Under the storm of musketry all went down; and there were but two or three standing, when a bullet stretched me beside those with whom "life had ended.
Suddenly the crackle of musketry broke out again far away to the north-east.
Further, as only a few of his troops had ever handled a gun of any kind, there would scarcely be more than enough ammunition to give the learners sufficientmusketry practice.
Accordingly, out of the darkness of the barranco, a volley flamed irregularly enough, the rattle of musketry running down the whole front of the line.
He had heard the rattle of musketry fire again and again during the night, and he feared, as much from the ensuing silence as from the escape of the daughter of Munoz, that some disaster must have occurred there.
A musketrycourse under Fortress arrangements was begun and also special classes for the Machine-Gun and Transport sections, those for the latter being conducted by the A.
Much attention was paid to musketry and Lewis gun training.
Early in October a very thorough course of musketry instruction under Fortress arrangements was begun, firing taking place on the Naval ranges of Ghain Tuffieha.
Facilities for musketry training were also provided by the Enfield Rifle Club, who very generously placed their range and the services as instructors of several of their members at the disposal of the Battalion.
Fourteen days in camp each summer, an easy musketry course, and a few drills at headquarters could not develop a soldier fit to meet fully trained troops.
About this period a Divisional Musketry Camp was formed at Le Sart, near Merville, and 2/Lieuts.
Here a further week's training was obtained, after which the whole of B Company spent four days at the Fifth Army Musketry Camp near St Omer.
The first Annual Training was held at Shoreham-by-Sea, the time being devoted principally to musketry and recreational training.
By mid-afternoon the Belgians and Germans were in places barely a hundred yards apart, and the rattle of musketry sounded like a boy drawing a stick along the palings of a picket-fence.
They knew the enemy was there, however, from the incessant rattle of musketry and machine-guns and from the screams and exclamations of those of their fellows who happened to get in the bullets' way.
The two ships lay side by side, and for fifteen minutes the roar of cannon and the rattle of musketry filled the air, while cannon balls tore their way through solid timber and human flesh.
Then came a musket shot, and then a rattle of musketry from the river bank.
It was the discharge of musketryon the Boulevard des Capucines.
All at once, and at the moment when the joy was attaining its paroxysm, several rounds of artillery were heard, followed by a well-sustained musketry fire.
A boy can't attend First Camp, as we call it, till he is a trained boy and holds his First Musketry certificate.
Before we had finished our breakfast we heard a terrible roar and crash of musketry to our front, which was east.
But this single shot had not been fired in the rush of fight; it had scarcely caused his nerves to tingle more than in a keenly-contested musketry competition at home.
The Japanese had only their rifles to oppose to the combined artillery and musketry fire of the Russians.
On the 19th, "A" Company returned from the third Corps Musketry Camp, where they had been under training, and were congratulated by the C.
At Chiseldon the Battalion worked strenuously, and were put through their musketry course.
Colonel Haig, on the 22nd April, received the appointment of Commandant of the Staff Musketry Camp at Barry, Lieut.
He had served in the Calcutta Light Horse, and for some time had acted as Musketry Instructor to the Brigade.
The ladders will be placed on the walls, and under cover of a heavy fire from our musketry we'll go over them.
Pouring a perfect hail of musketry and pistol fire upon the surprised garrison, which did execution, the frigate slipped through the channel.
Musketry and grapeshot mowed down their front coursers in ghastly swathes; but the living mass swept on, wellnigh overwhelming the fronts of the squares, and then, swerving aside, poured through the deadly funnel between.
A hot fire of grapeshot andmusketry tore its front, and for a time the column bent before the iron hail.
Meanwhile their bands from across the river, 5,000 strong, were filing across the bridges, and menaced the Tuileries from that side, until here also they melted away before the grapeshot and musketry poured into their front and flank.
The first day there was a call for a volunteer for musketry instructor.
There was a rattle ofmusketry off in the direction where the Boche lines ought to be.
In the two months I completed the musketry course, was a good bayonet man, and was well grounded in bombing practice.
The Germans, by the way, have had the "edge" on the Allies in the matter of sniping, as in almost all lines of artillery and musketry practice.
Marines to remain in the pinnace and keep up a musketry fire," cried the lieutenant in the calmest tones.
By now a warm musketry fire had commenced upon the gig, and the bullets were splashing on every side.
And now come the bullets," said Tyler with a smile, as the patter of musketry broke the silence, and the water was splashed beside the schooner.
The spears and swords of the descending legions flashed like fire while the roar of the musketrymade the very earth to tremble.
The roar of the musketry was deafening but the walls were as silent as if deserted.
Still with the head-quarters of Garibaldi, and in the midst of the heat of an Italian July, Henty writes again in the midst of warfare, with all day long the boom of cannon and the sharp crack of musketry sounding in his ears.
Henty proceeded with the staff in the rear of Russell's regiment, and had not been more than ten minutes on the march ere the brisk rattle of musketrytold him that the 42nd were busy at work clearing the village.
They advanced to within fifty yards of the intrenchments, received a shower of grape and canister without flinching, and were driven back only when the Ohio brigade poured a full volley of musketry into their ranks.
Irregular spurts of musketry heralded the appearance of confused masses of armed men.
Even while they were listening to the fitful bellowing of a distant mob bent on mad revel a crackle of musketry rang out, but died away as quickly.
The din and the crack of musketry aroused some companies who were bivouacking in the neighboring trenches, and they quickly rushed to the support of their comrades.
Sidenote: Clearing the Islands] At dawn on the 26th a sharp rattle of musketry told the Russians that the attack had begun.
The roll of musketry was now heard sharp and near, mingled with drums beating; and, falling back to the side of the man Halford, the young Earl demanded what he had seen and heard.
A discharge ofmusketry took them in the flank, and in an instant all was confusion, disarray, and flight.
The cannon were discharged, and the musketry kept up a rolling fire, while at intervals were heard joyous peals of music.
Presently the sound of cannon ceased, but the rattle of musketrycontinued unabated.
The two guns, loaded to the muzzle with grape, swept their decks, and the heavy volley of musketry did much damage.
They were, however, assailed by so heavy a fire of musketry from the Turks that the leading party were literally swept away.
Then, heralded by a tremendous artillery fire, the French line advanced, pouring heavy volleys of musketry into the cavalry, and upon the defenders of the entrenchments.
The attack on the British left, which had been but a feint, was never seriously pursued, but was confined to a scattered fire of musketry and a distant cannonade.
They, however, received the Mamelukes with so terrible a fire ofmusketry and grape-shot that the charge was not pressed home.
The volleys of musketry that received the charging Mamelukes was sufficient to quell the ardour of the boldest horsemen in the world.
The heavy fire of musketry continued, the guns again poured in their fire, and as escape was impossible, the few men who remained alive at once hauled down their flag and surrendered.
The French batteries joined in the din, while the infantry in the advanced trenches opened a heavy musketry fire.
From these a heavy musketry fire suddenly broke out.
With furious yells the Malays came on, and although swept by volleys of musketry reached the bamboos, which they strove in vain to pluck up or climb.
This made a magazine which was proof against any shot that might be fired into the stockade; while on the mound above it a lookout hut had been erected, being protected against musketry by a breastwork of sandbags.