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Example sentences for "filia"

Lexicographically close words:
filed; files; filet; filets; fili; filiae; filial; filiam; filiation; filibuster
  1. On which words Asconius Pedianus makes this comment: "Dicitur Catilinam adulterium commisisse cum ea quae ci postea socrus fuit, et ex eo stupro duxisse uxorem, cum filia ejus esset.

  2. A daughter of Bocchus, too, was married to Jugurtha--Jugurthae filia Bocchi nupserat.

  3. Senliz") filia Roberti filii Ricardi' on the same folio, and on the preceding one (fo.

  4. Avis filia Thoms Meneager, 1579," or in plain English, "Avis the daughter of Thomas of the Meneage District.

  5. De Pompei Magni filia tibi rescripsi nihil me hoc tempore cogitare; alteram vero illam, quam tu scribis, Page 23 the sea view, the hillocks and everything.

  6. M{ed} quod die sabbati in vigilia sancti gregorij pape inter horam primam & horam secundam post Meridiem eiusdem diei Anno Regni Regis Edwardi quarti post conquestum Anglie xv{o} nata fuit Johanna More filia Johannis More Gent.

  7. He had forgotten her, wrapt in admiration of the filia pulcrior.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "filia" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    filial duty; filial obedience; filial piety