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Example sentences for "reprisal"

Lexicographically close words:
reprimands; reprint; reprinted; reprinting; reprints; reprisals; reprise; reprit; reproach; reproached
  1. He thus escaped one danger, however, only to fall into another, and in a storm off the coast of Newfoundland the Reprisal went down, and all on board were lost.

  2. On the way the Reprisal was chased by a British warship, and Wickes only saved himself from capture by throwing his guns overboard.

  3. The Reprisal did not return home before it had made its presence felt.

  4. I recommend that Congress should immediately provide by law for granting letters of marque and reprisal against vessels under the Mexican flag.

  5. Lusitania should be regarded as an act of reprisal and, therefore, not within the scope of existing international law.

  6. Germany, on the one hand, defended her course of action as a reprisal justified by the British blockade, which both parties to the discussion agreed to be contrary to the Law of Nations.

  7. Our adoption of submarine warfare was to be regarded, according to our Note of February 16th, as a measure of reprisal in answer to the English blockade.

  8. When the Germans were assured of this, the thirty-seven officers who had been in reprisal placed in solitary confinement were sent back to ordinary prison camps.

  9. When we first visited Choiseul Bay in September, 1883, we found the natives very coy in approaching us, on account of the reprisal of H.

  10. This was "Young Jake," itching to be about his work of reprisal and impatient of delay.

  11. Here, too, live some of their own kin whom the menace of feudal reprisal has driven from their native slopes and "coves.

  12. As the principles of reprisal are to be the law, it follows that a restoration of the property depends on the discretion of the Emperor, and is not to be claimed by us as a matter of right, but of favor.

  13. The moment that confiscation takes place the principle of reprisal ceases and it becomes an act of war.

  14. This decree purports to be an act of reprisal on this country, and for what cause?

  15. The law of reprisal had nothing to do with the affair, and the confiscation of our property excludes the idea of restoration.

  16. The expulsion of the British from their North American possessions, and granting letters of marque and reprisal against Great Britain are contemplated.

  17. The Bulgarians had done little, except to stain the arms of the allies with a series of massacres of the Turks in reprisal for the previous atrocities inflicted upon them by the Bashi-Bazouks.

  18. It's going to bring retaliation and reprisal on us, it's going to hurt us in this contest over the county seat.

  19. I shouldn't wonder," said Morgan, hoping the reprisal would be swift and severe.

  20. In the process, heaping reprisal should be religiously refused as less defensible than the reverse.

  21. It was the menacing figure of a man whose ancestors had always settled their own scores in private reprisal and by undiscounted tally, and one just now forgetful of all save his heritage of blood.

  22. Upon some guilty agency reprisal must be wreaked--and as if with a revelation, he thought he saw the origin of the conspiracy which his father had long ago suspected.

  23. As he trudged back to his house, where he had again taken up his residence, after these visits, he walked with a set jaw and registered oaths of reprisal to take a form new to the hills.

  24. He 'lowed thar'd be time enough fer reprisal later on.

  25. Clan obedience and individual lust for reprisal shook him in profound dilemma, but finally, with a strong effort, he nodded his head--though grudgingly.

  26. The only wonder is, that such acts of reprisal are so seldom committed.

  27. Another argument may be found in the extent to which reprisal on persons has been discarded by modern precedents.

  28. The Chaplain was allowed to visit the “reprisal prisoners,” those put in solitary confinement owing to the infliction of this penalty on the officers and men of two German submarines.

  29. The “entire freedom” allowed to English in Frankfort until the reprisal order was made out is a fact that should be emphasised.

  30. In reprisal these lords, in alliance with the Count of Gebria, raided and laid waste the lands of the bishopric.

  31. The pope preached a crusade against them, but the army of invasion was defeated, and Silesia and Austria were invaded in reprisal by Procop Holy.

  32. In many places the reprisal took the dimensions of a massacre, and it is said that by the end of the frightful struggle more than a hundred thousand of the peasants had been slain.

  33. The Hans are sure to launch reprisal expeditions.

  34. The only hope seemed to lie in a commercial policy of reprisal which would force other countries to open their markets to American goods.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reprisal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    amends; avenge; compensation; desert; deserts; due; feud; indemnification; indemnity; punishment; quittance; reaction; recompense; redress; reparation; reprisal; requital; restitution; retaliation; retort; retribution; revenge; reward; vendetta; vengeance