Now indeed she was the dusky Eve tempted into knowledge.
Again she noticed the tender, dusky Mediterranean hands, the slender wrists, slender for a man naturally loose and muscular.
Madame, with her long dark hair hanging in finely-brushed tresses, her cheek burning under its dusky stain, was another creature.
Now tell me the words of the song--" He looked at her from out of the dusky hollows of his brow, and did not answer.
Then, with his revolver, he aimed a close, sure shot at the dusky giant whom he watched.
He was answered from the dusky crowd with words as foul as his own.
All day long she heard the timid tread of dusky feet and listened to the tale of woe and fear.
The juvenal pelage is uniformly dusky gray throughout except for the paler gray on the venter.
But the treatise had made an indelible impression on my mind, and, as I sauntered along the dusky streets, I revolved carefully over in my memory the wild and sometimes unintelligible reasonings of the writer.
In raising images of horror, also, he has strange success, conveying to us sometimes by a dusky hint some terrible doubt which is the secret of all horror.
It must be some strange being of the wood--a nymph whom the moonlight and the warm dusky air had enticed from her tree.
In place of the hat and feathers, what dusky object was it that now hid his forehead, his eyes, his shading hand?
It first lighted on the leaves of the acacia, sending out a spray of red sparkles, then, rolling off, it fell plump on the dark walk in the garden, faintly illuminating for a moment the dusky trees and breathless flowers.
He moved along the echoless floors with a slow, noiseless shamble, until his dusky figure, advancing from the gloom, seemed like some reluctant afreet, compelled by the superior power of his master to disclose himself.
I turned and ran blindly along the dark cypress alley, every dusky clump of flowers that rose blackly in the borders making my heart each moment cease to beat.
Iris dark brown, bill black, feet bluish, shading to dusky brown on tips of toes and claws.
Under wing-coverts colored like the breast, but with faint dusky shaft-streaks.
The canvasback comes nicely to decoys usually, particularly if live dusky ducks are used.
But if they are not able to get this food they taste very little better than the poorer species, and are far inferior to such river ducks as the mallard, the dusky duck, gadwall, teal, or pintail.
Speaking seldom, yet feeling no consciousness of silence, no sense of restraint, for they no longer seemed like strangers to one another, and this spontaneous friendliness lent an indefinable charm to the dusky walk.
Tilly's heavy head drooped between her bearer and the light as they left the room, but in the dusky hall a few hot tears fell on the baby's hair, and her new nurse lingered long after the lullaby was done.
Little wonder primitive nations in the dusky depths of Asiatic mystic groves have prostrated themselves before the carved images of the lingam and yoni, the male and female principles.
Since Baudelaire set the fashion young French poets and artists have gone in for dusky concubines.
Besides he is a respectable married man and we musn't make him forget hisdusky spouse.
At a distance, it looked like a dusky moon, but the side turned towards the Earth blazed with a bright light, which every moment became more intense.
That night, when the corridor was dusky and Bishop sprawled outside his door to smoke his evening pipe, I called to him and asked him for a jug of water.
Shemuel scurried back into the mews; Foxcroft followed, and in a moment his portly figure was lost to sight in the dusky alley.
I scanned the stream thoroughly, and discovered nothing to balk at, but I could not see the opposite bank very plainly because the forest rose from the water's edge, and all was dusky where the low-arched branches screened the shore.
It was only when a swift, dusky shape came creeping out of the brush towards the dead man that I came to my senses and dropped behind the stone I had been resting on, barely in time, too, for a bullet came smack!
I heard blossoms discreetly stirring, and dusky branches interlacing, taking counsel together behind their leafy, secret screens.
I seized his arm, drew him along the wall, and into the dusky mews.
And I lived well on that swift trail where the gray grouse scuttled through the saplings, and in every mossy streamlet the cold, dusky troutlings fought for the knot of scarlet yarn on my short hand-line.
I sniffed at thedusky screen of leaves, but had my sniffing for my trouble, as nothing moved there.
She liked those evenings best when the sky was tender primrose colour, and the dusky trees stood up against it in soft, shady, mysterious masses, with strangely bright bars of colour gleaming through them.
From out of a yellow western sky, a great dusky red grey vapour stretched upwards half across the heavens, and on this again lay purple horizontal bands of cloud.
The stars shone out, and a fresh rustling breeze was swaying the stiff sycamores, lights were gleaming from the old houses, the vines on the balconies had changed into dusky masses.
As the mile-stones fled past and the chilly March twilight crept over the dusky fallows and peered above the black hedgerows, he thought with unutterable pangs of the cheerful and comfortable town of Curtain Wells.
The Great little Man followed close upon the dusky heels of his squire and soon Phyllida found herself sipping her coffee in easy conversation with the King of Curtain Wells.
To my excited mind the dusky woods were becoming oppressive, and so, like the hawk, but slowly and pondering, I betook myself home.
The old church is shadowy within, and a faint smell of incense hangs always in the dusky air.
From the dusky mass behind him came one short, wild cry of savage triumph, followed by another dead silence.
The dusky mass of slaves had swayed forward with one low, deep, bestial growl.
Here and there tobacco still hung from the poles which crossed from wall to wall, and in the partial light the long, dusky masses looked wonderfully like other hanging things.
Down beneath us an amphitheatre of lemon-trees, by its perfumes, brought us back to the veiled earth, and made a dusky paradise of it.
What a soft group in the penumbra of the Earth, while Night, with its dusky waters, was falling deeper and deeper, and the silver-light of the Moon was already glancing back from the copper ball of the steeple!
In the blue pond, now bloodless, a dusky evening-sky lay hollowed out, and the gushing waters were moistening the flower-beds.
The room was dusky and the fire-light deceptive, so he could hardly read her face.
The finger of feverishness had touched herdusky cheeks to a rare flush.
She was a big, handsome creature, with a clear, dusky complexion and brown eyes that either shone with a hard eagerness or smouldered sullenly.
At the feel, the almost imperceptible sound, of it her eyes gleamed, her duskycolouring darkened.
She was dusky and shrivelled as any daughter of the Pharaohs, but her faculties were marvellously preserved and her memory rich with interesting personal gossip of a former period.
The finger-nails of his right hand were vowed to the Virgin: for two years they had been uncut, and now, like fiendish claws, extended two inches beyond the withered and dusky fingers.
The line was certainly not drawn at color, for our Parsees weredusky enough, goodness knows, and them our maidens found very captivating.
Along the river meadows he could hear the cows munching and see their duskyforms moving through a thin mist.
Susan with her chin in her hands, and her dusky countenance very much alive, seemed to be playing her sister with cautious mockery--feeling her way.
A dusky blush rose to her cheek, and he instantly regretted his words.
Every one was disposed to be kind to little Ellen Mingott, though her dusky red cheeks and tight curls gave her an air of gaiety that seemed unsuitable in a child who should still have been in black for her parents.
If he had only gone to the other inn, that nice-looking girl whom he had seen passing under the dusky portal with her face turned away from him might have broken bread with him at this intellectual banquet.
It had come on to rain, and the raw dampness mingled itself with the dusky uproar of the Strand.
She had a charmingly chiselled face, with a free, pure outline, a clear, fair complexion, and the eyes and hair of a dusky beauty.
He admires each dusky figure in the direct ratio of its nudity, and every added rag of civilized clothing seems to him so much subtracted from the proprieties of life.
It was now time to take leave of my dusky companion.
They were Pawnees; and for several days clouds of these duskywarriors hung upon the skirts of the caravan.
The vacated seat was soon occupied by a dusky manola, whose bright nagua, embroidered chemisette, brown ankles, and small blue slippers, drew my attention.