I need scarcely remind the reader that [217] the alternate disintegration and reintegration of the cosmos is also a scientific conception, and a commonly accepted article of evolutional belief.
The evolutional history of ancestor-worship has been very much the same in all countries; and that [23] of the Japanese cult offers remarkable evidence in support of Herbert Spencer's exposition of the law of religious development.
Now it is important to observe that, in either cult, the mortuary tablet actually suggests a miniature tombstone--which is a fact of someevolutional interest, though the evolution itself should be Chinese rather than Japanese.
She is an artificial product in only the same evolutional sense that all character is an artificial product; and it required tens of centuries to mould her.
Of course, this tremendous idea has no counterpart in modern evolutional philosophy.
It is necessary here to observe that the discipline to which the nation had been subjected up to the age of the great Shinto writers, seems to have had a curious evolutional history of its own.
For the habit of writing backwards there are obvious evolutional reasons; and the requirements of Japanese calligraphy sufficiently explain why the artist pushes his brush or pencil instead of pulling it.
It is only the fundamental idea of a evolutional rhythm that is really interesting.
The study of evolutional sequences is still, and forever will be, of enormous value.
But the most of the objections to Evolutional Ethics are not on such score as this.
In a short review of Evolutional Ethics, it will be impossible to consider all the literature that has added to our knowledge on this subject; we must confine ourselves to the few books that are most prominent.
And, finally, Evolutional Ethics demonstrates the constancy of character, the persistence of habit, and the uniformity of its change under the influence of environment.
The isolated wood of Gymnosperms, however, is not very instructive, for from the wood alone (and usually it is just fragments of the secondary wood which are preserved) but little of either physiological or evolutional value can be learned.
If this means simply that man is the final term in the evolutional series of which he forms a part, I do not suppose that any objection will be raised to that statement on the part of students of natural science.
Before proceeding to consider the application of evolutional principles, it will be pertinent to notice the rise of this new view.
The success of the evolutionaltheory helped to discredit the assumption or at least the invocation of transcendent causes.
Among the evolutional attempts to subsume the course of history under general syntheses, perhaps the most important is that of Lamprecht, whose "kulturhistorische" attempt to discover and assign the determining causes.
I dwell on this because, though Condorcet had no idea of evolution, the predominant importance of the masses was the assumption which made it possible to apply evolutional principles to history.
Have not all other great agricultural countries rapidly gotten into this evolutional movement until all their people live on Easy Street?
There is another phase of this evolutional movement which should not be overlooked.
I think we have failed utterly, Mr. Hill, to lay special emphasis upon either theevolutional or the emotional in agriculture.
Other peoples wear out their soil because they fail to have part in the evolutional movement; whereas, did we not come to America and at once begin to make our rich land richer than it ever was in the virgin state?
The bug-aboo of impending decadence raised by such talk is based upon a wrong assumption, inadequate statistics, and a failure to comprehend the evolutionalmovement in agriculture.
The evolutionalmovement means, of course, that we are different from other people.
Revert now to the empirical outcome of scientific research, for as such I regard it, that new constitutive properties emerge when new modes and types of relatedness occur, and when new products are successively formed in evolutional synthesis.
I merely add this note to show that I am not unaware of the patent fact that when we have reached the cognitive type of relatedness, we are nowhere near the top of the evolutional tree.
Although in thoroughly stable subjects due provision is made for these evolutional processes, it is not difficult to conceive that in the nervously unstable a considerable risk is run by the brain in consequence of the strain laid on it.
The evolutional periods of puberty, adolescence, utero-gestation, the climacteric period and old age exercise an effect upon the nervous system.
On page 55, "An E volutional History" was replaced with "An Evolutional History".
The giants among them will form for us the outer boundary of the Galactic system, while the dwarfs will be of almost equal interest from the evolutional standpoint.
This method, giving the absolute magnitude as well as the distance of every star (excepting those of the earliest type) whose spectrum is photographed, is no less important from the evolutional than from the structural point of view.
And if these forms have undergone no specific change in all this time, how many years will it require to work out even one of Mr. Darwin's many evolutional changes?
But we are dealing with a new stage in evolutional progress--the waking up of new forces in ourselves and the prospective use of a new set of faculties.
Perhaps they are directevolutional products, possibly psychic inheritances; but to such as have them no price is asked or penalty imposed.
Others there are who are impelled by their own evolutional process to seek the development in themselves of these psychic powers; and to these a word of warning seems necessary, so that at the risk of appearing didactic I must essay the task.
From the evolutional point of view the question has interest; and its obvious answer was suggested to me by the history of those silkworms,--which have been domesticated for only a few thousand years.
It was the evolutional lesson of this latter fact that chiefly occupied me while Niimi and his younger brother (who feeds the worms) were kindly explaining the methods of the industry.
Any faculty, mental or physical, however previously developed by evolutional necessities, would have a tendency to dwindle and disappear from the moment that it ceased to be either useful or pleasurable.
All beautiful things bring sadness,â is a statement as near to truth as most general statements; but the sadness and itsevolutional history must vary according to circumstances.
What is theevolutional secret of the fascination of beauty?
All emotions are inheritances; but the higher, because in evolutional order the latest, develop only with the complete unfolding of the brain.
I only want to say something about the psychology of the color,--about its subjective evolutional history.
One may say the same thing with yet better ground to the followers of Positive and Evolutional science.
But, as the supreme problem for the biologist is the development of man, so the supreme problem for the astronomer is that of the evolutional order of the stars.
The 'Atlas of Representative Stellar Spectra, together with a Discussion of the Evolutional Order of the Stars,' by Sir Wm.
On the other hand, another great English thinker and naturalist of rare breadth and catholicity, and despite the fact that he rejected Lamarck's peculiar evolutional views, associated him with the most eminent biologists.
I have not the slightest sympathy with most of his ideas; they seem to me misinterpretations of evolutional teachings; and if not misinterpretations, they are simply undeveloped and ill-balanced thinking.
Really my object is not to trouble you at all about the evolutional history of the sentiment, but only to ask you to think what this sentiment means in literature.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "evolutional" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.