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Example sentences for "euill"

Lexicographically close words:
euidence; euident; euidentlie; euidently; euil; euils; euir; eulogies; eulogise; eulogised
  1. The cause of this euill is, that youth is least looked vnto, when they stand [in] most neede of good kepe and regard.

  2. O wretched World the while, When the euill most vile, Beareth the fayrest face, And inconstant lightnesse, With a scornefull slightnesse, The best Things doth disgrace.

  3. And thus this Cleuisse is a helpe for the euill making or going of a plough.

  4. Wherein if any one happily be lesse carefull than he should be, euen for a trifle many times he getteth euill will.

  5. They that shall haue to doe with them, must vse them gently: for they will not trafique or bring in any wares if they be euill vsed.

  6. Our souldiers which haue not bene vsed to the Sea, haue best held out, but our mariners dropt away, which (in my iudgement) proceedeth of their euill diet at home.

  7. Ech one of these Magistrates aforesaide may both lay euill doers in prison, and deliuer them out againe, except the fact be heinous and of importance: in such a case they can do nothing, except they do meet al together.

  8. For she is so euill taught, and of suche rude behauiour, that her demeanour will rather trouble you, than geue you cause of delight.

  9. It will be a great while, ere it will bee thought old enough to be beatten for euill words, and by that time it will bee so perfect in imperfections that blows will not mend it.

  10. But I am sure that hee that truly knowes himself shall know so much euill by himselfe, that hee shall haue small reason to think himselfe better than another man.

  11. The skinne is full of soft doune, like to a fine furre, which they vse to occupie when they haue euill stomocks, and it maketh good digestion.

  12. It is so darke, that they can hardly see within for want of light, not without an euill smell.

  13. At this time also master Robert Baldocke, a man euill beloued in the realme, was made lord chancellour of England.

  14. This tax was not gathered without great murmur and grudge, the realme being in such euill and miserable state as it then was.

  15. Apostataes and other euill dooers he mainteined, and would not suffer them to be punished by due order of law.

  16. And how hardlie is she reuoked from proceeding in an euill action, if she haue once taken a taste of the same?

  17. Kill thy Physition, and thy fee bestow Vpon the foule disease, reuoke thy guift, Or whil'st I can vent clamour from my throate, Ile tell thee thou dost euill Lea.

  18. Drunkards, Lyars, and Adulterers by an inforc'd obedience of Planatary influence; and all that we are euill in, by a diuine thrusting on.

  19. I now perceiue, it was not altogether your Brothers euill disposition made him seeke his death: but a prouoking merit set a-worke by a reprouable badnesse in himselfe Bast.

  20. Maxixca desired that Cortes should not aduenture themselues into the power of the men of Culhua, whereat some of the Spanyardes feared and suspected euill of the matter.

  21. With this newes he returned incontinent with a hundred of his men, suspecting euill of those Shippes.

  22. He lefte the way that the Mexicans had perswaded him to come, for it was bothe euill and daungerous, as the Spaniarde whiche went to the vulcan had séene, he went another playner way and more nearer.

  23. It grieueth mée to heare of the euill vsage of Mutezuma towarde his countrey and subiectes.

  24. Sidenote: The euill opinion of the earles Marshall & Hereford towards the king.

  25. After this, it rained bloud in the countrie of Wales, as a prodigious euill token to that nation, with whose bloud shortlie after that region was in manie places moistened and stained.

  26. In which administration of iustice against euill iusticiaries, the king performed the charge imposed and laid vpon all such as are in gouernement and magistracie; namelie, [Sidenote: Eob.

  27. GOD to abolish those euill lawes, which king William (a prince nothing friendly to the English nation) had first ordeined, and to bring in other more easie and tollerable.

  28. Ethelbert king of Kent, not discouraged with the euill chance which [Sidenote: Beda.

  29. But Eadbald escaped not woorthie punishment to him sent from the liuing God for his euill deserts, insomuch that he was vexed with a certeine kind of madnesse, and taken with an vncleane spirit.

  30. By which two euill [Sidenote: The princes example occasion of euill.

  31. Which report Modesta reuealed to Rolandine, sayinge that diuers persons did speake euill of her, for that she vsed to talke with the bastard, that neither was of sufficient abilitie for her to marie, ne yet of beautie worthie to be beloued.

  32. Alas it is not malyce nor euill wyll that causeth me to doe the same, it is loue whych cannot bee inclosed, but must needes breake forth to manyfest his force.

  33. Nowe before I toke my pen in hand to write this Letter, I examined my lyfe, to know, if (during the time that I had charge of thee) I dyd or sayd in thy presence any thing that might prouoke thee to euill example.

  34. Moreouer, he sticked not to put him in feare of an euill end, and troublesome regiment likelie to insue, if he did giue himselfe to vice and wilfulnesse, & neglect the charge thus by the prouidence of GOD committed to his hands.

  35. This prince, although euill reported of by writers for the couetous tasking of his subiects, and reteining of ecclesiasticall liuings in his hands; yet was he endued with manie noble and princelie qualities.

  36. But though those his buildings were great ornaments to the realme, yet bicause he tooke vp monie by extortion of his subiects towards the charges of the same, he was euill spoken of; [Sidenote: Polydor.

  37. I do it not in euill disposition, But from Lord Angelo by speciall charge Clau.

  38. The Law hath not bin dead, thogh it hath slept Those many had not dar'd to doe that euill If the first, that did th' Edict infringe Had answer'd for his deed.

  39. Fie, sirrah, a Bawd, a wicked bawd, The euill that thou causest to be done, That is thy meanes to liue.

  40. And if remedie were not in time prouided through his helping hand, the realme must needs fall in ruine, and the default should be imputed to him and to those his euill councellors.

  41. For after that they were gone, there ceassed not such as bare him euill will, to procure the K.

  42. On the ninth of Iulie the sunne séemed darkened with certeine grosse and euill fauoured clouds comming betwixt it and the earth, so as it appeared ruddie, but gaue no light from noone till the setting thereof.

  43. And if it might be knowen that any persons within the realme or without, intended the contrarie; there must also be deuised how such euill weeds may be destroied.

  44. The earle of Osteruant, at the earnest request of the king, receiued of him the order of the Garter, for the which he was euill thought of afterwards by his freends, namelie the French king and others.

  45. Moreouer, that he with his people should incontinentlie depart out of the realme, and neuer vpon euill intent returne againe.

  46. He also banished from his presence Peter de Riuales, Stephan Segraue, Robert Passelew, and diuerse others of his chiefe councellers, by whose means he had procured the euill will of his Nobilitie.

  47. Wherevpon, manie of euill disposition presumed to offend: for easinesse to purchase pardon bred boldnesse in manie, howbeit the wise seemed to laugh at such dooings.

  48. Hee departed presently from Naguatex, and within three daies iourney came to a towne of foure or fiue houses, which belonged to the Cacique of that prouince, which is called Nissoone: it was euill inhabited and had little Maiz.

  49. And if any Christian found himselfe euill at ease, they carried him in a chaire from one towne to another.

  50. Countrie euill inhabited, where they suffered great scarcitie and trouble.

  51. North, there were many of these oxen, and that because the Countrie was cold, it was euill inhabited.

  52. Neere also vnto Ephesus are certeine welles, which taste like sharpe vineger, and therefore are much esteemed of by such as are sicke and euill at ease in those parts.

  53. The word fellon is deriued of the Saxon words Fell and One, that is to say, an euill and wicked one, a one of vntamable nature, and lewdnesse not to be suffered for feare of euill example and the corruption of others.

  54. She wyll do hym good and not euill all the dayes of her lyf.

  55. Oft times a friend is got with easie cost, Which vsed euill is oft as quickly lost.

  56. For all these notes do declare suche like Bées, to be both euill and vnprofytable.

  57. The hony also helpeth those which haue drunke vnwares the iuyce of blacke Poppie, so that againste the same euill and daunger they drinke rosed honny warme.

  58. And the excesse qualitie, and distemperature of any of the foure quarters, is euill and daungerous to the fruites of the earth.

  59. Also béefe and other fleshe of beastes being olde, be euill to eate, through the coldenesse and drynesse, and through the lacke of the moysture and hotnesse.

  60. This being done, they throwe downe their lots, and if it so fall out that the flat side be vpper, or one flat side and the other round, they haue it for an euill signe or token.

  61. Besides this, they haue for saints such men as haue surmounted other in wisdome, in valour, in industrie, or in leading a solitarie or asper life: or such as haue liued without doing euill to any.

  62. For by them they doe vnderstand the successe to be good or euill in their iourney, or any other thing that they do take in hande.

  63. Some doo returne with an euill will, for that they had rather die at once, then for to suffer the straightnes and crueltie of the prison.

  64. Those that doo enter in this kingdome with the title of an ambassador, they cannot do him any griefe, for anie delight or euill that he doth, although they can make good proofe thereof.

  65. Euill men, the longer they liue, the more they grow into miserie.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "euill" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.