Of the court and pallace of the king, and of the citie where as he is resident; and how that in all the kingdome there is not one that is lord over subiects by propertie.
The number of such subiects as doo pay vnto the king tribute in all these fifteene prouinces.
But yet when his people were assembled, he was warned to take héed vnto himselfe, and in anie wise to beware how he gaue battell, for his ownesubiects were purposed to betraie him.
Withall, how mightily it hath enlarged the dominions of the Crowne of Spaine, and greatly inriched the subiects of the same, let all men consider.
Ierome Horsey, supposing that one of the Queenes owne men and subiectswould be the more acceptable to her.
And when they lade their ships with Russe commodities or vnlade them, it shalbe lawfull for them to hire any of our subiects to helpe them for the present time, and for them to carry their goods to and fro with their owne vessels to S.
Also our natural people shall not buy and sell for them, or from them, neither shal they retaine or keepe any of our naturall subiects goods, or pawnes by them to colour them.
Conceiue the rest your selfe, and deeme what liues they lead, Where lust is Lawe, and Subiects liue continually in dread.
And further, where you write vnto vs for such your subiects as letting, either in the Mosco, the Treasurehouse, or else where by any of our authorised people, but absolutely to bee at free libertie at their owne will and pleasure.
My humble seruice, such as subiects owes and the lawes commands.
Now Edward what satisfaction canst thou make, For stirring vp my subiects to rebellion?
Then Yorke begin, and if thy claime be good, ·daf005· The Neuils are thy subiects to command.
And therefore if you loue your subiects weale, They wish you to banish him from foorth the land.
And also there were diuerse of such false people, that went on and had like language in diuerse of our townes of our land, which by our subiects were taken and dulie executed.
In this yeare was Iames king of Scots murthered by certeine traitors of his own subiects [euen in his bedchamber by night, which king (saith Polychr.
So did all the noble men and gentlemen which were subiects and vassels to the crowne of England.
Moreouer, gratious lord, please it vnto your maiestie roiall, of your great goodnesse and rightwisenesse, to incline your will to heare & feele the rightwise part of vs your true subiects and liege men.
Furthermore king William perceiuing that by his cruell and couetous gouernment, sundrie of his subiects did dailie steale out of the realme, [Sidenote: A proclamation that none should depart the realme.
But though those his buildings were great ornaments to the realme, yet bicause he tooke vp monie by extortion of his subiects towards the charges of the same, he was euill spoken of; [Sidenote: Polydor.
Giues not the Hawthorne bush a sweeter shade To Shepheards, looking on their silly Sheepe, Then doth a rich Imbroider'd Canopie To Kings, that feare their Subiects treacherie?
Subiects may challenge nothing of their Sou'rains But, if an humble prayer may preuaile, I then craue pardon of your Maiestie K.
First, heauen be the record to my speech, In the deuotion of a subiects loue, Tendering the precious safetie of my Prince, And free from other misbegotten hate, Come I appealant to this Princely presence.
To Bullingbrooke, are we sworneSubiects now, Whose State, and Honor, I for aye allow.
England for it selfe: You men of Angiers, and my louing subiects Fra.
In breefe, we are the King of Englands subiects For him, and in his right, we hold this Towne Iohn.
Constances, by corrupting certeine of the kings subiects the inhabitants of the same.
His couetousnesse appeared, in that he sore oppressed his subiects with tributes and impositions.
Hee is also reported to haue been the first King of this Realme, who restreined his subiects from ranging into forreine Countreys without licence.
His great affaires could not be managed without great expence, which drew a necessity of charge vpon the people: neither could the often rebellions of his Subiects be repressed or restrained by any mild and moderate meanes.
Hee reigned in great varietie of opinion with his Subiects (some applauding his vertues, others aggrauating his vices) twelue yeeres, eleuen moneths wanting eight dayes: and was at his death fourtie and three yeeres old.
So hee did wring from his subiects very much substance, very much blood; not for that he was by nature either couetous or cruell, but for that his affaires could not otherwise be managed.
In his politicke gouernment he so managed the State, that neither subiects wanted iustice, nor Prince obedience.
There hee was arrested, and afterwards charged with infinite oppressions; also for seducing the Kings subiects to forsake the Realme; and lastly, for sacrilegious spoyling of many Churches.
Hee was neuer infested with domesticall warres; which in regard of those tumultuous times, is a manifest argument both of his iustice and prouidence; the one not giuing cause, the other no hope, for his subiects to rebel.
Insomuch as he restrained his subiects from going to Rome, and withheld the annuall paiment of Peter pence, and was oftentimes heard to giue foorth, that they follow not the trace of S.
Assuredly, nothing doeth sooner worke the conuersion or subuersion of a State, then that any one sort of Subiects should grow so great, as to be able to ouerrule all the rest.
This Vortiporus vanquished the Saxons in batttell, as the British histories make mention, and valiantlie defended his land and subiects the Britains, from the danger of them and other their allies.
For after their father was dead, they began to fall to their old idolatrie, which in his life time they séemed to haue giuen ouer, insomuch that now they openlie worshipped idols, and gaue libertie to their subiects to do the like.
The same Ida was vndoubtedlie a right noble personage, and changed first that dukedome into a kingdome; where before that time the Saxons that ruled there, were subiects vnto the kings of Kent.
The king meaning to go (as he pretended) into the holie land, had grant of the pope to leuie a tenth of his subiects both spirituall and temporall.
Item I shall not receiue or suffer to be receiued within my countrie of Wales, any of the subiects of England, outlawed or banished by the said lord the king, or his barons of Mercia.
Item I shall make satisfaction for all damages & iniuries doone by me, or anie of my subiects vnto the king or his, according to the consideration of the kings court, and shall deliuer such as shal be malefactours in that behalfe.
The Iewes sore impouerished with greeuous and often paiments excused themselues by the popes vsurers, and reprooued plainelie the kings excessiue taking of monie, as well of his christian subiects as of them.
King Ethelwulfe gouerned his subiects verie politikelie, and by himselfe and his capteins oftentimes put the Danes to flight, though as chance of warre falleth out, he also receiued at their hands [Sidenote: Simon Dun.
He liued not past fiue yéeres in gouernement of the kingdome, but was taken out of this life to the great sorrow of his subiects whome he ruled right worthilie, and so as they had him in great loue and estimation.
Edilbald king of Mercia, who one while with stirring his owne subiects the Westsaxons to rebellion, an other while with open warre, and sometime by secret craft and subtill practises sought to disquiet him.
Wherein your Grace may reade to understande The perfett waye unto the hevennes hie, And how to Rule your subiectsand your land, And how your kingdom stablished shalbe, Judgment and wysdome therein shall ye see.
Sidenote: Strife amongst the English subiects on the other side of the sea.
So that herein we haue a perfect view of the perplexed state of princes, cheeflie when they are ouerswaied with forren & prophane power, and not able to assure themselues of their subiects allegiance and loialtie.
Certeinelie it should seeme the man had a princelie heart in him, and wanted nothing but faithfull subiects to haue assisted him in reuenging such wrongs as were doone and offered by the French king and others.
And that alsoe comission may be granted to sage persons to enquire and trie out all coulorable transports and contracts don since the XXth of December last by any of the subiects of the said king or by any other nation.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "subiects" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.