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Example sentences for "boldnesse"

Lexicographically close words:
boldest; boldlie; boldly; boldnes; boldness; bole; bolero; boles; bolice; bolide
  1. For that incredible boldnesse and vnwoorthie good hap of a few sillie [Sidenote: The piracie of the Frankeners called Franci or Francones.

  2. The knight at his great boldnesse wondered, And though he scornd his idle vanitie, 8 Yet mildly him to purpose answered; For not to grow of nought he it coniectured.

  3. And armes her with the boldnesse of a Wife To her allowing Husband.

  4. Away, and glister like the god of warre When he intendeth to become the field: Shew boldnesse and aspiring confidence: What, shall they seeke the Lion in his denne, And fright him there?

  5. Notable Pyrate, thou salt-water Theefe, What foolish boldnesse brought thee to their mercies, Whom thou in termes so bloudie, and so deere Hast made thine enemies?

  6. Paul Ile strike thee to my Foote, And spurne vpon thee Begger for thy boldnesse Anne.

  7. Say no more; How ere the businesse goes, you haue made fault I'th boldnesse of your speech Pau.

  8. Boldnesse be my Friend: Arme me Audacitie from head to foote, Or like the Parthian I shall flying fight, Rather directly fly Imogen reads.

  9. Tis but the boldnesse of his hand haply, which his heart was not consenting too Lad.

  10. Why appeare you with this ridiculous boldnesse before my Lady Mal.

  11. For although he was able to match Edmund in boldnesse of stomach, yet was he farre too weake to deale with a man of such strength as Edmund was knowne to be.

  12. Such as are bred in this Iland are men for the most part of a good complexion, tall of stature, strong in bodie, white of colour, and thereto of great boldnesse and courage in the warres.

  13. For that incredible boldnesse and vnwoorthie good hap of a few sillie [Sidenote: The piracie of the Frankeners called Franci or Francones.

  14. Augustine came, who brought in poperie, which increased and continued till Wicklif with more boldnesse than anie other began to preach the gospell, which was Anno.

  15. The Indians seeing that the Christians retired, and some of them, or the most part, more then an ordinary pase, shot with great boldnesse at them, and strooke downe such as they could ouertake.

  16. Wine immoderately taken, is the nurse of rashe boldnesse and filthie lust.

  17. Surely it is praise worthie when a men méeting with a spirit is not afraid, but yet boldnesse and rashnesse cannot be commended.

  18. Madam I know not, how you may receive This boldnesse from me, but my faire intents Knowne, will incline you to be charitable.

  19. My Lord, I will take boldnesse to be plaine, beside Your other excellent parts, you have much fame For your sweet inclination to our sexe.

  20. Shall J take Boldnesse to aske what place you hold in Court?

  21. Alas sweet Madam, I cannot stay, I came But to present my service to your Ladiship; I could not passe by your doore, but I must take The boldnesse to render my respects.

  22. Wherevpon, manie of euill disposition presumed to offend: for easinesse to purchase pardon bred boldnesse in manie, howbeit the wise seemed to laugh at such dooings.

  23. Other also taking a boldnesse vnto them, affirmed, that they would follow the steps of Thomas sometime archbishop of Canturburie, which for the liberties of the church suffered himselfe to haue his braines cut out of his head.

  24. And for this occasion the prince was in the life of his father sent thither, to the end that the authoritie of his presence should refraine euill disposed persons from the boldnesse of their former outrages.

  25. They had so great desire to know it, that they did vse all meanes possible as it appeared in the boldnesse of their demandes.

  26. By this you may see the boldnesse of those buzards, that think themselves hectors when they see but their shadowes, & tremble when they see a Iroquoit.

  27. Our fort might be seene afar off, and on that side most delightfull, for the great many stagges that took the boldnesse to be carried by quarters where att other times they made good cheare.

  28. If I should confesse a fault in the boldnesse of asking them, or make a faulte by doing it in a longer Letter, your Ladiship might use your style and old fashion of the Court towards me, and pay me with a Pardon.

  29. SIR, I writ to you yesterday taking the boldnesse to put a letter into the good Ladies pacquet for you.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "boldnesse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.