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Example sentences for "euident"

Lexicographically close words:
eugenically; eugenist; eugenists; euhemeristic; euidence; euidentlie; euidently; euil; euill; euils
  1. Hunt] his first comming into Britaine, hauing procéeded in his businesse [Sidenote: By this it is euident that he was not driuen out of the land after he had once set foot within it.

  2. It is therefore now time no longer wilfully to striue, both against the prouidence of God, and the Iustice of the Land: the more you labour to acquit your selues, the more euident and apparant you make your offences to the World.

  3. It is also euident that there returned aboue 6000.

  4. Now that the soules neither of the faithfull nor of infidels do wander any longer on the earth, when they be once seuered from the bodies, I wil make it plaine and euident vnto you by these reasons following.

  5. Howbeit by euident myracle, thanked be God, the sayd pieces did no great harme, and slew not past 24.

  6. For by payning and molestinge theymselues with a thinge that so little doth please and content them, vntill manifest, and euident proofe appeare, they display the folly of their minde's imperfection, and the weakenesse of their Fantasy.

  7. In th'end she concluded, that if the knight shewed hir any euident signe, or opened by word of mouth any Speach of loue and seruice, she would not refuse to do the like to him.

  8. Their was in their trayne a great number of men and women, which stil made very much of vs, and by euident signes made vs vnderstand how glad they were of our arriuall.

  9. Besides this proof, those which were left in the first voyage haue certified me, that the Indians shewed them by euident signes, that farther within the land toward the North, there was a great inclosure or citie, where Chiquola dwelt.

  10. And where it was euident to all the world, that the rupture and breaking of the said peace, should haue fallen heretofore, of your aduerse partie; because of the great vntruths.

  11. But although this letter was indited and written verie effectuallie, yet receiued they no answer from the king, who minded in no wise to obserue the same statutes, as by euident tokens it was most apparant.

  12. Neuerthelesse by his letters dated at Rutland, on the said eleuenth of the said month of Nouember, it is euident that he receiued of the said Leolin the summe of two thousand marks sterling, by the hands of Thomas Beke keeper of his wardrobe.

  13. This in the meane time is euident out of Orosius, lib.

  14. For it is euident that they had in time past sundrie charters of priuilege from Athelstane, although at this present it be well stored with Irishmen.

  15. But howsoeuer we shall take this place of Tacitus, it is euident inough that Camelodunum stood not farre from the Thames.

  16. Christ, whereof we haue more certeine notice, & at which season there is euident proofe, that there were twelue or thirtéene kings reigning in this Iland.

  17. Whereby it is euident that the new towne standeth cleane without the limits of the old, and that the bridge whereof the historie of S.

  18. For as it is euident by writers of good credit, he came first ouer into Britaine with the said Aulus Plautius, and serued verie valiantlie vnder him, as before in place we haue partlie touched.

  19. Now, betweene the west and north gate are two inscriptions, of which some words are euident to be read, the residue are cleane defaced.

  20. Those words ended the good Prince gaue euident testimonie of desire to see his onely doughter, by the liuely colour that rose in his face, and by certaine teares running downe along his hoare and frostie beard.

  21. But the goodnesse of God, who is a iust Iudge, and suffreth his owne elect to be proued to the extremitie, of purpose to make their glorie the greater, and the ruine of the wicked more apparaunt, manifested there an euident miracle.

  22. Christ, whereof we haue more certeine notice, & at which season there is euident proofe, that there were twelue or thirteene kings reigning in this Iland.

  23. Prouided that god by his will reueled, and manifest worde, stand plain and euident on my side.

  24. Which one thinge is an euident testimonie, howe vnlike our mischeuous Maryes be vnto Debora, vnder whome were strangiers chased owt of Israel, God so raising her vp to be a mother and deliuerer to his oppressed people.

  25. The king was sorie to heare this, and could not be induced to beleeue that there was so much vntruth in him, till by euident proofes it was tried against him.

  26. Henrie by new messengers informed him how guiltlesse he was in the matter, and that by plaine and euident proofes.

  27. Which is euident out of that verse of Virgil in his first Eclogue: And Britans whole from all the world diuided.

  28. Walsingham maketh plaine and euident mention of a farre greater Fleete of the same king; namely, of 1100.

  29. First of all therefore it is euident enough out of the second section, viz.

  30. Very true, And so I hope he came by't: backe my Ring, Render to me some corporall signe about her More euident then this: for this was stolne Iach.

  31. We must finde An euident Calamity, though we had Our wish, which side should win.

  32. Why this is euident to any formall capacitie.

  33. First, it must be plain and euident to the hearer, not obscure, 2.

  34. As surely euident it was that they buckled to gyther / and this was well knowen that Milo had a necessary cause to go furth of Rome at that tyme.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "euident" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.