Marquize wrecke hir tyrannie ouer the will of hir subiectes, and force Ladyes of hir Lande to marie againste their luste?
Novel 28 "Why (my Lord) do you chase and rage againste mee?
The poore Wench lessoned by her mistresse, in laughing wise sayd vnto him: "Why (my Lord) do you chase and rage againste mee?
It is ordered that an Informac͠on be exhibited againste the Sexton of White Chappell for Surgerye.
Here was one Steven Robinson to complaine againste Edward Parke for arestinge hym for the curinge of hym for v yeres seence.
B, so that the vtter corner that it maketh at C, is greater then any of the two inner corners that lyeagainste it, and ioyne not wyth it, whyche are A.
That in al sharpe cornered triangles, where a perpendicular line is drawen frome one angle to the side that lyeth againste it, the square of anye one side, with the ij.
Tarquinius vnderstanding these inuections made againste hym by Turnus, immediatly deuyseth meanes to kil him, to the intent he myght inculcate like terror to the Latines, that he did to his owne subiects.
So that pilloure in that place is better than pellure, because pilloures were a note of more pride and maiestye (againste whiche the Plowmanne dothe enveye in those woordes,) than in the weringe of furres.
This worde sholde rather be resalgar, wherefore I will shewe yo{u} what resalgar ys in that abstruse science, whiche Chawcer knewe full well, althoughe he enveye againste the sophisticall abuse thereof in the chanons Yeomans Tale.
This case is so clere that the Spaniardes themselves, thoughe full sore againste their willes, are constrained to yielde unto us therein.
In the chapiter of Hispaniola it thus followeth: Nowe after sondry other forces, violences, and tormentes which they wroughte againste them, the Indians perceaved that those were no men descended from heaven.
With this treasure did he not cause the Erie of Esones, your subject, to rebellagainste your Graces father and againste you?
With this treasure hath he not mayneteyned many cities in Italie, as well againstethe Pope as againste the Frenche Kinge, as Parma, Florence, and such other?
If they had, they woulde never have rebelled so ofte againste the Crowne of England.
St. Hillary writes as moche to the Emperour Constantine againste Auxentius, Bisshoppe of Milan.
And nowe, no doubte, many of them remember that the threateninge of the prophet hath taken holde upon them, whoe pronounceth an heavie woe againste all suche as spoile, because they themselves shall at length be spoiled.
Why was he not offended and incensed againste Queene Mary, whoe suffered her subjectes, in the yere 1556.
Ouer againste the said islande, northewarde, there is one other iland named St. John de Porto Ricco, which hath store of all manner of victualls and suger.
For other wise nature, if the disease shoulde take vs, shoulde haue more a doe againste the full bealy and fearce disease, then it were able to susteyne.
An other remedie there is, to make a cave againste it, when thou shouldeste bee aware where he muineth, the whiche waie easely hindereth hym, but difficultly it is foreseen, beyng besieged of a craftie enemie.
Sidenote: An ensample whiche proveth that horsemen with staves, cannot prevaile against footemen with Pikes, and what great advauntage the armed have, againste the unarmed.
Sidenote: How to provid againste soche inconveniences as souldiours maie cause.
Likewise he ymagined, that if they came to succour him, he helde the Countrey for conquered: also if that they were come againste him, he iudged the Countrey to bée lost.
VVithout the temple, and ouer againste the principall dore thereof, a stones cast distant, standeth the Charnell house onely of dead mens heads prisoners in warres and sacrifised with the knife.
I haue séene one of you discomfyte a whole army, as Ionathas did, yea and many among you haue had victory against a thousand, yea ten thousand Indians, as King Dauid had againste the Philistines.
Then by silence also is Christe and Christes worde denyed / namely whẽ vppõ occasion offered we do not deffende the glorie of the name of Godd and of the truythe known againste the ennemis of Godd and sclaunderers of the worde of Godd.
Againste whom with all ther clokes I vse this sayinge of Paule / flye ye Idolatrie.
Christe / and the threateninge of condemnaciõ / through which heauen is shutt againste the vnbeleauers.
Augustine writĩg againste the donatistes dothe ĩ manye places notablie intreate ãd hãdle this sentẽce of the psalme.
The very same thinge is to be sayde / where a kinge or suche which do retayne the supreame auctoritie / do commaunde or determyne anye thynge againste right.
For I will playnly proue / that the papists are Heretikes / and do mayntayne Heresie againste certayn principall doctrines of our faithe.
Agayn we do dissalowe thos which are kept againste the cõmaundement of Godd with playne hurte of true religion / and open denyinge of the faithe.
When ye synne so against the brethern / and wounde thier weake conscience / ye synne againste Christ.
The hony also helpeth those which haue drunke vnwares the iuyce of blacke Poppie, so that againste the same euill and daunger they drinke rosed honny warme.
Sidenote: The fable of the Bisshop of Rochester, againste the graunt of the Chauntries.
It shall behoue you first, for the entring of the oracion, to induce a reprehension againste those, whiche haue confuted as a truthe, that whiche you will confirme.
Lawe, or borne and tolerated againste a [Sidenote: Adulterie.
Tullie vseth for a like example this, when he maketh Roome to talke againste Cateline.
Emong many of his lawes, this Solon set forthe againste adulterers.
THis parte of Rhetorike, which is called dispraise, is a in- uectiue Oracion, made againste the life of any man.
MAny learned menne are in this opinion, that vpon a Lawe alledged, a Oracion maie bee made in the defence of it: or matter maie be suppeditated, to in- uaigh by force of argument againste it.
A Oracion either in the defence of a Lawe, or againste a Lawe.
Lucane the Poete, intreating of mightie and fearce war- res, againste Pompei and Cesar, maketh Roome to vse this Prosopopoeia againste Cesar.
AS co[n]cerning Prosopopoeia, it is as Pristianus saith, when to any one againste nature, speache is feigned to bee giuen.
And I must confesse vnto thee, that I sustaine a very cruel assault both againste death and life, and I cannot either with the one or with the other, haue peace or truce in my selfe.
What is this to say, but that againste the nature of maidens of my yeres I will not, or cannot be quiet day nor night, but take my repast and feeding vpon cares and thoughtes?
Finallye, the imprisonmente of the Duchesse, and the iudgemente giuen againste her.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "againste" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.