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Example sentences for "noone"

Lexicographically close words:
noodles; nook; nooks; noon; noonday; nooned; nooning; noons; noontide; noontime
  1. South shore, and this day at noone we were in 62.

  2. Noone the 17 This 17 of Iune we set vp our pinnesse.

  3. The thirde day being calme, at noone we strooke saile, and let fall a cadge anker, to proue whether we could take any fish, being in latitude 54.

  4. From the eighteenth day at noone vnto the nineteenth at noone, by precise ordinary care, wee had sailed 15.

  5. And these foure shippes by the next day at noone got out to Sea, and were first cleare of the yce, who now enioying their owne libertie, beganne a new to sorrow and feare for their fellowes safeties.

  6. This day at noone we departed from Silly.

  7. In the morning I deuided the company three and three to goe euery way to see what foode they could find to sustaine thenselues, and appointed them to meete there all againe at noone with such foode as they could get.

  8. Noone the 29 64 At this present we got cleere of the Streights, hauing coasted the South shore, the land trending from hence S.

  9. The tenth day the wind being at North northwest, we haled East and by North, which course we set, because at ten of the clocke afore noone wee did see land, and then wee sounded hauing 35.

  10. About one of the clock in the after noone the William also came into Wardhouse to vs in good safetie, and all her company in good health.

  11. From thence vntil noone they sayled South nine leagues, then the latitude obserued was 42.

  12. At sixe in the after noone we cleared our selues of the ice, and hald along Southeast by South: we sounded againe at 10.

  13. VI One while he spread his armes him fro, And cryed so pittyouslye: ‘For the mayden’s love that I have most minde This day shall comfort mee, Or else ere noone I shall be dead!

  14. Through his great loue, my stay with him was fixt, From Thursday night till noone on Monday next.

  15. This daye abowt iiij of the clocke at after noone my L.

  16. Everyone else was laffin an throwin things with him standin off an noone throwin a thing at him.

  17. Serious though I havnt found noone so far what has thought of doin this except the newspapers.

  18. An I showed it to him tucked inside my shirt where noone could get it away from me without some tussel, you bet, Mable.

  19. I says, "If noone wont lend you a towel you can use mine.

  20. Parmenio, I cannot tell how it commeth to passe that in Alexander now a dayes there groweth an unpatient kind of life: in the morning he is melancholy, at noone solemne, at all times either more sowre or severe than hee was accustomed.

  21. About noone there was a generall muster taken of all the soldiours, to see how many wee had lost: and such ships as were appointed to returne home, began to deliuer out the victuals.

  22. About noone some of our men ran into the castle without any reencounter: the enemy had vndermined the gate, but as we approched the wall, it tooke fire, but not one of our people was therewith hurt.

  23. And about noone the captaines were chosen and appointed which shoulde commande on lande.

  24. Munday the sixt of September, the winde westerly, we ran East, at noone wee sounded, the depth was 50.

  25. Iune, hauing got a fine gale we ran along the coast of Galicia, at noone wee were before the Iland of Cesarian, and set our course towards Cape Finister.

  26. The admirall hearing this, about 3 of the clocke in the after noone marshalled our men, and he and all the rest of the captaines marched toward them.

  27. About noone the wind began to blow softly at Southwest, whereupon the General told the Pilots, that we should doe well to put ouer to the maine land, where with some wind off the shore we might by the grace of God saile somewhat farther.

  28. Iulie they pitched their Campe at noone betweene Amaye and Naguatex along the corner of a groue of very faire trees.

  29. Mr. Laward his sonne Thomas born at noone or a little after, ¼ vel ½.

  30. Rowland fell into the Tems over hed and eares abowt noone or somewhat after.

  31. Sith it is so (sayd Zilia) to morrow at noone let him come vnto my house, wherein a low chamber, he shall haue leysure to say to mee his mind.

  32. You may see hir" (sayd she) "if to morrowe at Noone you haue the heart to aduenture to goe vnto hir house.

  33. Thy golden, growing head neuer hangs down 25 Till in the lappe of Loue's full noone It falls; and dyes!

  34. Empusa, is an apparition of the Diuel, or a spirit which sheweth it selfe vnto such as are in misery, chaunging his shape into diuers formes, and for the most part appeareth at noone time.

  35. At one of the clocke in the after-noone wee weighed and went into the river, the wind at south south-west, little winde.

  36. We treaded the sayd landes about toward the South: from the sayd day vntill Tewesday noone following, the winde came West, and therefore wee bended toward the North, purposing to goe and see the land that we before had spied.

  37. In the after-noone our masters mate went on land with an old savage, a governor of the countrey; who carried him to his house, and made him good cheere.

  38. At noone we found our height to bee 39 degrees, 3 minutes.

  39. And among the rest I mett with a companie of 6 or 7 persons, most of them being Flemings, standing together in the publique meeting place, where the merchants as upon the Exchang at noone and in the evening use to come togeather.

  40. At noone we found our height [a little north of Cape May] to bee 39 degrees 3 minutes.

  41. Item, I thynke that she is made sywer i now in astate in the londe, and that off ryght I deme they shall make noone obstacles at my wryghtyng, ffor I hadde never none astate in the londe, ner I wolde nott that I had hadde.

  42. The husbandmen dine also at high noone as they call it, and sup at seuen or eight: but out of the tearme in our vniuersities the scholers dine at ten.

  43. In the after noone likewise we meet againe, and after the psalmes and lessons ended we haue commonlie a sermon, or at the leastwise our youth catechised by the space of an houre.

  44. On the ninth of Iulie the sunne séemed darkened with certeine grosse and euill fauoured clouds comming betwixt it and the earth, so as it appeared ruddie, but gaue no light from noone till the setting thereof.

  45. At the daie appointed, when all things were prepared there issued foorth of the tower about thrée of the clocke in the after noone sixtie coursers apparelled for the iustes, and vpon euerie one an esquier of honor, riding a soft pace.

  46. In the after noone were proclamations made in the accustomed places of the citie, in the name of king Henrie the fourth.

  47. Noone ain't never put nothin' over on me and got away wit it, see!

  48. But yuh can bet your shoit noone ain't never licked me since!

  49. December we expected the Kings comming aborde, putting out all our flagges and streamers, and about noone there came 8.

  50. There we found the compasse to decline three quarters of a strike or line North eastward, after noone we had a Southeast wind, and our course West Northwest.

  51. May, by reason of the cloudy sky, about noone we could not take the height of the Sunne, but as we gest we had the height of the Island of S.

  52. After noone we past by a man of warre being a Hollander, that lay at anker, and he hoysed anker to follow vs, about euening wee spake with him, but because of the wind wee could hardly heare what hee said, yet hee sailed on with vs.

  53. East Northeast along by the coast of Iaua, and about noone because of the great streame that runneth in the straight, wee were forced to anker, and the 30.

  54. Iuly wee had still a Southwest winde, and after noone wee thought wee had seene land, but we were not assured thereof, for it was somewhat close.

  55. May we had all one winde at noone being vnder 35.

  56. Princes flagge, yet durst not come neare vs, although we made signes vnto him, and after noone wee saw the land of Heissant, whereat we all reioyced.

  57. Tho cowde thai no rede, 2472 There being no stones, For stoone was ther noone to wy«n»ne.

  58. M78) But it pleased God to send vs faire weather all that night, and the next day by noone we had gotten our ship cleane ouer the bar.

  59. And the sunne hath his Meridian as high as the Meridian at Rochel: and it is noone here when the Sunne is at South Southwest at Rochel.

  60. At noone they came to the first towne of Casqui: they found the Indians carelesse, because they had no knowledge of them.

  61. The same day about noone we came athwart of Chefe de boys, where we were enforced to stay the night following.

  62. We trended the sayd landes about toward the South: from the sayd day vntill Tewesday-noone following, the winde came West, and therefore wee bended toward the North, purposing to goe and see the land that we before had spied.

  63. Their waters by the hie waies are verie good and light, although the wether, at that time, was verie hoat, especially at noone time; yet was the water of their welles and fountaynes verie coole.

  64. For it is noone at London sooner then at Oxford, and at Oxford sooner then at Bristow.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "noone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.