The first effect of the poison or bacilli is to cause hyperemia (swelling) of the lymphatics, the capillaries become engorged and cell infiltration takes place in the solitary glands of the intestines.
The liver, spleen and kidneys are usually slightly engorged and somewhat softened.
Frequently the infiltration is so excessive that the capillaries become engorged and entirely choked with the infiltration.
In an acute abscess the surrounding brain tissue is engorged and infiltrated with pus; in a chronic abscess it is condensed, and the pus may be encapsulated by the formation of a zone of young fibrous tissue round its periphery.
The thyreoid varies greatly in size even within normal limits, and may become engorged and swollen from physiological causes, particularly in the female.
The vessels of the cerebro-spinal axis were also engorged with black blood, and the capillaries of the brain, upon incision, vented the same fluid.
The womb when hanging out becomes engorged with blood and inflamed until it is as large as a grain sack, very dark in color, tears and bleeds with the slightest touch.
The membranes covering the foetus will be the first to make their appearance, engorged with a fluid from the womb.
It may, however, become engorged and inflamed from injury.
The generative organs become engorged with blood, but are not permitted to enjoy relaxation consequent upon the full completion of the act.
But the infant must be taught to nurse at once before the breasts become engorged with milk.
The scrotum was tumefied, and to the touch gave the sensation of a human breast, and the parts were pigmented similar to an engorged breast.
Her mammae were engorged with a lactescent fluid, and she felt belly-movements like those of a child; but during all this time she had regular menstruation.
Her menses ceased; her mammae became engorged and discharged a serous lactescent fluid; her belly enlarged, and both she and her physician felt fetal movements in her abdomen.
The modern pharmacopeia does not possess any substance having a similar virtue, although quinin has been noticed to diminish the size of the spleen when engorged in malarial fevers.
In the Grecian images of Venus the breasts are never pictured asengorged or enlarged.
The right lung was engorged and somewhat compressed by the blood in the pleural cavity.
The condition must create a state of semi-engorgement or of mild inflammation, similar to the drunkard's red nose, or his engorged gastric mucous membrane.
When the liver is engorged and torpid, the intestines become overloaded with fecal matters that putrefy and give rise to gases and consequent distention.
This goes on, becoming steadily more marked, until the pressure of the engorged vessels upon the spermatic cord impedes the full circulation of blood in the testicle and causes a wasting and softening of this gland.
Autopsy: Lungs badly congested; heart and blood vessels injected; blood vessels of kidney and of small intestines injected; liver engorged with blood; a few necrotic spots in stomach.
The mesenteric glands are enlarged, and engorged with yellow serous fluid.
Tardieu, Albi, and others believed that the punctiform subpleural ecchymoses indicated suffocation, and were due to small hemorrhages from engorged vessels which ruptured in the efforts at expiration.
The liver was large, and engorged with dark thick blood; several small carbonaceous cysts throughout its substance.
Its substance was soft, engorged with dark blood, and easily torn.
When the capillary system is engorged a fine interlacing network can be discovered, which gives to the membrane a more uniform red color.
At the autopsy the pancreas was found to be swollen, reddened, engorged with blood, and indurated.
Nevertheless, there can be no doubt that engorged and inflamed gums demand incision for their relief, on the same general principles of surgery applicable to similar conditions elsewhere.
Delicate red lines of engorged capillaries usually surround the base of these projections.
Even horses intended for slow work must never be engorged with bulky, innutritious feed immediately before going to labor.
This mostly occurs as a result of engorged or tympanitic stomach (engorgement colic) and from the horse violently throwing himself when so affected.
This is comparatively rare in the mare, though in some cases the udder becomes painfully engorged before parturition, and a doughy swelling, pitting on pressure, extends forward on the lower surface of the abdomen.
Occasional colics may result from these "stomach stones," and when the latter lodge at the outlet of the stomach they may give rise to symptoms of engorged stomach, already described.
The earlier the treatment is commenced to lessen the danger of fatal pressure from the engorged blood vessels, the less effusion and smaller number of inflammatory products we have to contend with later.
In addition to the intensely engorged condition of the vessels we find the gray matter of the brain redder than natural.
The kidneys are sometimes engorged with blood, sometimes pale and flabby.
The viscera were engorged with dark fluid blood; ecchymoses were often found in the mucous and the serous membranes, in the substance of the different organs, and into the connective tissue.
But, in point of fact, the respiration in cholera is hurried and shallow rather than oppressed and labored, while after death the lungs are not engorged with blood, but rather in a bloodless condition.
During the first ten days of the disease the spleen is generally tense and firm, engorged with blood, and dark red in color.
This engorged condition of the right cavities and emptiness of the left cavities of the heart diminish very slowly during the passage from collapse to reaction, during which time the pulmonary blood-vessels are being gradually replenished.
The anæmic part may subsequently become engorged with blood; it may die, a region of anæmic necrosis resulting, or the dead portion may become softened.
Its cavities are engorged with dark blood, sometimes fluid, but more often clotted.
In acute Bright's disease the kidney is increased in size and engorged with blood, the changes described above being in active progress.
The engorged kidneys become brownish red, enlarged and fibroid, and they secrete a scanty, high-coloured urine.
The face will sometimes become so tumefied, and engorged with blood, from this prolonged pressure, that it will not appear natural till several days after birth.
Sometimes, however, they become very extensive, and so engorged that they inflame and are extremely painful.
The upper part passes through, owing to the overlapping of the bones, and the scalp then bulges out like a large tumor, from being engorged with blood and serum, but the lower being more unyielding remains behind.
The rupture of the blood vessels may occur when they are too much engorgedwith blood, or when their coats are weakened and corroded by disease.
An engorged colon is one of the most common causes, on the same principle that it causes paralysis and apoplexy.
It is impossible to estimate the amount of evil caused by an engorged colon monopolizing two or three times its allotted space in the abdominal cavity, crowding and hampering the other organs in their work.
I willingly concede that point, and will add that neither is an obstructed and engorged colon natural.
The engorged and dark state of the upper portion of bowel contrasts well with the lower, which is generally empty, contracted, and pale.