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Example sentences for "englysshe"

Lexicographically close words:
engirt; englacial; engles; englischen; englyn; engorged; engorgement; engraft; engrafted; engrafting
  1. On the recto of the last leaf, 'Here foloweth the maner of dauncynge of bace dauces after the vse of fraunce & other places translated out of frenche in englysshe by Robert coplande.

  2. And translated into englysshe by syr Alexander Barclay preest, at comaundement of the right hye and mighty prince: Thomas duke of Northfolke.

  3. The englysshe of Mancyne apon the foure cardynale vertues.

  4. The English part, in black letter, is entitled: The englysshe of Mancyne apon the foure cardynale vertues.

  5. The fyrste yere of the reygne of our fouerayne lorde kynge Henry the viii.

  6. And that daye there was a greate wrastelynge betwene englysshe men and frensshe men before bothe the kynges the frensshe kynge had none but preestes that wrasteled which were bygge men and stronge they were bretherne but they had moost falles.

  7. Regina Anna prospere procede et regna that is in englysshe Quene Anne prospere procede and reygne.

  8. And y{e} Kyng our mayster mette with the frensshe Kyng at Sandyngfelde within the englysshe pale thre myles.

  9. Calays at y{e} englysshe pale the sayd great mayster hauynge two greate lordes in his company of theyr ordre and a hondred gentylmen attendynge vpon them.

  10. Here begynneth the book of the historyes and Fables of Esope whiche were translated out of Frennshe in to Englysshe by wylliam Caxton at westmynstre In the yere of oure Lorde.

  11. Here begynneth the course and disposition of the dayes of the Moone in laten and in Englysshe which be good; and which be badde after the influentes of the Moone drawen out of a boke of Aristotiles de Astronomiis.

  12. And also my lorde abbot of Westmynster ded do shewe to me late certayn euydences wryton in olde englysshe for to reduce it in to our englysshe now vsid.

  13. And fayn wolde I satysfy euery man; and so to doo, toke an olde boke and redde therein; and certaynly the englysshe was so rude and brood that I coude not wele vnderstande it.

  14. And that comyn englysshe that is spoken in one shyre varyeth from a nother.

  15. In both these letters the English comes first: A prentyse wryteth to his mayster, fyrste in Englysshe and after in frensshe.

  16. The author of the Treatyse of a galaunt bemoans the fact that "Englysshe men sholde be so blynde" as to adopt the "marde gere" of the French.

  17. Colophon: Here endeth a lytyll treatyse for to lerne Englysshe and Frensshe.

  18. Barclay, however, differs from his rivals in having a wider aim; his grammar is intended for the "pleasure of all englysshe men as well gentylmen marchauntes, as other common people that are not expert in the sayd langage.

  19. And he that desyreth to knowe more of dreames wrytten in our englysshe tonge, let hym rede the tale of the nounnes preste, that G.

  20. A certayne confessour, in the holy tyme of Lente, enioyned his penytente to saye dayly for his penaunce this prayer: Agnus Dei miserere mei, whiche was as moche to saye in englysshe as the Lambe of God haue mercye vpon me.

  21. Whyche boke was reduced in to Englysshe by the well dysposyd knyghte afore namyd.

  22. Here fynyssheth the boke of Eneydos, compyled by Vyrgyle, whiche hathe be translated oute of latyne in to frenshe, and oute of frenshe reduced in to Englysshe by me Wyll̃m Caxton, 1490.

  23. Translated out of the French into Englysshe by William Caxton, 1484.

  24. The Flores of Ovid de arte amandi with theyr englysshe before them: and two alphabete tablys .

  25. A Book of the Noble Hystoryes of Kynge Arthur, and of Certeyn of his knyghtes, reduced into Englysshe by Syr Thomas Malory, Kynght and by me William Caxton.

  26. Here fynysshed this present book, whiche is called Cathon translated oute of Frensshe in to Englysshe by W.

  27. Laten, French and Doche into the Englysshe Tonge.

  28. All the poore and mean people were constrained by the capture of Calys to yssue out of the town, men, women, and children, and to pass through the Englysshe host, and with them the poore chronyclers.

  29. And the chronyclers have added to the lyst of their costs which their patrons curtesly pay: To loss of honour at receiving alms from an Englysshe Kynge, a thousand crounes.

  30. Beefe is a good meate for an Englysshe man, so be it the beest be yonge, and that it be not kowe-flesshe; for olde beefe and kowe-flesshe doth ingender melancolye and leporouse humoures.

  31. Yf it be moderatly powderyd, that the groose blode by salte may be exhaustyd, it doth make an Englysshe man stronge, the education of hym with it consyderyd.

  32. Ale for an Englysshe man is a naturall drynke.

  33. What shall thou do whan thou hast an englysshe to make in latyn?

  34. A ij:-'What is to be done whan an englysshe is gyuen to be made in latyn?

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "englysshe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.