It seems he brings thenomination of one of these gentlemen to the post of Councillor in the Court of Appeal.
I think," he said, "I think we can count on my nomination this time!
Of course he looked upon the nomination as his own, and he had in his eye three or four fitting candidates, seeing that Mr Cummins's plan as to the living of Puddingdale could not be brought to bear.
I, at any rate for one, shall look on any successor whom you may appoint as enjoying a clerical situation of the highest respectability, and one to which your Lordship's nomination gives an indefeasible right.
She was in no way surprised when approached by party managers on the subject of accepting the nomination for county superintendent of schools.
There was no surprise, however, in view of the nomination of Jim Irwin by the blarneying Bonner when the secretary smoothed out the first ballot, and read: "James E.
In March, 1875, the nomination for Mayor of Bridgeport was offered Barnum, but he refused it, until assured that the nomination was intended as a compliment, and that both parties would sustain it.
The incident referred to in this letter with regard to the nomination for the Vice-Presidency by the Democratic Convention is worthy of more extended notice.
Direct nomination by the crown was substituted for the congé d'élire, and remained the practice till the reaction under Mary, when the indefinite system was resumed which had existed before the Reformation.
He had absolute power over every nomination to an English benefice; he might refuse his consent till such adequate reasons, material or spiritual, as he considered sufficient to induce him to acquiesce, had been submitted to his consideration.
One day the Senator received an intimation that he would be put in nomination if Van Buren failed.
The Ex-president had been solicited to accept the nomination again.
Butler then said: "When that letter was written Senator Wright was not aware that Mr. Van Buren's nomination could not be accomplished, nor was he aware that his own nomination would be the almost unanimous wish of this convention.
He refused a seat on the bench of the Supreme Court of the United States; he rejected instantly the nomination of 1844 for Vice-President; he refused to be put in nomination for the Presidency.
However, he advised his friend to make a fight for the nomination and this the latter resolved to do.
Hanna was a stanch friend of the gold standard, but he was too clever to alienate the sympathies of the Republican silverites by supporting the nomination of a man known to be an uncompromising advocate of gold.
He took an active part in the campaign of that year, and in 1889 was offered, but declined, the nomination for lieutenant governor on the Democratic ticket.
After forty minutes the demonstration died out and the convention was ready to proceed with the nomination of a presidential candidate.
With two strong organizations assuming all the functions of political parties, except the nomination of candidates, the stage was set in 1890 for a drama of unusual interest.
Weaver ran his first tilt in state politics in an unsuccessful attempt to obtain the Republican nomination for lieutenant governor in 1865.
In 1900 the radical group refused to endorse the Fusionists' nomination of Bryan and ran an independent ticket headed by Wharton Barker of Pennsylvania and that inveterate rebel, Ignatius Donnelly.
Dillaye of New York had refused the presidential nomination at the hands of this convention, it adjourned to meet in Chicago on the 9th of June the place and time already selected for the regular convention of the National party.
The leading candidates for nomination for the presidency were Charles Francis Adams, David Davis, Horace Greeley, Lyman Trumbull, and B.
There was a strong movement in the convention for the nomination of David Davis for the presidency, but this seems to have met with opposition from Eastern delegates who remembered his desertion of the National Labor Reform party in 1872.
A nomination for governor by his party has usually been followed by election.
Then he planned to return home to attend to some business matters, and to attend to some preliminaries for securing the nomination for the governorship of his state.
This letter was a frank and serious statement that he desired not to be considered a candidate, and no doubt his preference was the nomination of Mr. Conkling.
Governor Foster of Ohio did not conceal his impression that the nomination of Garfield was certain.
The inside truth about the nomination was freely given by Mr. Blaine, who, as the convention progressed, was studying the proceedings with the surprisingly clear vision he possessed for the estimation of passing events.
Garfield stated that this was certainly told him on the way to his breakfast; and after the nomination the dreamer reappeared and said: "What did I tell you, Jim?
He soon made up his mind that his nomination could not happen, and that Sherman also was impossible.
When Garfield was President, he was asked whether he ever thought, before his nomination for the office, that he was likely to fill it, and his answer was curious and characteristic of his manner of expression.
It is well remembered that in his speech placing Grant in nomination he quoted Miles O'Reilly: If asked what State he hails from, Our sole reply shall be-- He comes from Appomattox And the famous apple tree.
Adams was the strongest candidate but was jockeyed out of place and the nomination was given to Horace Greeley, able enough as editor of the "New York Tribune" but impossible as a candidate for the presidency.
The principal candidates for the Liberal Republican nomination were Charles Francis Adams, Lyman Trumbull, Gratz Brown, David Davis, and Horace Greeley.
Any white man over eighteen might be admitted to the Den after nomination by a member and strict investigation by a committee.
Hence a candidate would be doomed to defeat from the moment of his nomination and the fact that he and the party would know this, would make the campaign lifeless, futile and perfunctory.
In the deed of his nomination is the sentence--"son of the late Marco, who through all his life exercised the office of architect in such a mode that few or none could even equal him.
The idea of an eleventh-hour nomination was rather startling, whatever its motive.
With all of Mark Twain's admiration for Grant, he had opposed him as a third-term President and approved of the nomination of Garfield.
To announce that the name of Anderson Crow is hereby withdrawn from the consideration of this convention for the--er--the nomination for Town Marshal.
All in favour of making the nomination of Mrs. Crow unanimous signify by holding up their hands," said the chairman.
I move, Mr. Chairman, that we make the nomination unanimous without a dissenting vote," he cried out.
In his letter of acceptance of the nomination Mr. Johnson virtually disclaimed any departure from his principles as a Democrat, but placed his acceptance upon the ground of "the higher duty of first preserving the Government.
As stated in your letter, the nomination of Governor Cox, of Ohio, for the office of Secretary of War was suggested to me.
The continuous report comes to an end with the nomination of Joshua as future leader of the people.
I would have concealed my nominationfrom him; but at that time I looked on you as the betrothed of another man.
This constabulary shall be organized and officered by Americans, appointed by the President of Haiti upon nomination by the President of the United States.
This constabulary shall be organized and officered by Americans appointed by the President of Haiti, upon nomination by the President of the United States.
In 1902 the Servians, after a prolonged conflict with the Greeks, succeeded with Russian aid in obtaining the nomination of Mgr.
In virtue of the latter provision the districts of Veles, Ochrida and Uskub declared for the exarchate, but the Turkish government refrained from sanctioning the nomination of Bulgarian bishops to these dioceses.
That must be an error, because the one he received was before the nomination had been made.
One day I was walking down town with Mrs. Taylor and her daughter Bettie, when a steamer landed, and brought the news of the General's nomination for President.
At Christmas, 1092, three months before his nominationto the See of Canterbury, Anselm was in England over the affairs of his monastery, and William invited him to Court and treated him with great display of honour.