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Example sentences for "disseminating"

Lexicographically close words:
dissemblers; dissembles; dissembling; disseminate; disseminated; dissemination; disseminator; disseminators; dissension; dissensions
  1. With the gradual revival of letters books assumed more and more importance as a means of disseminating thought, and this increased rapidly after the invention of printing.

  2. As one sits and watches, it becomes more and more evident that a disseminating process is going on.

  3. Thus, then, in regard to the Latin text at least, Lord Clancarty must admit that the Church in the ante-Reformation period was not negligent in disseminating the Bible.

  4. Catholic Venice was distinguished above all the other cities of Europe for the zeal with which it laboured in thus disseminating the sacred text.

  5. Treason and other high crimes against the state, such as inciting war and disseminating propaganda, are treated with severity.

  6. This agency was founded in 1967 with the express purpose of disseminating Bulgarian propaganda to other countries.

  7. In turn, they charged their opponents with disseminating principles subversive of all order in society; and with supporting a foreign government against their own.

  8. The leaders were very active in disseminating among the working classes opinions adverse to the rights of property and of society at large.

  9. This led to an investigation, which showed that a number of young men and women, evidently belonging to the educated classes, were disseminating revolutionary ideas by means of pamphlets and conversation.

  10. Such facts are often used by the opponents of popular education, but in reality they supply a good reason for disseminating primary education as rapidly as possible.

  11. Every day this agitation increased, and various arts were resorted to for disseminating a prospect of Napoleon's future return to power.

  12. A man might employ an express to carry a letter; but woe betide him if he employed the same agency for the purpose of disseminating news.

  13. He had mercifully spared her, while forbidding her under pain of the stake from circulating it in future or disseminating its doctrines.

  14. After this they flourished without opposition, supporting themselves by disseminating culture, as educators and copiers of manuscripts.

  15. Judaistic Christians, such as those who at Rome "preached Christ of envy and strife," were also disseminating an imperfect Christian doctrine.

  16. Publicity is not a remedy for all evils, but a great aggravation of some, and the surest means of disseminating them.

  17. Nearly the whole of this revenue has been expended in disseminating the principles of our cause, by means of printed documents and public lectures and discussions.

  18. To ensure a speedy triumph, we have only to take earnest hold of the work of disseminating its immutable truths.

  19. We have no opportunity now to repel slander, and are restricted in disseminating truth, from the want of such an organ.

  20. Other large Conventions have been held in different places, which have done much toward disseminating the great principles of equality between the sexes; and a spirit of earnest inquiry has been aroused.

  21. Another mode of disseminating the principles was by stories illustrating the wrongs of women under the present laws.

  22. Gwenlyn says propaganda," said Morgan, "but I prefer to think of these two Talents as our Department for Disseminating Truthful Seditious Rumors.

  23. Undoubtedly, Talents, Incorporated's Department for Disseminating Truthful Seditious Rumors had been at work on Mekin, but the damage done elsewhere was a thousand times greater than any benefit done there.

  24. Of course," he added complacently, "our Department for Disseminating Truthful Seditious Rumors had something to do with it.

  25. Bruno, who professed this subject at various times throughout his wanderings, began now to use it as a vehicle for disseminating Copernican opinions.

  26. Simeone Contarini reports that two men from Geneva confessed to having come with the express purpose of disseminating infection.

  27. I myself have been disseminating unceasingly for a number of years.

  28. Stepan Trofimovitch, like every witty man, needed a listener, and, besides that, he needed the consciousness that he was fulfilling the lofty duty of disseminating ideas.

  29. Most of Huber's grapes were named before disseminating but a few, as follows, have gone out with numbers.

  30. Unquestionably they played a most important part in the civilization of ancient Egypt, providing, as they did, a ready means of recording knowledge and disseminating it among the people.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disseminating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.