To separate parenthetical or intermediate expressions from the context.
Writers on the subject say that this use occurs when the connection between the parenthetical clause and the context is closer than would be indicated by commas.
What differences of condition are covered by that parenthetical phrase--'present or absent!
The reader, who has doubtless noticed how invariably servants of long standing acquire a certain tone from that of their master, may observe that honest John Sampson had caught from the squire the habit of parenthetical composition.
A parenthetical clause which might be left out of the original without injury to the grammatical structure or to the general meaning!
I had the deuce of a time finding out where he did live," he began again, after another glance of parenthetical enjoyment.
They had been four days in Paris when Claudia, returning one afternoon from a parenthetical excursion to the Rue de la Paix, was confronted on her threshold by the reproachful figure of their benefactress.
St. Paul turns now to a parenthetical discussion which necessarily suggests itself here.
After a parentheticaldiscussion of difficulties suggested by a possible Jewish opponent (iii.
Tell whether each is an interjection, a vocative (nominative by direct address), an exclamatory nominative, or a parenthetical expression.
When the parenthetical matter is brief or closely related to the rest of the sentence, it is generally set off by commas.
Parenthetical expressions may be set off by dashes (see p.
The times are changed, now most readers require parenthetical elucidation after each name except that of Chopin.
The subjunctive is used in parenthetical sentences of restriction: as, #quod sciam#, Pl.
Nagarahara is seen, therefore, to be a parenthetical name between others which are all derived from gardens.
But for this very reason it must have had a name older than parenthetical Nagarahara.
Dryden helped also to free English prose from the inversions, involutions, and parenthetical intricacies of earlier times.
Some parenthetical links are dropped here, that is all that is unusual.
So let us learn that whether through a long chain of so-called causes, or whether close up against the effect, without the intervention of these parenthetical and transmitting media, the divine power works.
Parenthetical expressions, also for the same reason, are read in lower pitch.
What clauses in this paragraph are really parenthetical in force?
Select parenthetical clauses and show how they are subordinated.
How are the parenthetical clauses kept in the background?
How does the reader give to these words the force of a parenthetical clause?
The parenthetical clause, "for legends lightly die," is subordinate to the subordinate statement and is thrown still more into the back-ground in the same way as the preceding.
Robert Louis Stevenson (By arrangement) How are the parenthetical clauses in this selection kept in the back-ground?
How does the voice indicate that the parenthetical clause is subordinate in thought?
The parenthetical expressions would really not be needed to supplement the emphatic words.
There is meaning as deep as the pathos that all must feel in the seemingly parenthetical remark by Luke.
LVII Being a Parenthetical Chapter on Doubt, which, though Uninteresting, is very Short.
Parenthetical Expressions When a parenthetical expression comes between a pronoun in the nominative case and its verb, the objective is often incorrectly used instead of the nominative.
He feared by her expression that he had interrupted her in the preparation of some esculent delicacy, and with the fear was born a parenthetical inquiry; he wondered what that delicacy might be?
Jane's accents were but parenthetical to something else.
Be careful of the case of who if a parenthetical sentence intervenes between it and its verb.
These transitions also serve another purpose, namely, to indicate an interpolated or parenthetical idea.