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Example sentences for "digna"

Lexicographically close words:
digito; digitorum; digitos; digits; digitus; digne; dignes; digni; dignidad; dignified
  1. In the spring of 1884 Major-General Sir Gerald Graham was despatched to Suakin to teach Osman Digna a much-needed lesson, and in the month of February Sir Gerald inflicted two severe defeats on the tribesmen at El-Teb and Tamai.

  2. He recalled Osman Digna from Suakin, and personally superintended the organization of his troops at Omdurman, opposite Khartoum.

  3. Osman Digna was the grandson of a Turkish merchant and slave-dealer, who settled in the Eastern Soudan in the early part of this century.

  4. This may perhaps be explained by the diversion caused by the naval demonstration made at Mersa Kuwai, and which no doubt caused Osman Digna to imagine that a serious attack at that point was also contemplated.

  5. They may be briefly stated as follows:-- In 1892 the indefatigable Osman Digna once more appeared in the neighbourhood of Souakim, with a force varying in number from time to time.

  6. Osman Digna was not present at the battle, preferring to watch the action from the top of a neighbouring hill.

  7. This, however, formed no part of the General's instructions, which were simply to drive the enemy from their trenches, and on no account to advance against Osman Digna at Handoub.

  8. The operation of crushing Osman Digna having to be performed, General Graham was selected as the "crusher.

  9. The size and composition of the force were such as to render any possibility of it receiving a check from Osman Digna out of the question.

  10. Possibly, also, it was desired that the army, being on the spot, should strike a blow at Osman Digna before coming away.

  11. In 1565 the Belgian witch, Digna Robert, said the devil 'était froid dans tous ses membres'.

  12. Te digna sequere=--Follow what is worthy of thee.

  13. Indigna digna habenda sunt hæres quæ facit=--Things unbecoming are to be held becoming if the master does them.

  14. He may or may not have been the author of a somewhat scurrilous squib against a woman who seems to have sent him verses: "Femina perfida, femina sordida, digna catenis.

  15. This is from Osman Digna to the Christian who is Governor of Suakim.

  16. There is a similar rubric in the Liturgy of Pollanus: "Minister, nomine Domini invocato, ut Spiritu Sancto adjutus, possit digna Deo atque salutaria ecclesiae eloqui recitat textum.

  17. Nejumi and Abu Girga were now ordered, the former to Dongola, and the latter to Kassala, with instructions to occupy the country with their troops, whilst Osman Digna was appointed ruler of the Arab tribes between Kassala and Suakin.

  18. Besides many of these tribes are gradually coming under Egyptian and Italian influence, and the few that are left are merely attached to Osman Digna because he is one of them.

  19. Whilst all these important matters were transpiring in the capital, the news arrived that Kassala had surrendered, and that Osman Digna was fighting against the Abyssinians under the leadership of Ras Alula.

  20. Osman Digna now accused the former Governor, Ahmed Bey Effat, of having incited the Abyssinians to take up arms against him, and of having been in communication with them.

  21. I handed this letter to the Khalifa, who gave it to some postmen who were going to Osman Digna with instructions to send it to Suakin.

  22. Osman Digna had already been appointed Emir of this district; whilst Mohammed Kheir was ordered to proceed from Berber with instructions to occupy Dongola with the Jaalin and Barabra, after the retirement of the British army.

  23. Although the Abyssinians had been victorious, and had driven Digna back to Kassala, they did not pursue him, but returned to their own country.

  24. Osman Digna again turned up near Suakin, but had no success except in his usual flight.

  25. In 1888 Osman Digna again threatened Suakin, and threw up trenches against the town, but was defeated by Sir F.

  26. Mahdism was worsted, but Osman Digna had again eluded the victors.

  27. Undaunted Osman Digna still managed to preach his holy war, and secure thousands of adherents to his banner.

  28. The cavalry have already gone off in pursuit of their horsemen, but they are not likely to catch them; for we hear that Osman Digna is with them, and he seems to enjoy a special immunity from capture.

  29. He recognized many, but the Khalifa, his son Ed Din, and Osman Digna were not among them.

  30. Up to this morning Mahmud would have spared me, but Osman Digna insisted that I should be killed, and he was obliged to give way.

  31. On the last Muled (the anniversary of the Prophet's birth) Osman Digna arrived at Omdurman, accompanied by a few followers.

  32. The summons was obeyed, and by the end of 1883 Osman Digna was in possession of all the principal posts in the vicinity.

  33. In consequence the famine increased, and merchants arriving in Omdurman said that no doubt it was the intention of the Government to attack Osman Digna very soon.

  34. Of all the opponents to Government, Osman Digna was perhaps the most bitter; he had done great things at Sawakin, Kassala, and on the Abyssinian frontier, but by his ruthless cruelty he had alienated the Arabs from his cause.

  35. Here some followers of Osman Digna used to levy toll on all caravans and persons moving toward Suakim, or taking routes south.

  36. Only quite recently raids organized by the apparently irrepressible Osman Digna had been successfully carried out a few miles north and south of Berber.

  37. Then--the smooth glide over deep water continues--another Suakim expedition with a great deal of Osman Digna and renewed attempts to build the Suakim-Berber Railway.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "digna" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.