The queen stood in the recess of a window, with queenlypride curbing her mortal apprehension.
The queen, pale but tearless, and nerved to the utmost by queenly pride, descended to the rooms below.
She appeared before her accusers in the calm dignity of despair, and yet with a spirit as unbroken and queenly as when she moved in the gilded saloons of Versailles.
I saw the handwriting of Louison and then a vision of her--the large eyes, the supple, splendid figure, the queenly bearing.
Her's was no sceptered life in queenly state: Yet queen she was, in all that makes a Queen; No deeds heroic marked her life serene: Yet heroine she in all that makes us great.
The queenly little lady in blue-flowered calico and a rakish Leghorn hat returned the salute with a smile.
But there was usually mischief in her handsome head, for all its queenly poise.
Famine in the East Indies, or a desolating hurricane in the West, called forth from her an instant telegram of queenly sympathy or, it may be, a queenly gift.
With a queenly gesture the hostess motioned her guest to the place of honour at her right hand, and indicated that the three soldiers were to take their places at the other side of the table.
The young Cardinal thought that he had never seen a more queenly pair--Joan resplendent in her girlish strength and beauty, Theresa still in the ripest glory of womanhood.
To this wild mountain region came Florence Howard, after luxuriating on the picturesque Hudson, and dreaming herself in elysian realms among the "thousand isles" of the queenly St. Lawrence.
One of them is that of the dreamy, abstracted girl we noticed years ago, leaning over the balustrades of this same queenly boat as she approached New Orleans.
Miss Gwendolen, simple as she stood there, in her black silk, cut square about the round white pillar of her throat, a black band fastening her hair which streamed backward in smooth silky abundance, seemed more queenly than usual.
Already and without effort rather queenly in her air as she stood in her white lace and green leaves she threw a royal permissiveness into her way of saying, "I wish you would come and see me to-morrow between five and six, Mr. Deronda.
Similar jewels surrounded her queenlyneck and the splendidly-shaped snow-white arms.
But the crowd took umbrage at herqueenly indifference.
Whenever Marianne passed them, the draught fanned them to a blaze; then they shed a lurid light on the tall, queenly form in the magnificent dress, and grew dim again when Marianne stepped back into the darker parts of the long room.
Cloth of every sort had been provided, "and my lady is to devise for the making thereof after such manner as shall best please her," and in queenly and honourable fashion.
Nay, still shall she bide and behold him in the ancient happy place, And speak soft as the other women with wise and queenly face.
At these times Erma's soul seemed to feel the magnetic sweep of the queenly moon as this lovely woman of the skies, gathering her robes about her, sped swiftly but noiselessly along.
Her glistening black hair nestled in lovely coils on her queenly head.
Then the one who wore the queenly clothes said, "Thou art right, lady.
Odin turned from gazing on the Norns, and looked upon Frigga, his queenly wife.
You will surely protect us, good lords," said she who had on the queenly dress.
The one clad in the queenlygarb said, "When I was young I used to rise to milk the cows, and I waken ever since at the same hour.
Frigga, the queenly Goddess, heard the sound of her weeping, and came out of Asgard to comfort her.
One night when all the women of the household were sitting round her, spinning wool by the light of torches in the hall, the Queen-mother said to the one who wore the queenly garb: "Thou art good at rising in the morning.
It seemed fine to the gallery when the queenly Marie Antoinette was addressed as the widow Capet; but what a poor business it was after all!
While Peyton waits for the "Comstock Colonel," an anxious woman sits in her queenly boudoir.
They could hardly listen to her recital of the claims of the book for stealing glances at her well shaped, queenly poised head, her pleading, thrilling eyes, her beautiful face, her perfect form.
At the first notes she lifted up her queenly head and stood, listening and appreciative.
As to the queenly moon, Man's homage to my beauty sets; Yet am I a rose-shrub budding regrets: Welcome me soon.
Wonder knocked at the breast of Shibli Bagarag when he saw that queenly flower waving its illumined head to the breeze: he could not retain a cry of rapture.
Throughout Alexander's brilliant but short-lived career, Olympias remained in Macedon, exercising a queenly power.
An enthusiastic writer has thus described her: "She was tall of stature and queenly in gait and appearance.
Proud and calm she waited, bearing herself with a queenly courage that never faltered.
There was about her every movement a queenly grace that made her remarkable, and yet she was plainly not one to court attention.
Warmly as she admired her, she was ever so slightly afraid of the stately lady of the Manor, who made friends with so few and for all her queenly graciousness kept those she had at so discreet a distance.
So like to the numberless crafts which in kinder days, under friendly tow, had come up this same green and tawny reach and passed on to the queenly city, laden with gifts, on the peaceful embassies of the world.
There was noqueenly lady, there was no loud, clear, ringing voice.
She started, and a warm blush, mantling up in her pale cheeks, deepened and spread until it tinted her white forehead and her queenly neck.
The Queen of France must be of queenly blood, even as the last was.
Even at that distance there was no mistaking the sweet pale face or the dark queenly one beside it.
So for an instant they faced each other, the one frowning, the other smiling, two of the most beautiful andqueenly women in France.
There was a moment's struggle, two queenly figures swayed and strained, and the knife dropped between their feet.