Elsa, who had sunk on the ground, clinging to Henry Fowler's knees, made a sudden movement, and held out her hands.
As he uttered these last words, the Indian made a sudden movement, as if to keep off some approaching object, and awoke with a start.
A sudden movement of the pair made Lee Wing spring back hastily, whereupon he tripped and stumbled violently against Hogg.
Norah turned with a sudden movement to her father, clinging to the rough serge of his coat.
A sudden movement of the lions behind him made the trainer glance round quickly.
Meynell made a sudden movement, and did not answer for a moment.
Meynell had raised his head with a sudden movement, and regarded her intently.
Then, by a sudden movement, he stooped and kissed a fold of her cloak.
This may also happen through a sudden movement of concupiscence, as stated above.
And although unbelief, in its genus, is a mortal sin, yet a sudden movement of unbelief is a venial sin, because there is no mortal sin unless it be contrary to the law of God.
But in respect of simple intuition, it can have an inordinate movement about Divine things, as when a man suffers a sudden movement of unbelief.
Next instant she started, her lips held tight together as she drew herself up unsteadily with a sudden movement.
Then, with a sudden movement, she cast herself upon her bed, burying her face in the lace-edged pillow, and bursting into a torrent of passionate tears.
With a sudden movement he put his head into the slip-knot and pulled at the rope until the noose gripped his neck.
With a sudden movement, Lupin caught him by the wrist: "Not a word.
Then Percy, by a sudden movement, turned from the others, went to the open window that looked over Rome, and leaned there with his elbows on the sill, looking.
Oliver did not seem to hear; he lifted the flimsy printed sheets with a sudden movement, and began turning them.
She made no answer, but she was conscious of a sudden movement--was it of terror?
Then, with a sudden movement, and without having looked at it, he put Boringdon's back on the ledge of the prie-dieu.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sudden movement" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.