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Example sentences for "defend them"

  • I know it," the young man said, thoughtfully; "still I would never consent to abandon these poor people without trying to defend them.

  • That is the very reason that makes you defend them.

  • As the lands invaded by the French belonged to one of the two rival claimants, Virginia and Pennsylvania, the other colonies had no mind to vote money to defend them.

  • When, on the morning after the battle, the people of Quebec saw the tents standing in the camp of Beauport, they thought the army still there to defend them.

  • Before midnight the English had made good progress in their redoubts and intrenchments, had brought cannon up the heights to defend them, planted a battery on the Côte Ste.

  • But he had already exhorted the people of the North to "extend a cordial welcome" to our fugitive slaves, and to "defend them as they would their household gods.

  • As there was much to be feared, and that the duke of Athens might have greater authority to defend them, they first chose him for their coadjutor, and then appointed him to the command of the army.

  • At the same time that Europe was full of soldiers, and covered with strong castles, the states themselves were without support against their enemies, and had not an army to defend them.

  • Among their blasphemies they reproached the Christians with worshipping a God who was not able to defend them.

  • But, the civil service is no less important than the military service, and to feed the people is as urgent as it is to defend them.

  • After Thermidor, the judges of the Orange commission having been put on trial, the jury declared that "they refused to hear testimony for the defense and did not allow the accused even informal lawyers to defend them.

  • To those who might be tempted to imitate them or defend them this is a sufficient lesson.

  • And it then went on to desire them to name proper persons to take charge of the government, promising, however, to come again whenever they would put him in his proper place, with proper power to defend them.

  • The Whigs made a vehement charge of treachery and neglect against Delaval and Killigrew; the Tories, to defend them, threw the blame on the Admiralty.

  • There was no Parliament to defend them, and the Government now proceeded to retaliate.

  • So the senate were left without any body to defend them, and the very consuls differed nothing from private persons.

  • This he assured them of by oath; and said that they should have him for their patron, and that if any disturbance should arise, they should find him ready to defend them.

  • But when Hyrcanus heard of the death of Antiochus, he presently made an expedition against the cities of Syria, hoping to find them destitute of fighting men, and of such as were able to defend them.

  • People and parties have an infallible instinct by which they recognize, under the most complicated circumstances, those who attack and those who defend them, their friends and their enemies.

  • Seeing them so violently attacked, I resolved to defend them in the 'Publicist,' in which I occasionally wrote.

  • The Moderates and active Liberals mutually looked to me to defend them, and their cause, should occasion arrive.

  • The structures that had been built during the months of May and June were left as monuments to the skill of the engineer, and others were constructed in a few days, plainer in design but suited to the command available to defend them.

  • The work of connecting by rifle-pits where this was not already done, was an easy task for the troops that were to defend them.

  • They will be vanquished by its very extent, which ought to defend them.

  • She had no army but to witness the fall of her cities, and not to defend them.

  • Was there not the Russian army, which, as they were told, still numbered four hundred thousand men, to defend them?

  • These roads were so important to his very existence while he remained in Richmond and Petersburg, and of such vital importance to him even in case of retreat, that naturally he would make most strenuous efforts to defend them.

  • Croesus was now limited to the walls of his city, and compelled to defend them.

  • To defend them or not to defend them--that was the question: and who would hesitate in his answer, especially when the sum involved was remarkably small?

  • The people I guided had placed themselves, of their own accord, under my protection: to abandon, or refuse to defend them, would have been to betray them.

  • No; my honour compelled me to defend them.

  • I have sworn to defend them; I will do so.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "defend them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    apple butter; cannon shot; cigar store; defend herself; defend himself; defend itself; defend myself; defend ourselves; defend the; defend them; defend themselves; fellow creatures; ghost stories; great genius; grew pale; how little; individual self; internal organs; less developed; little juice; lord paramount; much expedition; private opinion; showing that; silver certificates; started off