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Example sentences for "dumb animals"

  • Therefore there is no hope in dumb animals, since they have no mind.

  • Objection 1: It would seem that there is no hope in dumb animals.

  • Therefore there is no hope in dumb animals.

  • But knowledge of the future is not in the competency of dumb animals, whose knowledge is confined to the senses and does not extend to the future.

  • Therefore prayer is unbecoming both the Divine Persons and dumb animals, and it is proper to the rational creature.

  • Therefore the slaying of dumb animals is a sin.

  • Now there are instances of a certain natural prudence in dumb animals, according to the Philosopher (De Hist.

  • Further, prudence is more consistent with human nature than with that of dumb animals.

  • Laying aside all commercial considerations, we had made our entreaty in behalf of dumb animals, and the President's answer angered a majority of the committee.

  • If I am lacking in compassion for my red brother, the lack has been heightened by his fiendish atrocities to dumb animals.

  • Our enemies, not content with havoc wrought by the elements, were again in the saddle, striking in the dark and escaping before dawn, inflicting injuries on dumb animals in harassing their owners.

  • Dumb animals live in and for their masters.

  • If a man's life has been a long series of cruelty to dumb animals, do you suppose that he would enjoy himself in heaven, which will be full of kindness to every one?

  • He walked up to the platform, made a bow, and said that he had learned two stories for his recitation, out of the paper, "Dumb Animals.

  • It has always caused me intense pain to witness the torture of dumb animals.

  • It will be the test I shall apply to the woman, if I ever find one, whom I propose to make my wife, whether she loves cats and is kind to dumb animals.

  • Miss Eleanor talked to her beautifully about their duties to dumb animals, but I knew it would do her no good.

  • Just such stories are needed to create interest in the many societies now forming in aid of dumb animals.

  • How any one can be unkind to dumb animals," said Rose, musing.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dumb animals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    accusation against; bosom friend; building society; call forth; cover the; different sort; dumb animals; dumb show; even with; fine open; glanced down; modern practice; must love; never seems; other maps; rare instances; rise again; slowly and; social ethics; stormy night; upper mandible; walk from; wooden walls