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Example sentences for "defendants"

Lexicographically close words:
defenceless; defencelessness; defences; defend; defendant; defende; defended; defender; defendere; defenders
  1. Such was the experience of the defendants in the case of Giltner vs.

  2. It was sometimes made clear in the courts that the defendants in cases arising under the Fugitive Slave laws were persons in the habit of evading the requirements of these laws.

  3. The complaint alleged that the defendants issued a circular with the fraudulent or malicious intent, wrongfully and wickedly to injure the property of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad.

  4. The defendants were convicted, but the case remained open on appeal.

  5. The indictments charged that the defendants planned to destroy munition plants at Aetna and Gary, Ind.

  6. This the defendants denied, and brought forward evidence that the pipes were obsolete and disused.

  7. The Inspector swore that none of the defendants were sober.

  8. The defendants turned upon him, and made use of language and epithets which he would not pollute his lips by repeating.

  9. Mr. Jardine said he had no objection to such a course, and, if the other defendants were prepared with bail, it might be taken.

  10. Mr. Jardine did not wish to hear any statement on either side, as his duty was only to prevent a breach of the peace, and he hoped the defendants were prepared with the sureties he would require, to prevent further inconvenience.

  11. Mr. Young added that all the defendants appeared to be intoxicated.

  12. The defendants were acquainted with this very handsome conduct on the part of the complainant, and, after some discussion, Capt.

  13. The defendants paid the fines, and went away.

  14. The coachman corroborated the evidence, and the defendants were fined ten shillings each.

  15. The defendants dragged the complainant off the box; one had hold of his foot, and another, who seized upon his greatcoat, tore the buttons from it, and from his gaiters and breeches.

  16. When they got to the station house, and witness was proceeding to make the charge, the defendants repeated their disgusting epithets and language.

  17. Mr. Jardine said he could make no order about them, but he thought that, as the defendants had put in bail, there could be very little apprehension of their committing a similar offence, if they were restored to their proper owners.

  18. Mr. Young continued: When he got to the door, he found that all the three defendants had gone away; and he immediately followed them, and demanded their reason for disturbing him.

  19. The Pennsylvania Charter of 1701 went beyond Magna Carta and England's law in guaranteeing right to counsel and giving a right to defendants to summon witnesses in all criminal cases.

  20. If one of several defendants of a case was acquitted, all defendants recovered their costs from the plaintiffs.

  21. A bailiff of a hundred who does not do his duty to summon defendants shall pay a fine of 40s.

  22. Defendants no longer request assizes but are automatically put to them.

  23. Plaintiffs' costs shall be paid by the defendants where there is a judgment against the defendant in all actions in which the plaintiff is entitled to costs on judgment for him, to discourage frivolous and unjust suits.

  24. This is to prevent extortion of defendants by false complaints.

  25. Seditious libel trials in England and the colonies were followed closely and their defendants broadly supported.

  26. Defendants sued or informed against upon penal statutes may appear by attorney so that they may avoid the inconvenience of traveling a long distance to attend and put to bail.

  27. A jury of Richard de Hockeleye and others brought in a verdict of guilty, and the defendants were committed to prison til the next Parliament.

  28. The defendants denied that they were guilty and put themselves on their country.

  29. For complex cases and criminal cases with defendants of high social status, they deferred to the Justices of Assize, who rode on circuit once or twice a year.

  30. You are a jury in this case from King County because the defendant and the other defendants filed an affidavit to the effect that they didn't expect that a jury selected in Snohomish County would give the defendant a fair trial.

  31. If so, they will have also to consider whether you and the other defendants are guilty of having published it.

  32. Mr. Foote: I did not personally hear it, but my co-defendants did.

  33. He was then put into the witness-box, and on examination he admitted that he "had expressed an opinion adverse to the defendants in this case.

  34. Observers can see, but the defendants or suspects can't see through or at least can't identify.

  35. B was the agent of the defendants in selling stoves.

  36. B continued to represent himself as agent of the defendants and was in the habit of taking notes for stoves sold, payable to the defendants, and this was known to the defendants.

  37. It is of no legal significance that the defendants did not intend to be individually liable, or that they did not know or believe that as a matter of law they would be.

  38. The defendants later attempted to escape liability for the lumber furnished in excess of the value of the stove.

  39. The facts were that the driver of an omnibus belonging to defendants became intoxicated while on duty and was taken from his seat by a policeman.

  40. If Mr. Bradlaugh put his co-defendants in the witness-box, one of two things might happen.

  41. Just before the adjournment for luncheon Mr. Bradlaugh intimated that when the Court re-assembled he would call his co-defendants as witnesses.

  42. But he overreached himself by this hypocrisy, and obliged Mr. Bradlaugh to put his co-defendants into the witness-box.

  43. The court was crowded with friends of the defendants and legal gentlemen anxious to witness the performance.

  44. Owing to the presence in the statute of the word, "unduly," therefore, the Judge could not find the defendants guilty.

  45. Nevertheless, it was only when these individuals faced the bar as defendants in criminal suits that the disease was recognized in either case.

  46. The defendants were substantially deprived of the right of jury trial.

  47. These points were amplified by the counsel at some length, who closed by saying, "The defendants should be discharged by the Court.

  48. Yet no respectable attorney would claim because defendants in chancery are represented in the law by masculine pronouns, that a woman could not be made a defendant in chancery.

  49. The defendants are admitted to have acted in accordance with their duty as defined by the laws of New York (1 R.

  50. Admitting that the defendants acted without malice, or any corrupt motive, and in accordance with their best judgments, and in perfect good faith, it was error to charge that that was no defense.

  51. To the declarations the defendants demur, and thereby raise the only questions we desire to have adjudicated.

  52. Gentlemen, the defendants are charged with knowingly, willfully, and wrongfully receiving the votes of the ladies whose names are mentioned, in November last, in the city of Rochester.

  53. It was an error, for which a new trial should be granted, to refuse the defendants the fundamental right to address the jury through their counsel.

  54. It was very ably contended on the part of the defendants that the XIV.

  55. Shule two defendants were indicted for an affray.

  56. The learned Justice says: It was very ably contended on the part of the defendants that the XIV.

  57. The Court then sentenced the defendants to pay a fine of $25 each, and the costs of the prosecution.

  58. The Court held that a sufficient prima facie case had been made out by the plaintiff, and that the onus now lay on the defendants to prove their case.

  59. Undoubtedly a system of exclusions could be so manipulated as to call a jury before which defendants would have so little chance of a decision on the evidence that it would constitute a denial of due process.

  60. Said the Court: "The Federal Constitution does not command a State to furnish defendants counsel as a matter of course.

  61. At that time the common law itself permitted accused defendants to be questioned.

  62. But we know of no right of defendants to have a specially constituted panel which would include all persons who might be fitted to hear their particular and unique case.

  63. Nor does a statute providing for the recovery of reasonable attorney's fees in actions on small claims subject unsuccessful defendants to any unconstitutional deprivation.

  64. If anything, they were predisposed to believe the defendants guilty and their union an outlaw organization.

  65. It cannot be said that the Labor Jury was biased in favor of the defendants or of the I.

  66. Had the defendants a right to defend their hall.

  67. Did the defendants get a fair and impartial trial?

  68. All labor cases were to be tried simultaneously, thus making it impossible for the defendants to secure adequate counsel.

  69. At this point in the proceedings, Squire Simonton renewed his request that the further examination of the defendants be postponed till the next Tuesday, when he hoped to bring forward an important witness in the case.

  70. One of the defendants had denied all knowledge of the letter after he put it on the desk, and the other, refusing to explain where she had obtained the bill, had been arrested as a party to the crime, or as accessory to it.

  71. An hour later the defendants and the witnesses had assembled at the office of Squire Norwood.

  72. The defendants purchased the bonds, upon which they regularly received the dividends, and credited Dr.

  73. The defendants appeared in court, attended by Sir Frederick Thesiger, Mr. Ballantyne, Sergeant Byles, and other almost equally eminent counsel.

  74. All of the defendants were members--or alleged members--of the I.

  75. The indictment charges the defendants with conspiring to hinder and discourage enlistment and in general to obstruct the progress of the war with Germany.

  76. Two of the defendants were given ten-day sentences.

  77. Amongst the defendants upon these indictments was Mr. Frost; but, unfortunately for him, his case was postponed to the ensuing assizes.

  78. The defendants were all present, and Lovelace wore a dress like a surplice.

  79. Upon the arraignment of the defendants they pleaded Not Guilty, and the witnesses for the prosecution did not answer.

  80. The proceedings against the defendants therefore assumed the more lenient form which we have described.

  81. The four defendants were there; and their speeches sufficiently indicated their political opinions to be of the most violent description.

  82. The jury delivered a verdict of "Guilty;" but in consideration of the long imprisonment which the defendants had already undergone, recommended them to mercy.

  83. It may be well to state that considerable doubt was at first entertained as to the nature of the offence committed by the defendants in this case.

  84. The three defendants were then put upon their trial at Lancaster, Mr. Brougham appearing with others for the prosecution, and Mr. Scarlett for the defence.

  85. The defendants pressed the argument that destroying the freedom of contract, as the Sherman Law destroyed it, was to infringe upon the "constitutional guaranty of due process of law.

  86. During the persecution at Guadalupe, in 1485, the defendants were mostly represented by Doctor de Villaescusa as advocate and by Juan de Texeda as procurator, and the arguments in defence were well and forcibly presented.

  87. In Spain, however, it was customary, and defendants too poor to retain them were supplied at the public expense.

  88. On the trial of the conspirators, the Attorney-general said he flattered himself it would be found that he had done no more than his duty in bringing the several defendants before the Court.

  89. We have nothing to do with what may happen after the defendants obtain a judgment in their favor, if they do so, or after the sentence is carried out, if they do not.

  90. Next day the case was called in a crowded court, but the defendants asked for, and obtained, a remand of a week to allow witnesses to be brought.

  91. I shall have little difficulty in shewing your worship that the crime was premeditated, and that the defendants were literally thirsting to avenge themselves in this bloodthirsty manner.

  92. That the defendants are hardened to crime and wickedness their callous manner makes apparent to all of us.

  93. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "defendants" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.