And siththe he sente me to seye I sholde do sacrifise, And doon hym worship with breed And with wyn bothe; And called me the foot of his feith, His folk for to save, And defende hem fro the fend, Folk that on me leveden.
To myn welbelovid sone, I grete yow wel, and avyse yow to thynkk onis of the daie of youre fadris counseyle to lerne the lawe, for he seyde manie tymis that ho so ever schuld dwelle at Paston, schulde have nede to conne defende hym selfe.
God defende that any of my saide kyn shuld be of swyche governaunce as he is of!
Coude nat the damsell (by name Danes) defende But that Jupiter fonde a cautell and trayne In a golden shoure into hir to discende And to be short, at conclusyon and ende This mayde for all this Toure was there defylyd.
The Jewish Nation, though they entertained the old way of inhumation, yet sometimes admitted this practice.
A rudimental resemblance hereof there is in the cruciated and rugged folds of the Reticulum, or Net-like Ventricle of ruminating horned animals, which is the second in order, culinarily called the Honey-comb.
And therefore many too vulgarly conceive that Barley and Oats grow at both ends; For they arise from one punctilio or generative nebbe, and the Speare sliding under the husk, first appeareth nigh the toppe.
And nere her goodnesse the more with grace and with mercy medled, which passen al desertes, traveyls, and servinges that I in any degre might endite, I wolde wene I shulde be without recover, in getting of this blisse for 35 ever!
This affeccion of wil by liberte of arbitrement is enduced to wilne thus thing that 160 he shulde not; and so is wil not maked yvel but unrightful, by absence of rightfulnesse, whiche thing by reson ever shulde he have.
For pris of worschip nocht-forthi 328 Is hard to wyn but gret travale; Oft tilldefende and oft assale, And till be in thair dedis wis, Gerris men of worschip wyn the pris.
To your servyse I wol me take; For god defendethat I shulde make Ageyn your bidding resistence; I wol not doon so gret offence; 1950 For if I dide, it were no skile.
If they enforce [hem] it to winne, 6275 That shulde defende it fro withinne, Who might defence ayens hem make?
I certified Manuel Mascarenhas of these informations by my letters, requesting him to send me with all expedition those souldiers which were in Fernambuck to ayde me, and to defende this Captaineship from the enemie.
Also in this same yere wente over the see the erle of Huntyngdon with a faire mene into Gascoigne and Gyan, for to defende that land fro the kynges enemyes.
Shall our citie neuer bee voide of tortures and oppressions: sometime of the fathers towardes the people, sometime of the people towardes the fathers: you had more neede of a shilde to defende you, then of a sworde to fight.
Over the door was fixed the stone on which the Hexameter inscription "Alma dei mater, defende malis Jacobum Kar" etc.
How may this wayke womman han this strengthe Hir to defende agayn this renegat?
Pardee, ye knowen wel, that ye maken no defence as now for to defende yow, but for to venge yow; / and so seweth it that ye han no wil to do your dede attemprely.
Nay, nay, God defende that suche intrusions, grete wrongis, and tiranye shuld be left unpunisshed, and so gret a losse unpunysshed and not repared!
An exortacion how princes, lordes, and officers roialle shulde worship and meynteyne the Chirche, and defende hem from oppression.
Yet God defendethat thoroughe suche adversitees we shulde be utterly discoraged.
And it fille soo that the countree of Cisiliens and Champenois hadde doo purvoie for a gret armee and an oost of peple, as well of men for to defende and kepe the see as the lond.
And than ye shulde have righte litille nede to have thoughte, anguisshe or besinesse for to conquere and wyn ayen youre rightfulle enheritaunce, or to defende youre roiaume from youre ennemies.
In this iland was Lymahon retyred with his armie a certaine time, and durst not returne to the firme land, for that he knew that the kinges fleete did lie vpon the coast to defende the same.
But it happened vnto them cleane contrarie, for that the souldiers that were within did defende their ship valiantly.
This wall is all couered ouer with tiles to defende the rayne water fro hurting of it, which could not to the contrarie but receiue damage, for that there is no lyme vsed in the whole wall.
Ech man shall live by his travayl; Who best doth, shall have moste mede; With strength if men the churche assayl, With strength men must defende her nede.
Thus hath it pleased the lorde todefende and arme his churche / yea euẽ with the testimonies of his aduersaires.
And are them selues vnlearned and vnable to confesse and defende the truithe / maye not vse famyliar conuersation with the vnbeleuers.
And this they do indeede / and defendetheyr misdoinge / neither being admonished will they amende it.
Indeede he soughte fyrst to pacifie hym with gyftes / which thing when he coulde not do / then to the vttermost of hys poure he dyd defende hym self / and his people agaynst hym.
But I saye that the olde heathens myghte wyth more coloure of truithe / excuse and defende their sacrifices by that maner / then these men maye do their masse.
If these princes and rulars do defende godlynes and religion / they do good / then by the iudgement of Goddes worde they are without feare of the poure / and do deserue prayse of theyr hygher poures and lords.
THe accuser by Lawe and Iudge, is able todefende hymself, whe[n] his cause is ended accordyng to law.
Plinie in his twentith book writeth, that the hearb Sperage, brused and mixed with oyle, and annoynted with the same, doth defende the person from being stinged, by comming nygh to their hiues.
After that to stoppe the chinkes round about wyth Oxe dung and clay finely laboured togither, and to lay strawe thicke ouer the toppes of the Hiues, the better to defende the Bées from the cold and tempestes.
And to that ende I haue giuen order to all our authorised peopie to bee careful ouer them, and to defende them in all causes, and to giue them free libertie to trafficke at their owne willes and pleasures.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "defende" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.