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Example sentences for "daddles"

Lexicographically close words:
dad; dadas; dadda; daddie; daddies; daddy; dado; dados; dads; dadurch
  1. Snowy and Daddles were tame and affectionate creatures, who would follow their mistress anywhere for a bribe of Indian corn.

  2. She made a gallant effort to follow them, but her foot tripped on the second bar; to save a fall she clutched the post, Daddles seized the golden opportunity, and with a loud quack of joy careered flapping down the field.

  3. Then Ducky-daddles waddled down, and-- "Hrumph!

  4. So Henny-penny, Cocky-locky and Ducky-daddles went to tell the king the sky was a-falling.

  5. Then Ducky-daddles waddled down, and "Hrumph!

  6. So one day Duckey Daddles made up his mind to go alone.

  7. Duckey Daddles ducked just in time to get out of the way of a stone that splashed in the water close beside him.

  8. Duckey Daddles turned to see what was the matter.

  9. And Duckey Daddles paddled straight for a little cove behind a clump of trees.

  10. Mr. Daddles was perched on the cabin, swinging his bare legs over the cock-pit.

  11. There was a path which Mr. Daddles knew, and this we followed in single file.

  12. The bird-study club had been complaining--" Mr. Daddles paused.

  13. Mr. Daddles hurried below, and soon came up with the pie.

  14. I would be in time to meet Ed and Jimmy, Mr. Daddles and the rest, and find out if they had had better luck at Big Duck Island.

  15. Just before they left Sprague gave the prisoner some money for steamboat fare, and Mr. Daddles presented him with the remains of the apple pie, begging him to keep some of it for breakfast next day.

  16. But Mr. Daddles kept on that way almost to the end of the journey.

  17. Under the tree is a more likely place," Mr. Daddles reminded us, "they always bury it under a tree.

  18. Mr. Daddles was delighted with the appearance of the island.

  19. We set out, with Mr. Daddles and Jimmy rowing.

  20. Mr. Daddles plunged once more into a cupboard and came forth with a can of the stuff you shine brass with,--the kind with the horrible smell.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "daddles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.