Some ladies of rank, however, now appeared to take their part in the scene; and when these fair hands were seen tearing their dresses to make white cockades, the flame of their enthusiasm began to spread.
It was really a pretty sight,' she said, 'the quaint peasant dressesand the flowers.
The black dresses are relieved by gold belts and lace collars, and contrasted by the silver-laced doublet of another young man, presumably a page, who is entering the room.
It is a group of several children in velvet dresses of the period, and a certain quality of velvety softness marks the execution.
So completely had it taken the place of the usual instincts of feminine youth that she had forgotten she was pretty, or that her dresses were old in fashion and scant in quantity.
They wore very bright dresses just like the dolls; and their massive coiffure was bedizened with silver spangles and elaborately artificial flowers.
The women had hard faces, the lustre was gone from their hair, they wore ill-fitting dresses without style or charm.
Have you room for eight large boxes of dresses and kimonos, several cases of curios, a French maid, a Japanese guide, two Japanese dogs and a monkey from Singapore?
Their dresses were of all shades, black, blue, purple, grey and mauve.
The dresses of many of the girls were simple white, the sashes which bound them being blue or yellow.
Girls of an older growth had donned white dresses trimmed with a virulent red, and marshalled the younger ones.
In the meantime Ruth had piled her own gauzy finery on the bed beside Bab's, and Zerlina feasted her gaze on the pink lace-trimmed princess dresses and the flower bedecked hats.
She examined the fresh summer dresses of "The Automobile Girls," and a look of envy came into her eyes as she cast them down on her cotton skirt full of tatters from the briars and faded from red into a soft old pink shade.
The government encourages these feelings by giving yellow dressesto very old men.
In the midst of the meal we heard a jingle of silvery bells, and saw four young boys, dressed as women, in pink and blue dresses spangled with tinsel, enter.
Their head-dresses consisted of hair only, in the American style.
The head-dresses are elegant, and vary in the different provinces.
They only wear their costlier dresses on the occasions of their going to court or when they pay ceremonial visits.
Some of them serve him with no other remuneration but the free use of the costly regulation dresses of the old imperial wardrobe.
Here, sometimes under the name of Saint-Esteve, sometimes under that of her tool, Madame Nourrisson, Asie sat enthroned among beautiful clothes in that hideous condition when they have ceased to be dresses and are not yet rags.
As he went along the Rue Saint-Honore to reach the Rue Saint-Roch from the Place Vendome, he came up behind a girl in slippers, and dressed as a woman dresses for the night.
The luxury of their dress, the strange new fashions in which their clothes were cut and their wonderful head-dresses embroidered with pearls shocked the people, who had been accustomed to simpler and severer manners.
We read of the feather beds with gorgeous hangings which were used, of the rich furs, of the velvet robes embroidered in silk and pearls, of the trailing dresses which lay in heaps upon the ground in front as well as behind.
Mary Fairfax was probably about fifteen when one day a friend showed her a monthly magazine containing coloured pictures of ladies’ dresses and puzzles.
Prince Charles is smaller and less kingly in his appearance, dresses carelessly and ill, and is surrounded always in public with half a dozen young Englishmen.
Meantime a number of young officers came out from their tents, and commenced examining our dresses with the curiosity of boys.
Ashore with one of the officers this morning, amusing ourselves with trying on dresses in a Greek tailor’s shop.
I forgot to mention that they laid aside their outer dresses before commencing the dance.
We reappeared, our nostrils edged with black from the smoke of the torches, and the ladies’ dresses in a melancholy plight, between smoke and water.
They wore dresses by day, but there was a tendency after dark to strip these lendings and to career and squall about the compound in the aboriginal ridi.
My three companions were feminine, and the dresses of two of them--triumphs of the latest fashion--were calculated to arrest attention as though they were so much undulating moonlight.
He finished the Lookalofts, greatly to the delight of his sisters, though the manner of portraying their decollete dresseswas not the most refined.
Mrs Stanhope had been obliged to have every one of her dresses taken in from the effects of the journey.
Mrs Lookaloft was asked into the Ullathorne drawing-room, merely because she called her house Rosebank, and had talked over her husband into buying pianos and silk dresses instead of putting his money by to stock farms for his sons.
Unfortunately for those under her roof to whom the dissipation and low dresses are not extended, her servants namely and her husband, the compensating strictness of the Sabbath includes all.
Dissipation and low dresses during the week are, under her control, atoned for by three services, an evening sermon read by herself, and a perfect abstinence from any cheering employment on Sunday.
Jever notice these low-cut dresses and these thin shimmy-shirts she wears?
The Dauntless lies to us about the Nonpartisan League, the lawyers sting us, the machinery-dealers hate to carry us over bad years, and then their daughters put on swell dresses and look at us as if we were a bunch of hoboes.
We wouldn't have changed our dresses if Mother and Helen hadn't made such a point of it.
Mrs. Carter forgot all about being an invalid and was as busy and happy as possible, trying dresses on her daughters to see that their underskirts were exactly the right length and even running tucks in with her own helpless little hands.
She and Mag were determined to go as Red Cross nurses if we did declare war, certain that if they tucked up their hair and let down their dresses no one would dream they were only fourteen.
They prefer allowing the bottom of the dresses the honour of appearing before his worship “the nose.
She tells everybody he gave her the jewelry," Aunt Naomi responded; "and the dresses she's had made since she was married.
A few dresses won't ruin her husband," I protested.
If you join that you'll need evening dresses for the dances.
I've three evening dresses that I perfectly hate, and one of them I've never had on but once.
I've brought you a few evening dresses that I'm done with.
This perverseness seems to be akin to that of the miser who knows he is rich, takes his highest delight in being rich, and yet dresses meanly, and fares like a beggar rather than be thought rich.
It will say that woman needs money with which to buy her dresses and procure her food, and strong hands to labor for her and protect her, and that these needs do indeed define man's duty with respect to her.
Would there be any reason why the girls couldn't wear their ceremonial dresses to the dance?
And I suppose, long's I'm going to reform, I might as well get Sand to keep her dresses on.
But I don't ever feel as if I had to keep up with Helen, and she has twice as many dresses and twice as much money to spend as I have," meditated Winona.
They were both so brown that they looked like natives of somewhere else, and the dresses were very natural.
Only the idea is that the dresses should be kept for rather intimate and private things.
There, crumpled, forlorn, dejected, hung a line of dresses each hopelessly past wearing in its present state.
Rings and bands and dresses and ceremonies and--everything!
Tom said this afternoon that we'd better get the dresses ready, only we didn't know then what he meant.
The beauty of the maids of honour, the courtly bearing and gay dresses of the lords in waiting, which the carriages conveyed, the richness of the trappings, and the beauty and spirit of the horses, excited the intensest admiration.
But we had on our very prettiest dresses in the evening, for the children were allowed to have the grand parlor, and dance to the music of the band until nine o'clock.
They trailed the dresses over the stubble in mock dignity; they improvised a dance, and went through all the grotesque changes they could invent.
How marvelous would the work of the fair ladies all over the land seem, if the door screens and the window hangings and the dresses and the laces were decorated with designs worked with spider's web thread!
She fumbled over the dresses, and thinking it was as well to take out two or three, that they might feast their eyes upon a variety, she piled two silk dresses and an India mull upon her arm, and hurried out.
After a good time enjoyed in this way, the fun lost its point and novelty, and they threw the dresses in a heap on the grass, and sat and chatted over the gossip connected with the school at the cross roads.
The well was a short distance from the house, and that accounted for the fact that nothing else was missing, as they had not had time, and also that the other dresses had been rudely dragged to get them down.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dresses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.