Durand whom he engaged could not tell him what the cost would be, but from the figures furnished by another courier who had frequently carried despatches, he thought that L120 would be about the expense.
The second followed the river down as far as St. Andrew's; and the third connected the town of Portage La Prairie with Winnipeg, by a weekly-courier service along the Assiniboine river.
Shortly afterwards, Stayner established an additional courier on the route between St. John and St. Andrews in New Brunswick, the point at which the mails between the Maritime provinces and the United States were exchanged.
The courier services to Sarnia and Goderich on lake Huron were made daily, as was that to Bytown (afterwards Ottawa).
Howe then informed the postmaster general[238] that when Lord Selkirk was in Nova Scotia some years before, that nobleman urged upon him the necessity of a courierservice to Pictou, and thence to Prince Edward Island by packet.
The expenses of the courier at this period far outran the revenues, and accordingly the legislature made a contribution of L130.
Since the war of 1812, the courier had travelled along the northern shore of the bay of Fundy, passing Truro, Dorchester and the bend of the Petitcodiac, now Moncton.
The real difficulties for the courier began when he left Fredericton on his journey to Quebec.
This arrangement left St. John unprovided with connection with either Quebec or Halifax, but it was brought into the scheme by a separate courier who met the couriers on the main route at Sussexvale.
The trip from St. John to Halifax took the courier across the bay of Fundy to Annapolis, thence along the Annapolis valley to Windsor, and so on to Halifax.
These several divisions were united with one another by a small packet from Jamaica to Charlestown, and by a courier from Charlestown to Suffolk, Virginia, where he met with a courier from New York.
To secure the greatest measure of advantage from this service a courierwas sent off with the mails for Savannah and St. Augustine as soon as they arrived at Charlestown from England.
After remaining a few days at Prague, a courier arrived from Vienna, to whom I was obliged to pay forty florins, with an order from government to bring me from Prague to Vienna.
The couriergateway let me out in an alleyway in Salt Lake City.
They can set you at home six months after you left -- there's a courier gateway this afternoon.
The next scheduled couriergoing anywhere near your departure-point is in five years.
The embassy will be able to return you home by courier route in three hours.
Like Joubert, Paul Louis Courier had a great dislike and even contempt for the authors of the eighteenth century, but curiously enough this dislike did not in the least affect his theological or political opinions.
The style of Courier is almost unique, and its merits are only denied by those who do not possess the necessary organ for appreciating it.
At any rate she cast one glance at the abstracted Lewis and welcomed a courier from the rest of the party.
Behind a peak of hill it displayed its chastened morning splendours, but a stray affluence of brightness had sought the nooks of valley in all the wide uplands, courier of the great lord of heat and light and the brown summer.
A day-and-night courier should never be without a cracker in his pocket.
A courier dispatched to Whitehaven, charming Madame, might bring you more particular tidings as to who has the honor of being your visitor.
I knew Sir Francis and the lawyer still lingered on at Appleby Hundred--indeed, I saw them daily from my window--and Darius would be telling me that they waited upon the coming of some courier from the south.
I was promptly halted by the first of these; but my borrowed uniform and a ready word or two passed me within the lines as a courier riding post to headquarters from Major Ferguson in the west.
And Chang turned to Nelly and told her that a courier had started for the Peking mission two days ago and taken her letter enclosed in one for the missionary from Chi Fu.
The family oracle replied slowly that he had thought a good deal about it, and that he had inquired at the mission when the courierwas going to Peking.
Possessing this money, he fabricated a pass, in the name of Louis, as a courier carrying despatches to the Emperor in Germany, with which he set out, and arrived safe on the other side of the Rhine.
This affair occasioned great scandal; and General Ney, after having put the officers under arrest, sent a courier to Napoleon at Boulogne, relating the particulars and demanding His Majesty's orders.
This valuable and authentic document the Minister sent by an extra courier to the Emperor, who showed it to his stepdaughter.
I had brought no servant with me; the average British servant is worse than useless in a foreign country, and the dubiously-polyglot courier is a snare and a deception on campaign.
But might not there arrive the next moment a courier from Saint Petersburg, bringing a definite answer from the Czar?
She awaited them with impatience; and if the courier was behind time, she asked frequently if he had not come, and what could have delayed him.
The courier who left London on the 4th, has not brought any assurance of support from the emperor.
My heart would fain give wings to the courier who is the bearer of these propitious tidings, to facilitate the earliest acknowledgments of our gratitude.
To the wife of the great manipulator, listening with a sinking heart to this courier from the front, it was battle.
On the day after her evening with her husband in the art gallery, the evening when Gretry had broken in upon them like a courier from the front, Laura had risen from her bed to look out upon a world suddenly empty.
It was important that Sheridan should be informed of this, so I sent the information to Washington by telegraph, and directed a courier to be sent from there to get the message to Sheridan at all hazards, giving him the information.
Hare sent for Felix, who had been acting as a courier for some time, and begged him to come to Florence to go with us as a courier to Baden.
The ammunition may get damaged, slippery ground might prevent the placing of a battery at an opportune moment, or the casting of a horse's shoe might delay a courier with an important order.
Two men assisted a husky boy to corral the remuda, others harnessed in a span of mules, and before the sun peeped over the horizon, the cavalcade moved out up the valley, the courier returning to the station.
That evening a courierreached headquarters, bearing a message from the commission firm which read, "Have your double-wintered beeves on Saturday's market.
The courier came back with some water in his hands, but though thrown upon the face of the unhappy youth, it produced no effect, except a slight shudder which passed over his frame.
I saw her maid looking about the town with the courier, about an hour or two ago, and told them where you were, so just now the courier brought this note for you.
Helen took a day to consider, but her consideration ended in her adopting the plan which was proposed, and though she obtained a courier with a good recommendation, Harry Martin attended her onward into Italy.
There was a difficulty, indeed, in procuring an honest and respectable servant, and her experience of the last courier did not tend to give her any great confidence in that sort of cattle.
Those fellows will do some mischief before they are out of Sorrento," he said; "and that devil of a courier will lead them into no good.
In about half-an-hour the courier returned with the letters.
I believe if an individual, who does not understand German or Flemish, can make the journey from Antwerp to Dusseldorf alone, he may be considered competent to travel all over Europe without a courier or interpreter.
The next paper with which he was connected was the Enquirer, afterwards Courier & Enquirer, in the management of which he was associated with Colonel Webb.
The New-York Courier and Enquirer of the 19th of September gives the following account of his funeral.
The courier Who brings me word of the event at Prague.
They had not remained long in their concealment, when the courier and the escort made their appearance.
In the night a courier arrived from General Greene, to advise them of Rawdon's retreat from Camden, and to urge redoubled activity; and Marion persevered through the hours of darkness in pressing the completion of the works.
Pan Kmita, your grace criticises my age; but I tell you that if ever a courier rushed on with despatches as I shall rush, then command me when I return to unravel old silk, shell peas, or give me a distaff.
Pan Michael sent a courier at once with news to the starosta and the bishop that the mines were destroyed, and the miners cut down by a sortie.
Courier after courier was sent to the King to urge his coming, and at length Alencon rode back to entreat his presence.