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Example sentences for "hour ahead"

  • He was nearly half an hour ahead of the next contestant; though that one appeared to be Felix Wagner, the smart second baseman of the Fairfield nine!

  • Half an hour ahead, you said, Number Eight?

  • A Hickory Ridge scout half an hour ahead of the fleetest of the rival organization!

  • Well, it's an hour ahead of the game," Harry said.

  • Positively," Harry said; "by to-morrow morning that watch will be an hour ahead of time.

  • If that watch isn't at least an hour ahead of time when we sit down to breakfast to-morrow morning, I'll buy you the biggest pie they've got in the city of Cleveland.

  • That is, the clock in the station is an hour ahead of all the other clocks.

  • Practically everywhere else in New York the clocks are an hour ahead.

  • The clock in the station is an hour ahead.

  • And I was like Aunt Hannah's clock, too, always going off half an hour ahead of time.

  • I'm sure, always, I'll tell the right time there, even if I do go off half an hour ahead!

  • Aunt Hannah looks as if she'd like to bring down her clock that strikes half an hour ahead," she said mischievously; but Aunt Hannah did not deign to answer this.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hour ahead" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    always provided; amid the; common discourse; ferric sulphate; franc pieces; galvanised iron; golden brown; greyish white; hour afterward; hour agone; hour and; hour earlier; hour more; hour past; hour they; hour went; hour when; hour will; hours later; moving bodies; national convention; read over; readily soluble; swung round; varied according; your own