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Example sentences for "whereupon"

Lexicographically close words:
wheresoever; wherethrough; whereto; whereunder; whereunto; whereuppon; wherever; wherevnto; wherevpon; wherevppon
  1. You must allow me to accompany you, Jamieson," Mr Weston struck in; whereupon Miss Janet started and the colour left her cheeks.

  2. Man and beast stared hard at each other for some little time, and at length the latter slowly retired backwards, whereupon Hendrik began to reload his gun.

  3. This time every bullet found its billet, and four Caffres bit the dust; whereupon their comrades pulled up, sent a few assegais whistling harmlessly through the air, and then went to the right-about and bolted.

  4. Whereupon Ballard insisted upon taking the bandages off and re-dressing the wound, with the crystal-clear, icy water of the mountain stream for its cleansing.

  5. Something else, also metallic, and weightier than the knife, clicked upon the stones; whereupon Blacklock loosed his strangler's grip and stepped back.

  6. And in any one of the ninety days the water might find its increasing way through the "compost heap"; whereupon the devastating end would come swiftly.

  7. The mate saw him making off with his plunder and shot him, whereupon the other Indians paddled off at top speed, some even leaping from their canoes to swim ashore.

  8. Whereupon you woke and found it was all a dream,' said Tom.

  9. Whereupon his wife informed him that if he was not careful he would simply ruin the boy--and the brief conversation died away of its own accord.

  10. Whereupon we congratulated ourselves upon buying the conductor, as we had the compartment to ourselves.

  11. Whereupon the book I tried to read became a senseless jumble of words and our compartment door became vastly more interesting.

  12. Whereupon I took out a pencil and wrote the translation interlinearly.

  13. We would usually tell them that our kit-bags could hold no more, whereupon they would break down and beg to be taken back to their regiments.

  14. Almost a yeare before, it first tooke her in her throat, as if she had a pyn sticking there, whereupon she strayned herselfe so sore that she got up bloud, and for two dayes was very sicke.

  15. Whereupon the Neighbours wondering at the condition of the Boy, and his rage against the old Woman, and suspecting that she had done him some hurt, Apprehended her, and she was committed to the Prison, which they call the Checker.

  16. Among the Illinois Indians "they made small images to represent those whose days they have a mind to shorten, and which they stab to the heart," whereupon the person represented is expected to die.

  17. The Irish legend of hunters pursuing an animal which suddenly disappears, whereupon a human being appears in its place is found among all the American tribes.

  18. They stole the children of the Indians, and left in their stead the young of their own baneful race, who resembled the stolen children so much that the mothers were deceived and suckled them, whereupon they died.

  19. At one time the people had free intercourse between this "large village" and the American continent, and they founded extensive colonies on this continent; whereupon some mishap cut them off from the mother country.

  20. Whereupon Capitola went down to the parlor, where she found Clara awaiting her presence to give her a kindly greeting.

  21. Whereupon the notary, bowing slightly to his auditors, was about to begin the reading of Herminie's marriage contract, when M.

  22. Whereupon the baron entered, showing his long teeth more than ever in the broad smile his joke had inspired.

  23. Mornand responded ingenuously, whereupon his opponent, with a quick, upward thrust, ran his blade through his antagonist's right arm.

  24. Whereupon our Chief Priests deliberate, what Measures were fittest to be taken to this Purpose.

  25. Whereupon it is to be wish'd, that Arch-Deacon would write, what would be a Pleasure to see, a Vindication of this Story.

  26. Ways to the Pharisees and told them what Things Jesus had done in this pretended Miracle, and how the Business was transacted: Whereupon the Chief Priests and Pharisees were so far incens'd as v.

  27. Whereupon I sent to my old Friend, the Jewish Rabbi, for his Thoughts on this grand Miracle of Jesus's Resurrection, which he gave me some Promise of.

  28. The two exchanged a few words, whereupon the interpreter drew close to Meroë, and said to her in the Gallic tongue: "Caesar asks whether you are a youth or a maiden!

  29. He also whispered a few hurried words to the Moorish slave-girl, until then seated at his feet, whereupon she and the freedman left the tent.

  30. Whereupon all manner of strange things happened in his head and heart and flesh and spirit as he sat there alone, his hands in his pockets, his feet braced against the legs of the stove.

  31. At this the armed men let Master Burnbridge go, whereupon he walked down the aisle, as well as he was able for the crowd, while a goodly number, it might be a hundred, followed him from the church.

  32. How long I stayed I know not, but presently I thought the voices grew louder, whereupon I crept silently forward, until I could hear more plainly.

  33. He sighed deeply, whereupon I asked him if he were in trouble.

  34. My name is Roland Rashcliffe," I said, whereupon he grasped my hand in joy.

  35. I said, whereupon he rubbed his nose against my arm.

  36. Ay," replied mine host, pointing to me, whereupon with a great show of ceremony they came to me.

  37. At this I was silent, whereupon the man went on.

  38. I waited I should think a minute, but no further sound came, whereupon I again repeated the cry of the night bird.

  39. The king gave some commands in a low voice, whereupon she prepared to lead Constance away.

  40. Presently, however, I caught sight of a man who was cutting wood by one of the fences some distance away, whereupon I rode across the fields to the place where he was.

  41. Whereupon he held the candle close to the floor, as if searching for something.

  42. She did not speak in answer to this, whereupon some one whispered to the justice who had spoken, who shook his head impatiently.

  43. Whereupon Moustachio, pointing to the place with his finger, said, 'Something bit me here!

  44. Whereupon the two meanly dressed young men took off their hats, so that the rich tresses of their golden hair fell down over their shoulders, and the light glanced so brightly upon it that the whole hall was illuminated by the shining.

  45. Whereupon the old man replied, 'I went in, but your wife drove me away!

  46. Whereupon he went and told his father what had happened.

  47. Then the apprentice changed from a hare into a falcon, and the greyhound into an eagle; whereupon the apprentice changed into a fish.

  48. Just before evening set in, the princess came out to walk before her father's palace; whereupon the great bird seized her and placed her gently on her outspread wings, and thus carried her off swiftly to the young nobleman's castle.

  49. Whereupon the Mill-turner answered, 'There is no meat!

  50. The frightened waiting-women ran to report to the king what had happened to the princess; whereupon the king immediately let loose all his greyhounds to seize the cat which had been the cause of his daughter being carried off a second time.

  51. Whereupon the king took him as goat-herd, exactly as he had taken before the youngest brother.

  52. Early in 1527 the attention of James Beaton, archbishop of St Andrews, was directed to the heretical preaching of the young priest, whereupon he ordered that Hamilton should be formally summoned and accused.

  53. Léodgard realized what he had forgotten, and hastily placed a gold piece in the messenger's hand; whereupon Bahuchet withdrew with a radiant face, making innumerable protestations of devotion.

  54. Whereupon the official said to him: 'I have ordered the sergeant who was in command of the watch to be sent here.

  55. Valentine did what the little clerk suggested; whereupon he once more rolled up the deed, carefully covered it with the parchment, and, bowing low to the marchioness, left the house without seeing the Marquis de Santoval.

  56. These last words were addressed to the count, who, having pulled the brim of his hat over his eyes, simply moved his head; whereupon the two clerks took their seats at the next table.

  57. Whereupon I would arise and fire a round or so at the distant dots, and then sink down again and resume the sweet poesy, ignoring as much as possible the constant bangings of villainous cordite in my ears, right and left.

  58. Whereupon I bethought me it would be safe to venture up once more, and bring my daughter Waller to the securer custody of my excellent wife.

  59. Whereupon the child did only laugh, and told me, "Here she would abide until the time came.

  60. Whereupon they grew yet more angry, so dark were they of understanding!

  61. Still she refused; whereupon the lieutenant pointed to the man and said, "Sergeants, take him out.

  62. Whereupon they reported this fact to Major Cloud, who informed them that Lieut.

  63. Whereupon Dousterswivel, the time of midnight being near, set fire to a little pile of chips, which instantly burned up with a bright light.

  64. Whereupon the man who had been robbed repeated his statement.

  65. Whereupon Fergus would remark that in that case Flora would be a happy woman.

  66. Whereupon I hastened to keep his Majesty's peace by proposing a compromise.

  67. Affairs were at this pass when Dandie, staggering to his feet, his loaded whip in his hand, managed to come to the assistance of his rescuer, whereupon the two men took to their heels and ran as hard as they could over the moor.

  68. Whereupon Edward borrowed Vich Ian Vohr's seal, and, having despatched his letter, thought no more of the matter.

  69. Whereupon I informed them what would have happened to us thirty years ago if we had ventured to address our parents in such fashion.

  70. Whereupon some of the Highlanders took him by the arms, and half-supported, half-carried him away from the highroad, leaving the unconscious Gifted still stretched on the ground.

  71. Whereupon the first engagement of the campaign was immediately fought out on the carpet.

  72. Whereupon the leader bade him follow his nose over the heath, for that they had nothing to say to him.

  73. Joe Stubley swore that it "was not," whereupon Dick Martin planted his fist on Joe Stubley's nose and laid its growly owner flat on the deck.

  74. In proof of this, as it were, the skipper now stopped all that had been going on, and announced that the real work of the day was going to begin; whereupon the congregation crowded into the hold until it was full.

  75. She came to bed very late, and lay restless and sobbing; whereupon I pressed her to know the cause of her grief, when she told me she had consented to marry Sir Thomas, but that her heart was sorely troubled and full of misgivings.

  76. He was caught one day in the young lady's room by her father; whereupon the irascible old gentleman pitched him unceremoniously out of the window, laming him for life, on the brick pavement below, like Vulcan on the rocks of Lemnos.

  77. Howbeit the twain did give no heed to his words, but did continue to talk lovingly together as before; whereupon he waxed exceeding wroth, and would have laid hands upon the man.

  78. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whereupon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    whereupon quoth; whereupon they