Var and the Basses Alpes, while its northern extremity forms a sharp angle between France and Italy.
The Psalms are sung in alternate verses by two choirs, though invariably by one class of voices, basses or tenors.
He knows everything by heart, and plays wrong basses to them all; he is only deficient in arrogance, for with all his undeniable talent, he is very modest and retiring.
There is not a single portion of any of his Double-Basses that has been carelessly made; the interior is as beautifully finished as the exterior.
The Double Basses of these two makers have much in common to the eye of the not deeply versed examiner.
Footnote 5: Some of his Basses are of exceptionally fine workmanship.
His Double-Basses are splendid instruments, and will bear comparison with Italian work.
The machines on many of his Basses were made by himself--a very unusual circumstance.
He made many good Double-Basses of the Gasparo da Salo form, the varnish on which is superior to that on his Violins.
Double-Basses and Violas the stepping-stones to Violin-making .
Todini is therefore credited with having introduced the method of stringing the Double Bass which led to the conversion of the old Violonos into Double-Basses fitted for modern requirements.
There is a harsh and sinister muttering in the double-basses as Pelléas, startled by a distant sound, cries that they are closing the gates of the castle, and that they are shut out.
The euphonium and bombardon, the basses of the important family of saxhorns, now completely cover the ground of bass wind instrument music.
It was evolved in the sixteenth century from the pommers and bombards: the tenors and basses of the shawm or oboe family.
Among true basses Karyakin possessed a phenomenal voice, but not much culture.
The first apparatus of this type constructed were those now in use at Tampico, Mexico and the Little Basses lighthouse, Ceylon (double flashing).
In the Vatican vocal music only was given, and formerly violins and basses and violas were used in training the choir–boys.
I have since kept up this kind of work, and had made some quartettes and double–basses for the Exposition; but finding nothing novel in all this finished work, I resolved to make something colossal—an octobasse!
At the end of the room, steps and a balustrade, with a harpsichord and double basses on a dais.
In his first version of Athaliah (1733) he had written a duet for Basses for Joad and Mathan.
The "Kyrie" is specially impressive, the chant of the sopranos being answered by the tenors andbasses in unison, and the whole closing with a dirge-like movement by the orchestra.
The basses in vigorous recitative accuse him of blasphemy, and the people break out in an angry chorus ("Now this Man ceaseth not to utter blasphemous Words").
The basses begin, "And when the Lord would take him away;" another brief pause, and the full chorus pictures in vivid color the coming of the fiery chariot and the whirlwind by which he was caught up into heaven.
The variations over ground-basses are marvellously ingenious, but more marvellous than the ingenuity are the charming delicacy and expressiveness of the melodies woven in the upper parts.
Two double-basses give only a semitone, which half a double-bass renders of itself.
But the vigour with which the basses led the "Et resurrexit" was such that the other parts could not choose but follow.
Untrained basses and tenors, unrelieved by a single female voice, are not inspiring.
Meanwhile the men who were sitting in the choir--three basses and two tenors--were beginning to dimly suspect that there was something amiss here too.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "basses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.